Emma Malfoy (DMF/JAP) (2024)

Emma Narcissa Malfoy (5 June, 1980 - 2 May, 1998) was a British pure-blood witch and the only daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy (née Black). She was the twin sister of Draco Malfoy, she cared deeply for her friends and turns to them when she needs help.

Emma attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1991-1998. She was sorted into Gryffindor House and broke her family's reputation of being in Slytherin. During her years at Hogwarts, she became best friends with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley.

Emma never supported Voldermort's cause so most of the slytherins would bully or pick on her. But Draco would spend a lot of time with her and she was always kind to him even though he was a jerk towards her friends.

Emma was in a relationship with Neville Longbottom but due to other stuff in her life and her crush on Harry, their relationship ended.

Emma got caught in a crossfire during the Battle of Hogwarts and died.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Early Life 1980-1991
    • 1.2 Hogwarts years (1991–1998)
      • 1.2.1 First year
      • 1.2.2 Second Year
      • 1.2.3 Third Year
      • 1.2.4 Fourth Year
      • 1.2.5 Fifth Year
      • 1.2.6 Sixth Year
        • Battle of the Astronomy Tower
        • Funeral of Albus Dumbledore
      • 1.2.7 Seventh Year
        • Battle of the Seven Potters
        • Time at the Burrow
        • Skirmish at Malfoy Manor
        • Dobby's death
        • Stay at Shell Cottage
        • Gringotts break-in
        • Battle of Hogwarts
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Magical abilities and skills
    • 4.1 Magic
  • 5 Possessions


Early Life 1980-1991[]

Emma was born at 9:25 AM on June 5, 1980. As the twin sister of Draco Malfoy, Emma grew up in the prestigious Malfoy Manor, surrounded by wealth and privilege. Despite the elitist environment she was born into, Emma always possessed a kind and compassionate nature.

Emma's early years were mostly spent exploring the sprawling grounds of Malfoy Manor and engaging in imaginary adventures. She would often create elaborate stories in her mind, pretending to be a fierce warrior or a brave explorer. Emma had a vivid imagination and would spend hours lost in her own world.

Although her parents expected her to follow in their footsteps and become a proud member of Slytherin house, Emma had her own ideas.

Hogwarts years (1991–1998)[]

First year[]

"I'm guessing you are Harry Potter? The boy who lived... Right???"
— Emma meeting Harry.

Emma was sorted into Gryffindor and was happy to be in the house and to break her family's reputation of being in Slytherin.

After the sorting she met Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Fred and George Weasley. The day after arriving to Hogwarts, she was always admired by Harry because of her smartness. During class with Professor Flitwick she watched as Hermione successfully raised her feather in the air, something that the other students couldn't do.

After Class, While talking to Hermione, she overhears Ron calling Hermione "a nightmare" it provoked her after Hermione left in sadness then she ran after Hemione, she stayed with her in the girls bathroom until dinnertime.

Harry and Ron were going to the dormitories until they remembered that Hermione and Emma didn't know about the troll and that they were possibly in danger. Emma stayed with Hermione when the troll walked in, she hid but when Harry and Ron came in, She went to help them.

She watched the Quidditch match of Slytherin versus Gryffindor and she cheered when her house won the game.

She helped Harry, Ron and Hermione to stop "Professor Snape" from stealing the philosopher's stone which lead them in different situations to stop "Professor Snape" getting the stone. After the large version of wizard chess, she and Harry went into the next room. Once inside the room, her's attention was drawn to two things: the Mirror of Erised, and Quirrell. Quirrell bound Emma and Harry before explaining that the Mirror was the key to finding the Stone then Quirrell takes Emma hostage. She then sees Harry questioning Quirrell.

Emma sees Harry looking in the mirror then telling Quirrell that he saw himself winning the House Cup, but Voldemort informed Quirrell that Harry was lying, and ordered Quirrell to allow him to speak "to the boy". Quirrell pushed Emma away but she falls over then Quirrell unwrapped his turban, and turned away from Emma and Harry. She saw Voldemort sticking out of the back of Quirrell's head, who demanded that Harry give him the Stone. She saw Harry refused, and Quirrell pushed Emma away from Harry then seized him but contact with Harry's skin burned Quirrell's hands, forcing him to release Harry. Then Emma told Harry that contact causes Quirrell pain so Harry grabbed Quirrell's arm until Quirrell turned to dust. Emma Saw that Harry fainted and made saw if he was alright

At the Feast in the Great Hall. Herself, Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Neville were all awarded extra House Points for bravery and heroism, which won Gryffindor the House Cup. She celebrated with her house then she hugs Harry and everyone else in Gryffindor

Second Year[]

"I can't believe we're back at Hogwarts! I'm glad to be back with my friends."
— Emma

Emma was excited to return to Hogwarts for her second year. She continued to be friends with Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, and the Weasley twins. She also met Ginny and Luna for the first time.

During this year, the Chamber of Secrets was opened and Emma became determined to help uncover the truth and save the school.

Emma was particularly supportive of Harry, as he had been accused of being the Heir of Slytherin.

Third Year[]

"This is going to be a great year, I can feel it!"
— Emma optimistically to her friends

Emma and her friends begin their third year at Hogwarts, excited to continue their magical education. As they settle into their new classes, Emma finds herself drawn to Ancient Runes and Herbology, discovering a talent for both subjects.

During a Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, Professor Lupin introduces the class to the Boggarts. So when it was her turn to confront the Boggart, it took the form of her father disapproving of her choices and disowning her. Emma bravely faced her fear and turned the Boggart into a bunny, much to the amusem*nt of her classmates.

Fourth Year[]

"Can you believe we're already in our fourth year?"
— Time really flies! Emma remarked to her friends

As the Triwizard Tournament takes place at Hogwarts, Emma cheers for the champions who got selected to complete. However, when Harry's name unexpectedly comes out of the Goblet of Fire as a fourth champion, Emma is filled with worry and determination to help him.

Throughout the tournament, Emma researches and investigates ways to assist Harry in the dangerous tasks.

When the third and final task came, Emma couldn't sit still as she nervously waited anxiously along with everyone else for the tri-wizard champion. When Harry came back everyone was cheering, Emma cheered, she then heard Fleur scream and Cedric's father crying. She then saw Cedric's dead body, and then felt a wave of sorrow wash over her.

Fifth Year[]

"I can't believe all the things Harry has been through. We have to support him."
— Emma declared

Emma joined Dumbledore's Army to learn defensive magic and to fight. She participated in secret meetings and actively supported Harry's leadership. She practised diligently, honing her spellcasting skills and perfecting her defensive techniques

Emma spent Christmas with her friends at Headquarters, not wanting to return to her father.

After Christmas Dumbledore's army practices the Patronus charm, Emma struggled at first. She spent a while practising, focusing on happy memories and trying to fill herself with the light and warmth she wanted to project. After much determination and persistence, Emma finally succeeded, as she raised her wand and cast the spell, a soft, white dove appeared, soaring through the air with grace and peace, but the happy moment was ruined after being caught by Umbridge.

Emma is taken to Umbridge's office by a Slytherin who was on the Professor's side she was trying to help the others escape which failed.

She goes with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and Luna to rescue Sirius, upon arriving to the Department Of Mysteries they are met by her father Lucius Malfoy, and her aunt Bellatrix Lestrange.

After the death eaters ambush them, Emma is held hostage by a death eater, Harry is forced to either give up the prophecy or watch all his friends die. The Order comes to their rescue, unfortunately, Sirius is murdered by Bellatrix.

Sixth Year[]

By late 1996, Emmma's twin, Draco joined the Death Eaters, having replaced their incarcerated father. Emma found herself grappling with conflicting emotions over Draco's affiliation with the Death Eaters. She struggled to reconcile the love she had for her brother and her allegiance to her friends. Later in the summer Emma learned thats she had achieved ten O.W.L.s: one 'Acceptable', Two 'Exceeds Expectations', and seven 'Outstanding'.

As Emma returned to Hogwarts for her sixth year, she found herself torn between her loyalty to her friends and her love for her brother. The tension within her grew as she witnessed the dark mark on Draco's arm and the fear in his eyes whenever their paths crossed.

Despite the turmoil in her personal life, Emma threw herself into her studies and extracurricular activities. She excelled in her classes, particularly in Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts, where she showed remarkable skill and determination.

Emma found solace in the support of her friends, who stood by her side through every challenge and triumph. Together, they navigated the growing threats within Hogwarts and the brewing storm outside its walls. Emma's internal conflict reached a boiling point. She knew that a confrontation with Draco was inevitable, and she braced herself for the difficult choices that lay ahead.

Emma and Hermione both disapproved of the Half-Blood Prince's book, partly because some of its spells have a dark nature, but mainly because it allows Harry to outperform them in potions. Three times, Slughorn attempts to invite Harry to one of his Slug Club parties, but Harry avoids them. Throughout the autumn, Harry used Quidditch to dodge Professor Slughorn's Slug Club events, doing this because he disliked the idea and because it was kinder than leaving Ron alone as Emma and Hermione had been invited as well.

In October, during a Hogsmeade visit, Katie Bell was nearly killed after being bewitched to carry a cursed necklace to Dumbledore. Remembering seeing the same necklace in Borgin's shop, Harry voices his suspicions of Draco to Professor McGonagall. But she (like Ron, Hermione and Emma) rubbishes his theory, stating that Draco did not go to Hogsmeade as he had a detention with her, and that there is no proof that he bought the necklace. Harry felt annoyance towards Ron, Hermione and Emma, as they did not back him up.

Emma found herself caught in the middle of escalating tensions between her friends and family. As the Christmas holidays approached, she grappled with conflicting emotions she carried. The Slug Club Christmas party loomed ahead.

Despite her reservations about the event, Emma knew that there was no getting out of the attending the Slug Club Christmas party. She decided to put her personal feelings aside and attend the gathering with her friends.

At the party, Emma found herself in a conversation with Professor Slughorn, who was impressed by her academic achievements and inquired about her plans for the future. Later, after Draco was apprehended "gate-crashing" the party by Filch, Harry learned that Draco was indeed up to something. He also learned that Professor Snape had made the Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa in order to protect him.

Emma then spend christmas at the Burrow, finding comfort and solace in the warm and welcoming home of the Weasley family. But she couldn't shake off the sense of unease that had settled within her. The knowledge of Draco's involvement in dark activities weighed heavily on her mind.

Upon returning to Hogwarts, Emma found herself restless and anxious as the second term began. The tension between her loyalty to her friends and her love for her brother Draco had reached a breaking point. She struggled to focus on her studies and extracurricular activities, constantly feeling torn between conflicting emotions.

One evening, while walking alone by the Black Lake, Emma was approached by Draco. His usually composed demeanor was replaced by a look of desperation and fear. He confided in Emma, revealing the dangerous path he had been forced down by the Dark Lord and the pressure he was under to fulfill a mission that went against everything she believed in.

Emma listened attentively, her heart aching for her brother. She knew that their bond was strong, forged through years of shared memories and experiences. Despite the pain she felt, Emma couldn't abandon Draco in his time of need.

Battle of the Astronomy Tower[]

After a short broomstick ride through the village they landed atop the Astronomy Tower. Once on the tower they discovered that Hogwarts had been invaded by Death Eaters, but Harry's friends Emma, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, and Ginny, who had been ordered by Harry to watch the school lest Draco accomplish his nefarious goal. The D.A. members battled alongside the Order of the Phoenix, on the floor below Harry and Dumbledore, with some help from the remainder of Harry's vial of Felix Felicis. Dumbledore had stopped Harry from fighting and frozen him against a wall with a Full Body-Bind Curse, hidden underneath his Invisibility Cloak, so all he could do was helplessly watch and wait. While waiting Harry witnessed the death of Albus Dumbledore at the hands of Severus Snape.

Dumbledore's body plummeted from the tallest tower at Hogwarts. With Dumbledore dead, Harry was free of the spell that petrified him. He immediately set off after Snape, petrifying a Death Eater and seeking revenge. As the Death Eaters made their way out of Hogwarts Castle and on to the grounds, trying to reach the border where they would be able to Apparate again, Harry pursued and faced off against Snape. Harry tried many times to defeat Snape, even weakly attempting the Cruciatus Curse and Snape's own hand crafted spells, all with no effect. In the process, Snape identified himself as the Half-Blood Prince, and escaped Hogwarts with Draco and the other Death Eaters.

Hagrid found Harry and together they managed to extinguish the fire that burnt Hagrid's hut (caused by Thorfinn Rowle) with the Water-Making Charm. Harry then told Hagrid that "Snape killed Dumbledore", but Hagrid refused to believe him. Harry and Hagrid returned to the castle to find people staring at Dumbledore's crippled and lifeless body. Harry moved forward the base of the Astronomy Tower.

Emma stood frozen in shock as she watched the scene unfold at the base of the Astronomy Tower. The tragic loss of Dumbledore reverberated through the air, sending waves of sorrow and disbelief through the Hogwarts grounds. Her mind raced as she tried to process the events that had transpired.

Harry remembering the locket, took it from Dumbledore's robes. He was absolutely beside himself when he learned it was just a plain bit of jewellery. It was in fact a decoy; there was a note inside the locket that revealed the real Horcrux was taken by someone called 'R.A.B.'. It appeared to Harry that Dumbledore had died in vain and that they had achieved nothing that night. Harry was still processing this information while Ginny escorted him to the Hospital Wing on McGonagall's orders, all the while holding his hand as means of comfort. Later at the end of the year, Harry would inform Emma, Hermione and Ron of the decoy locket.

Funeral of Albus Dumbledore[]

Following the death of Albus Dumbledore, his funeral was carried out. Emma found herself surrounded by a mix of grief, confusion, and determination. The weight of recent events pressed heavily upon her as she stood amongst her friends, each lost in their own thoughts and emotions.

Seventh Year[]

Battle of the Seven Potters[]

Emma came with the Order of the Phoenix to 4 Privet Drive to evacuate Harry to the Burrow before he turned seventeen.

Emma stood by Harry's side, her heart pounding in her chest as they prepared for the dangerous mission ahead. She wasn't one of the people who took Polyjuice Potion to take on Harry's appearance in order to be diversions if they were attacked. Upon leaving, the group was attacked by over thirty cloaked Death Eaters. Emma rode on a broomstick.

As the broomstick soared through the night sky, Emma's heart raced with a mixture of fear and determination. She clutched her wand tightly, ready to defend herself and Harry against any threats that may come their way. The sound of spells being cast and the rush of wind filled her ears, but she remained focused on the task at hand.

When Emma arrived at the Burrow, Harry was relieved to see that Emma, Hermione and Ron were fine, but was shocked when Remus Lupin arrived with George Weasley, who had lost an ear. Everyone else arrived safely, but Alastor Moody who had been murdered by Voldemort and Mundungus Fletcher, who had Disapparated as soon as the fight started. Many amongst those gathered at the Burrow believed that they had been betrayed, but Harry refused to believe any of those he loved would sell him to Voldemort, much to the chagrin of Remus Lupin.

Time at the Burrow[]

Once settled in at the Burrow, Emma, Harry, Ron, and Hermione helped prepare the wedding ceremony of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour. The day before the wedding, the group celebrated Harry's seventeenth birthday. Harry received a watch from Mr and Mrs Weasley, a traditional coming-of-age gift. Ginny also gave him the most passionate kiss they have ever shared.

On 1 August, Emma attended Bill and Fleur's wedding. During the party, Emma looked around the crowded wedding reception, her thoughts drifted to Draco. Memories of their childhood together flashed through her mind, mingling with more recent moments of tension. She couldn't shake the feeling of conflict that tugged at her heart whenever she thought of her twin brother. The reception was interrupted when the Patronus of Kingsley Shacklebolt arrived and announced the fall of the Ministry of Magic and the death of Rufus Scrimgeour. Chaos erupted and guests started to flee.

Skirmish at Malfoy Manor[]

Emma attended her seventh year of Hogwarts that year. During the Easter holidays, Emma and Draco was seen at home in Malfoy Manor. Draco was called upon by his parents and aunt Bellatrix Lestrange to confirm the identities of Harry, Ron and Hermione, who were caught by a group of Snatchers led by Fenrir Greyback, but Draco showed great hesitation in doing so. When Hermione lied to Bellatrix under torture about Godric Gryffindor's Sword, Draco was sent to fetch the goblin, Griphook, from the dungeons to get confirmation of the story, which he did by lying saying it was a fake, but the truth was it was the true sword. Emma went with Draco to the dungeons but she stayed afterwards to help her friends.

In panic as Hermione screamed in pain upstairs, and Ron sobbed at hearing her, Emma felt a surge of protectiveness towards her friends. She knew she had to act fast to help them escape from Malfoy Manor, Harry called out for help — a cry heard by Aberforth Dumbledore through a fragment of a two-way mirror in the cellar. Aberforth sent Dobby the house-elf to rescue the prisoners. Harry had him take Luna Lovegood, Garrick Ollivander, and Dean Thomas to Shell Cottage, while he, Emma and Ron went to rescue Hermione. On the way, they had to fight Peter Pettigrew, whose silver hand strangled him to death when he hesitated to kill Harry, who reminded him that he had once saved his life. A skirmish ensued upstairs, during which Harry took Draco's wand from him, and he, Emma and Ron saved Hermione and Griphook with Dobby's assistance.

Dobby's death[]

As they escaped Malfoy Manor by Apparition, Bellatrix Lestrange threw a silver dagger to where they were Disapparating. Emma was initially relieved to realise she had managed to apparate to Shell Cottage with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Dobby in tow, but was horrified to see the knife protruding from the elf's chest. Harry managed to lie him on the grass, where Dobby collapsed and died in Harry's arms his last words being Harry's name. Luna told him it was better to close his eyes so he'd be sleeping.

Harry decided that he would not dig Dobby's grave with magic, opting instead to do so manually, using a shovel. This was his way of both repaying Dobby's bravery and ebbing his own grief, as his time, effort, and sweat went into the grave.

During the funeral, Luna Lovegood gave a short eulogy to Dobby, and Harry managed to say his final goodbye to one of his most loyal friends.

Stay at Shell Cottage[]

Following the death of Dobby, Harry, Emma, Ron, and Hermione stayed at Shell Cottage for some time. During their stay, trio and Emma formed a plan to break into the Lestrange Vault to obtain the Horcrux within, with the help of Griphook. Due to the fact that Griphook would only help in exchange for Godric Gryffindor's Sword, Harry decided to word his request so that the handover would not take place until after Harry had used it to dispose of the remaining Horcruxes.

Gringotts break-in[]

The trio, Emma, and Griphook left Shell Cottage early on the morning of 1 May to break into Gringotts. Hermione disguised herself as Bellatrix Lestrange, using Polyjuice Potion. The goal was to try and fool the goblins at Gringotts into believing that it was really Bellatrix who was entering the vault. They had Bellatrix's wand that Harry had captured at Malfoy Manor as further proof for the disguise. Ron was Transfigured to look like a foreign wizard named Dragomir Despard, and Harry had Griphook on his shoulders; them both and Emma were under the Invisibility Cloak.

Their plan proceeded reasonably well; Hermione made a convincing Bellatrix, despite a close encounter with a Death Eater named Travers, whose suspicions seemed to be eased and accompanied the group to Gringotts. Two human guards there had Probity Probes that detected concealment charms, and Harry used a Confundus Charm on them to get Hermione passed unchecked. Inside, the Goblins requested Bellatrix's identification. When Hermione hesitated, one nervously said that her wand was sufficient proof, though Hermione claimed it was new. Harry suspected the goblins knew that Bellatrix's wand was stolen and were looking for an impostor.

Griphook told Harry to use the Imperius Curse, he complied and Bogrod then accepted the wand as being correct. Bogrod requested the Clankers, and then led the trio, Griphook, and Travers into a passageway. The door slammed shut, and Harry sent Travers away to hide. Bogrod, still under the Imperius curse, summoned a cart that descended deep within Gringotts. After many twists and turns, the cart passed through Thief's Downfall, a security waterfall that washed away all illusion charms. When the cart overturned and dumped them out, Hermione and Ron had been reverted to themselves. Griphook believed the other Goblins knew they were impostors, but Harry wanted to continue and cursed Bogrod again.

The trio and Griphook found the vault guarded by an aged, half-blind dragon. Griphook subdued it using the Clankers. Hearing pursuit approaching, Harry forced Bogrod to open the vault, which was filled with precious objects. Hermione screamed in pain, and they discovered that the vault's protective charms included the Flagrante and Gemino curses: the contents would multiply and become searing hot every time something was touched. Harry spotted Hufflepuff's Cup, the Horcrux, but it was out of reach. Hermione levitated Harry by the ankle and he snagged the cup by using Gryffindor's sword, as to not be burned by the metal. Meanwhile, Emma, Hermione, Ron, Griphook and Bogrod all struggled to stay above the searing-hot rapidly multiplying objects below.

As Harry was setting himself down, he dropped both the sword and the cup. Griphook grabbed the sword, and flipped Hufflepuff's cup up into the air. Harry caught it, ignoring the searing heat. Borne by a treasure avalanche spilling from the now-opened vault, Griphook ran off with Gryffindor's sword, yelling that thieves were in the vault. Harry, Emma, Hermione, and Ron hurled curses at the goblin throng. Harry released the half-blind dragon and the four jumped on its back. The freed dragon took flight, and the four blasting holes into the ceiling for it to fly through as they made their escape.

Battle of Hogwarts[]
"We're in this together until the very end. We'll fight for a better future, and we'll make sure it's worth it."
— Emma

A vision from Voldemort helped Harry realise that the third Horcrux, whilst unbeknownst to him at the time, Ravenclaw's Diadem, remained at Hogwarts. Emma, Harry, Ron, and Hermione set out on their final mission to return to the school and obtain the diadem, inadvertently tripping the Caterwauling Charm upon Apparating to Hogsmeade and thereby alerting the waiting Death Eaters to their presence. Due to the trio + Emma being under the Invisibility Cloak, however, the Death Eaters resorted to unleashing Dementors into the streets to try to force the intruders out of hiding.

Having no choice, Harry conjured his Patronus to protect himself and his friends, automatically giving away their position and confirming their identities (the Death Eaters having been pre-warned that Harry Potter's Patronus took the form of a stag). As Death Eaters began to close in on the still invisible trio, Aberforth Dumbledore emerged from the Hog's Head, hurriedly telling the three to enter his pub. While Emma, Harry, Ron, and Hermione did so, Aberforth remained outside, proclaiming to the Death Eaters that it was he who tripped the alarm (by letting his cat out) and conjured the Patronus to ward off the Dementor threat; mockingly contradicting a Death Eater, saying that what he had seen was a goat Patronus rather than a stag. The incensed Death Eaters believed this and retreated.

After Aberforth re-entered his pub and home, he scolded them for coming to Hogsmeade advising them to leave the country. After Harry engaged in a brief and fierce argument with him, he led the grateful trio directly into Hogwarts through a secret entrance behind the portrait of his deceased sister, Ariana Dumbledore. Neville Longbottom (acting as their escort) then guided them into the Room of Requirement, where they were enthusiastically greeted by the reconstituted Dumbledore's Army; most of which were beaten and bruised, yet ready to fight the Death Eaters controlling the school. Harry tried to tell them that he, Emma, Ron, and Hermione only returned to find something, but Neville contacted other allies with a call to arms.

Harry hesitantly asked the room at large if they had ever heard of any sort of legendary artefact belonging to one of the Founders of Hogwarts. Luna Lovegood then elaborated on the fabled Diadem of Ravenclaw, pronouncing that a statue in Ravenclaw Tower depicted Rowena Ravenclaw wearing a diadem.

On 2 May, Lord Voldemort upon arrival at Hogwarts, demanded that the school turn over Harry, and the Battle of Hogwarts began.

The Battle of Hogwarts raged on with spells, curses, and hexes flying in every direction. Emma stood by Harry's side, her wand raised in defense as they fought against the Death Eaters who had infiltrated the school. The air was thick with tension and the sounds of battle, but amidst the chaos, Emma's resolve remained unshaken.

Emma, Harry, Ron, and Hermone quickly headed for the Room of Requirement where Harry remembered seeing the Diadem the previous year. However, Draco, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle ambushed them. After a skirmish, the entire room was destroyed by the cursed fire Crabbe unleashed but could not control. Harry managed to fly himself and Draco out, while Emm, Ron and Hermione grabbed Goyle, but Crabbe perished in the flames that also destroyed the diadem. With one Horcrux remaining, Emma, Harry, Ron, and Hermione continued their pursuit of Nagini, but before they could go search for it, they witnessed the death of Fred Weasley. This incensed Ron, Harry and Emma, but Hermione reminded them that only they could finish Voldemort and that to obtain the final Horcrux they would have to do their share of fighting.

As the fighting intensified, Emma caught sight of Draco on the battlefield, his face twisted in a mixture of fear and determination. Their eyes met for a brief moment, a silent exchange of understanding passing between them. Despite the darkness that had clouded their relationship, Emma couldn't help but feel empathy for her twin brother.

Draco's heart clenched as he saw Emma dueling fiercely against a Death Eater. Despite the chaos and destruction surrounding them, Emma's face remained a portrait of determination and bravery. Draco was torn between the loyalty to his family and the love he held for his twin.

In a split second, Draco saw a flash of green light and heard a chilling scream. Time seemed to stand still as he watched in horror as Emma fell to the ground, her wand slipping from her grasp. The world around him blurred as he rushed towards her, the sounds of the battle fading into the background.

Kneeling beside Emma, Draco cradled her in his arms, his hands shaking as tears welled up in his eyes.


Emma has long, flowing blonde hair and grey eyes. She has a fair complexion and a gentle smile that radiates warmth and kindness.

In terms of fashion, Emma's style perfectly reflects her practical and down-to-earth nature. She opts for comfortable clothing that allows her freedom of movement, never compromising on functionality. Emma always manages to add a touch of elegance to her outfits whether it's a dainty silver necklace or a pair of intricately designed earrings.


Emma is known for her kind and compassionate nature. She values empathy and always goes out of her way to make others feel accepted and supported. She believes in the power of acts of kindness and is often seen lending a helping hand to those in need. Emma has a strong sense of justice and fairness, and she stands up for what she believes in, even if it means going against the popular opinion.

Despite being raised in a family known for their pure-blood beliefs, Emma has always had a more open-minded and inclusive perspective. She believes in the importance of equality and treating everyone with respect, regardless of their blood status or background. Emma strongly disagrees with her family's views on blood purity and strives to challenge those beliefs whenever possible.

She is not afraid to stand up for what is right, even when faced with adversity or danger. Emma is fiercely loyal to her friends and will do anything to protect them. Despite her kindness and compassion, Emma can be quite headstrong and independent. She has a strong sense of self and doesn't easily sway to peer pressure or conform to societal expectations.

Magical abilities and skills[]


Emma was a powerful and talented witch from a young age and possessed a natural affinity for magic, excelling in both theoretical knowledge and practical application. Her spellcasting was precise, showcasing a deep understanding of magical theory. She was particularly skilled in defensive magic, able to cast complex protective spells with ease.

  • Love: She deeply cared for her friends and was willing to sacrifice herself to protect them. Her love and loyalty were her greatest strengths, fueling her determination in the face of danger. She also deeply cares for her brother and would go to great lengths to understand and support him, even in the midst of conflicting loyalties.
  • Dueling: Emma was a skilled duelist, able to hold her own in combat. Her quick thinking and strategic mindset made her a formidable opponent, especially when fighting to protect those she cared about.
  • Healing: Emma had a talent for healing magic, possessing a gentle touch and a calming presence that aided in her ability to mend wounds and injuries. She was often sought out by her friends for help in times of need, using her magical prowess to ease pain and promote recovery.
  • Charms: Emma excelled in charmwork, mastering a wide array of spells that ranged from simple levitation charms to complex enchantments. Her attention to detail and precision in spellcasting made her charms exceptionally effective, whether used for practical purposes or in moments of duress.
  • Transfiguration: Emma displayed a natural aptitude for transfiguration, seamlessly transforming objects and creatures with finesse and skill. Her ability to manipulate the fundamental properties of objects showcased her deep understanding of transfiguration magic, allowing her to achieve remarkable feats of transformation.
  • Potions: Though not her strongest suit, Emma showed proficiency in potion-making, carefully following instructions and experimenting with ingredients to create effective concoctions. Her dedication to mastering the art of potion-making led to her producing potions of high quality and potency.
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts: Emma dedicated herself to learning defensive spells and techniques, honing her skills to protect herself and others from dark forces. Her determination to stand against evil made her a formidable opponent in the battle against darkness.
    • Patronus Charm: Emma successfully cast the Patronus Charm, conjuring a powerful protective Patronus in the form of a white dove. Her ability to channel positive emotions and memories into the spell showcased her inner strength and resilience.
  • Ancient Runes: Emma developed a keen interest in Ancient Runes, delving into the ancient language and symbols to unlock their hidden meanings and magical properties. Her dedication to studying Ancient Runes expanded her magical knowledge and deepened her understanding of magical history and culture.
  • Herbology: Emma found solace in Herbology, cultivating plants and herbs with care and precision. Her green thumb and botanical knowledge made her adept at identifying and nurturing magical plants, using their properties for healing, potion-making, and magical enhancement.
  • Empathy: Emma's empathy and compassion towards others allowed her to connect on a deep emotional level, understanding their fears, hopes, and struggles. She offered a listening ear, a comforting presence, and unwavering support to those in need.
  • Resilience: Emma demonstrated remarkable resilience and inner strength, able to bounce back from setbacks, face adversity with courage, and remain steadfast in her convictions. Her resilience was a source of inspiration and motivation for those around her.


  • Wand: Emma's wand was crafted from a apple wood, with a core of unicorn hair. It was intricately carved with delicate floral patterns along the handle. The wand was manufactured by Garrick Ollivander.
  • Diary: Emma kept a diary where she documented her thoughts, feelings, and adventures. The pages were filled with her musings and sketches, capturing moments of joy and reflection.
  • Quill and Ink: Emma always carried a quill and a bottle of ink with her, ready to jot down notes or doodle in her diary. The quill had a feathered tip, a reminder of her love for magical creatures and nature.
  • Silver Bracelet: A delicate silver bracelet adorned Emma's wrist, a gift from Draco on their sixteenth birthday. The bracelet was engraved with intricate patterns and charms, each symbolizing a cherished memory or sentiment.
  • Intricately designed earrings: Emma owned a pair of intricately designed earrings that were a gift from her mother. The earrings were adorned with small sapphires and emeralds, adding a touch of elegance to her everyday attire.
  • Dress robes: Emma wore a set of dress robes while attending the Yule Ball in 1994. They were made of a floaty, red material.
  • Gryffindor Scarf: Emma treasured her scarlet and gold Gryffindor scarf, a symbol of her house pride and loyalty to her friends. The vibrant red and yellow colours of the scarf reminded her of the unity and camaraderie she shared with her fellow Gryffindors.
  • Photo Album: Emma treasured a photo album filled with captured memories of her adventures with her friends at Hogwarts. The album was a reminder of the bond she shared with Harry, Hermione, Ron, and the rest of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Enchanted Music Box: Emma owned an enchanted music box that played a soothing melody whenever opened. The music box was a gift from Neville as a symbol of their shared love for music and magical melodies.
Emma Malfoy (DMF/JAP) (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.