Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

3 MARION, CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1941 FIRST AND BEST-AS USUAL Class Meeting Is Conducted at Church A potluck dinner was held by Mrs. W. B. Stephenson's Class of the First Methodist Church Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Earl Padgett, West First street.

During the business session the class planned to give a children's party at the East. Marion Gospel Mission. Mrs. Willard Hiatt, president, was in charge of the meeting. Attending the meeting were Mrs.

W. K. Gardner, Mrs. Edgar McKown. Mrs.

Homer Howard, Mrs. Clayton George, Mrs. Miss Snyder, Anice Mrs. Blue, Mrs. Mildred A.

Vickery, S. Wolf, Mrs. G. Sheron, -Mrs. A.

B. Sheron, Mrs. Ida Leapley, Mrs. W. H.

Showalter, Mrs. Hiatt, Miss Mary Margaret Howard, Mrs. A. B. Quigley, Mrs.

Sam Hawkins, Alice Jane Williams, Montpelier; Mrs. Clark Banter, Mrs. Guy Conrads, Mrs. Harold Powell and Mrs. Woodson Van Brackle.

LUNA NOW! NO. 1 NO. 2 REX Richard ARLEN BELL Andy in DEVINE "LAW AND of the LEAD" Timberland" SUNDAY! "PENNY SERENADE" "UNDER AGE" TRIGNOW! 2-EXCITING-HITS-2 DON "RED" BARRY in "Kansas Cyclone" "The Penthouse Mystery" PLUS! Ralph Bellamy ELLERY QUEEN in SUNDAY! "Charley's Aunt" "Out of the Fog" WILSON HUFFMAN HARTFORD CITY, Dec. 5. -An announcement was made today of the marriage of Miss Jennie Huffman, only daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Cliff Huffman: of this city, and Charles Wilson, also of this city, The double ring ceremony took place on Sept. 30 at Madison. Following the ceremony, the couple left for a short wedding trip through Ohio and Kentucky. Wilson is an employee of the Sneath Glass factory and Mr.

Wilson is employed with the Studebaker Aviation Corp. in Fort Wayne. "At the preent time the couple will reside with the bride's parents at 617 South Jefferson street. Mrs. Murphy Gives Party for Bridge Club Members of the Bid and Bye Club were guests of Mrs.

Devon Murphy, at a home party -on -East- Wednesday Sixteenth Miss Margaret Keyes and Mrs. Gene Coffman were awarded prizes. The following were present; Miss -Keyes, -Miss Elizabeth Summers, Miss Ruth McDaniels, Mrs. Gayle Warnock, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs.

Mark Shaw, Sirs. Robert Crist and Mrs. Murphy. New Officers Elected at Bridge Club Meeting Mrs. Lester Baker was elected president of the Easy Aces Bridge Club at a party Tuesday night at the home of Mrs.

George Ackley. Other leaders chosen were- Mrs. Al Scott, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Bridge Ackley, was after the business meeting, and awards went to Mrs. Beryl Speece, Mrs.

Carl Stephenson, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Scott. Present were Mrs. Harry Wiley, Mrs.

Speece, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. Scott and Mrs.

Ackley. In two weeks the club will be entertained by Mrs. Baker with a Christmas party. Luncheon Meeting Held by M. D.

Club Members A luncheon meeting was held by the M. D. Club Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John Hedrick near Banquo. In the party were the following members: Mrs.

Mabel Johnson, Mrs. Vern Pinkerton, Mrs. Flave Morrow, Glen Kalenbeck, A. C. Plaster of Huntington; Mrs.

Roll Hall, Banquo; Mrs. Rose Coherst, Mrs. Mark Jordan and Mrs. Ernest Schepper. FREE MATINEE SATURDAY! AT THE 3 P.M.

UP.TOWN 3 P.M. GARDENS "Marion's Gay Place" GALA FLOOR SHOW TONIGHT! Mrs. F. H. Leslie Entertains Club Here at Program for Friendship Club Mrs.

C. B. Curry and Mrs. Asher Huff presented the program at the meeting of the Thursday Historical Club Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F.

H. Leslie. The of Mrs. Curry's talk was "Newest Translation of the Bible," and Mrs. Huff discussed the subject, "Hymnology." Bible verses were given for roll call responses.

Mrs. Edmund Kamm of Fort Wayne was a guest and members present were Mrs. F. F. Aldrich, Mrs.

Sam Arnold, Mrs. H. H. Blinn, Mrs. W.

A. Brown, Mrs. Curry, Mrs. J. T.

Gelder, Miss Cora Funderburgh, Mrs. R. M. Hazelett, Mrs. J.

A. King, Mrs. Leslie, Mrs. D. C.

Pence, Mrs. Reece, Mrs. I. H. Reynolds, Mrs.

J. E. Robbins, Mrs. 0. C.

Shaeffer, Mrs. C. H. Wardwell, Mrs. A.

C. Wright, Mrs. E. Darter and Mrs. Huff.

Two Present Lesson Mrs. Harold Smith- -and Mrs. -0. W. Whitmire gave the lesson on gifts for Christmas at the meeting of the Jackson Township Friendship Club recently at the home of Mrs.

Ora Fansler, Mrs. Albert Hayes will be the assistant hostAfter short business session by Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Frank McCombs gave the history of the song of the month. Roll call was answered by Mrs.

Herman Slaughter, Mrs. 0 er Resler, Mrs. Orville Mast. Mrs. Mahala Jackson, Ruth Jackson, Mrs.

Joe Rich, Audra Fansler, Mrs. Russell Quick, Mrs. Albert Hayes, Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. Whitmire, Mrs.

Smith, Mrs. McCombs. Mrs. Harry Arrick and the hostess, Mrs. Fansler.

Guests were Mrs. A. C. Renbarger, Mrs. B.

C. Foltz, and Ronny Arrick. Mrs. Bradford Leads in Session of Club Mrs. Pownell.

Miss Mildred Flinn Announces Program Mrs. Ben Bradford was in charge of the meeting of the Mothers' Study Group of Lincoln School Thursday afternoon at the school. Mrs. Charles Pownell presented the lesson, entitled "Convenient Home." A shower was given for Mrs. Ethel McEwen, principal, who was Miss Ethel Williams before her recent marriage.

Attending were Mrs. Glen Pierce, Mrs. Frank Futrell, Mrs. Anthony. Smith, Mrs.

Ballard BolMrs. Robert Hummell, Mrs. Clyde Sheron, Mrs. Orion Reed, Mrs. Robert Truex, Mrs.

Mildred Holman, Mrs. Jacob Kizer, Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. Bert Wert and Three stories were listed for the children's program to be given Saturday afternoon in the Marion Public Library. Miss Mildred Flinn, librarian, will tell the following stories, beginning at 3 p.

"The Mouse that Didn't Believe in Santa Claus," "Twilight of and "Why Santa. Claus chose the Reindeer." You Should See What Goes On in O' Boy! She Wanted to be Loved in the Tropical Way! BUT it was 8 Boy from Home that Started the Fire in Her Heart! a 'starring ALICE I Week End looking JOHN FAYE for romance! in Havana PAYNE CARMEN fellow! iN TECHNICOLOR! looking for MIRANDA Romero! PLUS! "HAND OF "PERILS OF THE JUNGLE" CESAR INDIANA ROMERO NOW! ENDS SAT. NITE! looking for an out! Jeanette MacDonald, Brian Aherne, Gene Raymond in "Smilin' Through" in Technicolor SOCIAL and PERSONAL Mrs. Elizabeth Michaels, West Fourth street, spent today in Huntington visiting relatives. Mrs.

Laura Smith of Macy is visiting her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Smith and daughters, South. Boots street. Mrs.

Earl Koldyke is reported ill at her home on East Thirtythird street. Miss 'Harriett Rhetts will take part in the Christmas concert to be given Sunday afternoon byl the Indiana University Choral Union in the university's new auditorium. Miss Rhetts is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.

C. Rhetts, Spencer avenue. spent Thursday in Marion Miss Doris Terry, of Muncie with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl- Among those from Marion planning to attend the concert by the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra in Indianapolis.

Saturday night will be Mrs. John- Wharton; Mrs. Kenneth Miss. Sipe, Elsie Miss Margaret Hill Sult. 1.2 and Mrs.

Devon Murphy have moved from West Third street to their new home on East Sixteenth Judson Lander of Cincinnati, sophom*ore at Miami University, has been pledged to the' Sigma Phi Mu, honorary music fraternity. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.

Lander, former Marion residents, Mrs. Edmund Kamm and son of Fort Wayne are spending the week in Marion visiting her sister and family, Dr. and Mrs. Asher Huff. Mrs.

Eugene Hasty, Mrs. Hazel Lowery and Mr. and B. G. Gorrell attended the banquet and reception given by the Degree of Pocahontas at Indianapolis recently.

Mrs. fa*gan has been reported at home on Washington street, from injuries received in a recent fall. SON IS BORN Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Eakins, 423 West Thirtieth street, are the parents of a son born Thursday morning at Marion General Hospital.

The infant was named Russel-J. Mrs. Eakins is the former Miss Luella Wright. ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs.

Ray Laughlin 2102 Dodge avenue, Fort Wayne, are the parents of a seven pound daughter born Thursday at the Medical Center Hospital. Mrs Laughlin is the former Miss Norma Lutz of Marion. MARION GIRL INJURED WHEN STRUCK BY CAR Glendora Phillips, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Phillips, .712 East Thirty-eighth street, was reported recovering at her home today for injuries suffered when she was struck by an automobile near her home.

Adam Deabl, Thirty -eighth and Blair streets, told sheriff officials the girl ran in front of his car. She was treated at Marion General Hospital for bruises. Kappa Sorority Advances Plans for Yule Dance street. Mrs. Edward C.

Hays, president, was in charge of the business session. Further arrangements for Christmas dance were discussed at the meeting of the Tri Kappa sorority Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Robert Caine, South Boots street. The Yuletide event will be held Dec. 26 in the Marion Armory, and Gus Arnheim and his orchestra will provide music from 9:30 p.

m. to 1:30 a. m. Table reservations may be made by calling Mrs. John Groom, and spectators wishing reservations have been asked to contact Mrs.

Harman Goldthwaite. Anyone desiring information concerning the dance may call Mrs. Fred Motsch, 3586-W. Tickets may be purchased from any member of the organization -or at -112 East Fourth Attending the meeting were Mrs. Miss Jean Wilkinson, Mrs.

Caine, John Caldwell, Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Robert Crasher, Mrs. L. Hewitt Carpenter, Mrs.

Harman Goldthwaite, Mrs. Homer Kunkler, Miss Mary Jane Hawkins, Mrs. Hays, Mrs. Allan Mackay, Mrs. Motsch, Mrs.

Arthur Osburn Mrs. A. F. Petersilge, Miss Beryl Lou McCoy, Mrs. Alyn Price, Mrs.

J. H. Pressey, Mrs. J. P.

Rogers, Mrs. Hugh Edward Wilkinson, Miss Suzanne Wilkinson and Mrs. Thomas Whitehead. Summitville day. LaFontaine LAFONTAINE, Dec.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neff and daughter, Anne, have returned from a trip east where they visited their son and brother, Midshipman John Neff, Annapolis and attended the Army Navy game. They also visited Mr. and Mrs.

John P. Neft in East Orange, N. and they spent some time in New York City. Midshipman Neff, who will be graduated Dec. 19 from Annapolis, will report the first of the year for duty on the New Orleans, a heavy cruiser on the Pacific ocean.

Mrs. Clarence Stuber entertained the Thursday Contract Club Thursday. Present were Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Lloyd Green, Mrs.

Walter Stands, Mrs. Orley Cain, Mrs. Claude Martin, Mrs. Max Martin, Mrs. M.

B. Little, Mrs. Robert Milliner, Mrs. Royce Mishler, Mrs. J.

L. Walker, Mrs. Glenn Duffey, Mrs. Fred Young and Mrs. Laura Parker.

Prizes were awarded Mrs. Claude Martin and Mrs. Duffey. Mrs. Dewey Silvers spent Wednesday in Wabash with Mrs.

Sam and Miss Nellie Harnish. Dr. and Mrs. J. L.

Walker attended a medical meeting in North Manchester Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brane and Johnny spent Tuesday in Indianapolis. Clarence Neff was a guest of 0.

M. Drischel at meeting of the Marion Kiwanis Club Tuesday. Suits Filed CIRCUIT COURT Petition of Forest Charles Hockett to establish time and place of birth. L. V.

(Peggy) Perdiue. SUPERIOR COURT Alfred J. Roth VA. F. Stanton Galey et al.

Possession of real estate. John D. Wagoner. H. Churchill' Co.

1s. Forrest P. Sink et al. Complaint on notes. Frederick E.

Robertson and Van Atta, Batton and Harker. George Eddie Taylor vs. Beulah Taylor. Divorce. Williams and Osburn.

Julia DeFord VS. Jason De Ford. Divorce. H. F.

Hardin, Jennie Sloderbeck vs. John Sloderbeck. Divorce. L. V.

(Peggy) Perdiue. More than half the population of the world, estimated st 000,000, is in Asia. SUMMITVILLE, Dec. Honoring the sixteenth birthday anniversary of Miss Joan Hayden a dinner was given at her home on South Main street Teusday evening. A large decorated cake formed the centerpiece on the dining table and she was the recipient of many beautiful gifts.

Those who attended included Miss Barbara Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hayden and the honored guest, Miss Hayden.

Rev. Don Jennings, who underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils Monday, is reported suffering from a blood clot of the throat and improving very slowly. John Norris Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moore Clinton street, returned home Saturday following a year's training in military service at the induction center, Camp Shelby, Miss.

Loy Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, has accepted a position on defense work in Santa Ana, and will leave Sunday to join his wife and son who have been living there for some time. Mrs. Carl Martin was hostess to the regular Home meeting of Economics the Ging- Club ham Gown of Van Buren township at her home northeast of here with an all-day meeting and covered dish dinner served.

Christmas exchange was held for. the members was a feature of the afternoon. Also a candlelight service was given during the installation of the new officers recently elected. Twenty-two members attended. Mr.

and Mrs. Merle Owens and daughter, Joyce Ann, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Athens at Muncie Sunday. Mrs.

John Owens, who spent few days visiting Mrs. Lulu Clark at Yorktown, returned home Mon- 000,000, is in Asia. Study Club Members Hold Yuletide Party Members of the Mothers' Club of the First Church of God held their Christmas party recently at the home of Mrs. Frank Kingery, Contests made up the entertainment, and Mrs. Lyman Moore, Mrs.

Harold, Gardner and Mrs. Waldo Nelson were awarded prizes. Gifts were exchanged. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Otis Pearson, Mrs.

Eva Long, Mrs. Laverne Beach, Mrs. Charles Black, Mrs. Harold Gardner, Mrs. Wayne Burns, Mrs.

Ernest Harvey, Mrs. Russell Mrs. Elva Bragg, Mrs. Brooks Helm, Floyd Taylor, Mrs. Byron Friend, Mrs.

Glen Kingery, Mrs. Albert Crim, Guy Rennaker, Mrs. Ervin Todd, Mrs. Vernon Lewis, Mrs. Stella McQuiston, Mrs.

Grace Dillon, Mrs. Etta Lane, Mrs. Joseph Mendenhall, Mrs. Russell Odle, Mrs. Waldo Nelson, Mrs.

Marcella Mormon, Mrs. Philip Van Osdol, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Jewel Moore, Mrs. Charles Hacker, Mrs.

Ernest Dalton, Mrs. Chester Eastes, Mrs. Felix Cassidy, Mrs. Garl Rennaker, Mrs. Wilbur Brookshire, Mrs.

William Beckley, Mrs. Shuback and Mrs. Frank Kingery. Friends Attend Shower Mrs. Paul Hadley Honoring Mrs.

Paul Hadley, a recent bride, Miss Martha Bibler was hostess to several friends at a shower and party recently at the home of Mrs. Charles Sutton. Mrs. Hadley before her marriage was Miss Mildred Mier. Prizes were awarded to Miss Marciel Maddock and Mrs.

Wanda Hemmick. Guests were Miss Ilene Bibler, Miss Jean McClain, Miss Hemmick, Miss Maddock, Miss Latora Meddock, Miss Mary Parker, Miss Colene Bibler, Mrs. Don Mrs. Hadley and Mrs. DAUGHTER IS BORN Rebecca Sue was the name given to the six-pound daughter born to Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Gunyon, 719 West Seventh street, Thursday night in General Hospital. Mrs. Gunyon- was formerly Miss Mary Callahan. DIES SUDDENLY CLUB PROGRAM IS OUTLINED A varied program has been ranged by the Junior Department Club for 3 p.

m. Saturday in the club rooms of the Rex building. Taking part in the event will be Delores Alice and Ann Gardner, Jane King of Sway- zee; Mary Ann Jones, Jane, honey of Jonesboro and Maxine McGuire, pianists; Janet Sue Ranger, reader; Jo Ann Jones, violinist, and Betty Rose Swisher, VOcalist. Mrs. John Wharton is the sponsor of the organization.

The University of Toronto. is largest school in Empire. December COAT Sale For Clearance Before the coming Holidays and to make room for our many gift up to items we have reduced coats SIZES Children 7-14; Misses 10-20; Women 38-46 We Have a Complete Selection Lingerie, Slips, Robes, Sweaters, etc. -For--Your Christmas Requirements TOP VALUE SHOP 506 South Washington Street H. B.

ELF -ripened, sliced, "pep flavor, extra delicious, meals I ever ready crushed, PINEAPPLE DIES SUDDENLY SOUTH BEND, Dec. 5. (AP) PINEAPPLE Dr. G. Brannan Allen, fifty-three, South physician since 1917, died of a heart attack yesterday.

-A of Fun Thrills That's Terrific! A THUNDERING EPIC OF HEROIC ADVENTURED Pounding Out New Trails Front. or Empire! Hoofs Cans Blasting Now iers 9 Of Freedom! Hearts Beating Ont New Sagas, of Courage! M' Produced worthy mighty prairie. Basking smashing fists! Ir WILLIAM CLAIRE INN FORD GEORGE BANCROFT EDGAR BUCHANAN plus The biggest uproar of entertainment ever blown in by the draft! Laughs at their loudest! Rookies at their rowdiest! JAMES WILLIAM TRACT NOAM BEERY, GLEASON Jr. HAL ROACH JOE ELSE SANTER presents Fred KNOX ANKS A MILLION Salted Artists PARAMOUNT Ends Sat. Nite! "Secrets of Wastelands" "Jesse James st.

-Serial A'.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.