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LeSSON 1 Anatomy of a Humpback Whale

Lesson at a Glance Students brainstorm what features a marine mammal needs to survive in a marine environment. They role-play as humpback whales to learn how whales are designed for life in the ocean. Students label the externalbody features on a diagram of a humpback whale, and create anatomically correct humpback whale models.

Lesson DurationTwo 45-minute periods(Optional activities require an additional 45-minute period)

Essential Question(s)How do the body structures of humpback whales allow them to functionin a marine environment?

Key Concepts• Humpback whales have special body features that enable them to survive in marine environments.• Humpback whales are large marine mammals that depend on specifi c environmental conditions to survive. • This type of whale must migrate between the cold, productive waters of Alaska where they feed, and the warm, protected waters of Hawai‘i where they give birth.

Instructional Objectives• I can identify the major body features of a humpback whale and explain the function of each feature in helping the whale to survive in a marine environment. • I can describe the environmental conditions humpback whales need to survive as marine mammals.• I can use verbal skills in group activities in order to collaborate on a task.

Related HCPS III Benchmark(s):

Science SC. 3.5.1Describe the relationshipbetween structure andfunction in organisms.

Language Arts LA.3.6.1Use oral language toobtain information,complete a task, andshare ideas and personalopinions with others.

Language Arts LA.3.7.1Add concrete details andspecifi c facts to supportand develop ideas whenspeaking

Math MA 3.3.3Estimate the results ofwhole-number computations


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Assessment Tools

Benchmark Rubric:

Topic Unity and Diversity

Benchmark SC.3.5.1 Describe the relationship between structure and function in organisms

RubricAdvanced Proficient Partially Proficient NoviceClassify the structures of organisms according to their function

Describe the relationship between structure and function in organisms

Identify the relationship between structure and function in an organism

Recall that structures in organisms are related to the functions they perform

Topic Discussion and Presentation

Benchmark LA.3.6.1 Use oral language to obtain information, complete a task, and share ideas and personal opinions with others

RubricAdvanced Proficient Partially Proficient NoviceUse creative oral language to obtain information, complete a task, and share ideas and personal opinions with others, in a highly effective way

Use oral language to obtain information, complete a task, and share ideas and personal opinions with others

Use typical oral language that sometimes aids in obtaining information, completing a task, or sharing ideas and personal opinions with others

Use inappropriate oral language that does not aid in obtaining information, completing a task, or sharing ideas and personal opinions with others

Topic Meaning

Benchmark LA.3.7.1 Add concrete details and specific facts to support and develop ideas when speaking

RubricAdvanced Proficient Partially Proficient NoviceAdd concrete details and specific facts to support and develop ideas when speaking, in a highly effective way

Add concrete details and specific facts to support and develop ideas when speaking

Add obvious or trivial details and facts that partially support and develop ideas when speaking

Add vague details and irrelevant facts that do not support and develop ideas when speaking

Topic EstimationBenchmark MA.3.3.3 Estimate the results of whole-number computationsRubricAdvanced Proficient Partially Proficient NoviceConsistently make appropriate estimates of the results of whole-number computations using an estimation strategy

Usually make appropriate estimates of the results of whole-number computations using an estimation strategy

Sometimes make appropriate estimates of the results of whole-number computations using an estimation strategy

Rarely make appropriate estimates of the results of whole-number computations using an estimation strategy

Assessment/Evidence Pieces

Lesson• Worksheet: Diagram and Group Presentation Self-Assessment


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Materials Needed (NOTE: Optional Extended Activities Materials are not listed.)

Teacher Class Group Student• Method to present


• PowerPoint Anatomy of a Humpback Whale

• 50 ft of twine or thick string

• Spool of same string or twine

• Piece of twine cut to length of average student height

• Sheet of notebook paper

• Sheet of drawing paper

• Whale Anatomy Cards

• Worksheet: Anatomy of a Humpback Whale Diagram

• Scissors

• Tape or glue

• Ruler

• Pencil

• Black marker

• Crayons or colored pencils

Instructional Resources PowerPoint Presentation: Anatomy of a Humpback WhaleStudent Reading: Whale Anatomy CardsTeacher Answer Key: Whale Anatomy CardsStudent Worksheet: Anatomy of a Humpback Whale Teacher Answer Key: Anatomy of a Humpback Whale Self Assessment: Diagram and Group PresentationExtension Activity: Teacher Reading: Humpback Holoholo: Guided Imagery and Behavior

Choreography Teacher Guide Extension Activity: Teacher Reading: Humpback Holoholo: Building the Class Whale Teacher Guide

Student Vocabulary Wordsadaptations: special traits that help living organisms survive in a particular environment.anatomy: the physical structures of organisms. baleen: overlapping plates that hang from the sides of a humpback whale’s upper jaw; used for feeding.blowholes: the hole(s) on top of the whale’s head used for breathing.blubber: the thick, insulating layer of fat of most marine mammals. cetacean: a marine mammal in the Order Cetacea, including whales, dolphins, and porpoises.dorsal fin: the small fin on the back of the whale used for balance in the water.flukes: the two lobes of a whale’s tail.marine mammal: mammals that live in the ocean.pectoral fins: the two paddle-shaped front limbs of whales, used for steering and stopping.peduncle muscle: the powerful tail muscle the whale uses to swim through the water.rostrum: the large, flat upper jaw of the whale.splashguard: the raised area in front of the blowholes that prevents water from pouring into the blowholes when the whale breathes; also called a blowhole crest.tubercles: knobs on the head and jaws of some humpback whales.ventral pleats: long folds in the skin under the mouth that expand when the whale takes in large amounts of water and food.


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Lesson Plan

Lesson Preparation• Read the Science Background provided in the Unit’s Overview.

• Copy the Whale Anatomy Cards onto card stock. Laminate (if desired), and cut into individual cards. [Suggestion: You may copy the Whale Anatomy Cards on copy paper and cut and paste them onto cardstock before laminating them.]

• Set up computer projector to display Anatomy of a Humpback Whale PowerPoint presentation.

• Make copies of Anatomy of a Humpback Whale Diagram (one per student).

• Extension Activity: Make a copy of Humpback Holoholo: Building the Class Whale Teacher Guide.

• Extension Activity: Make a copy of Humpback Holoholo: Guided Imagery and Behavior Choreography Teacher Guide.

• Extension Activity: Select an open area (playground, field, or gymnasium) with plenty of space for the whole class to move around (role-play activity).

I. Land to Sea, Mammals Like Me A. Begin the lesson by asking students to Pair-Share the characteristics of humans that make us mammals.

Record students’ responses on chart paper.

B. Review mammal characteristics with the class. Key characteristics that should be identified with students include: 1. mammals are warm-blooded (must maintain a certain body temperature), 2. breathe air with lungs 3. give birth to live young, and nurse their young with milk, and 4. they have hair or fur.

C. Return to the list created by the class and ask students to again Pair-Share and brainstorm the activities people do to survive. Have students list their survival behaviors on a piece of notebook paper. Encourage students to use the list of mammal characteristics to help them think of their needs. Here are some examples: eat food, drink water, breathe oxygen, stay at the right temperature, care for babies, avoid danger, and communicate with others.

D. Have students share their list of behaviors with the class and get students thinking about the physical and behavioral adaptations that enable us to survive. For example, if a student states that people need to eat food, ask the student to explain the adaptive physical features needed to find, prepare, and eat the food.

E. Read the following imaginary scenario aloud to the class:

You are marine biologists studying the ocean. One day, you learn that your best friend has become a marine mammal.

F. Ask students to brainstorm their friend’s survival needs and the adaptations needed to survive in the marine environment. Remind students that adaptations need to be consistent with characteristics of a mammal. Introduce the following concept: Adaptation plays a major role in the evolution of species. An adaptation is a characteristic or trait that enables an organism to survive in its environment. An adaptation can only occur if there is variety within the offspring of a species.

G. Provide students with drawing paper to illustrate these features. Have students also create captions to explain the features of this new mammal and how these features help it to survive in the marine environment.

H. Lead a class discussion to help students share their illustrations, explain the changes they made to transform their friend into a marine mammal, and reiterate the role of adaptation in evolution.


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II. How big is a humpback whale really?

A. Bring students to a school hallway or nearby fi eld and tape or tie down one end of the string.

B. Tell the students that you are going to unravel the spool of twine and when they think you have reached the point where the twine is the length of a humpback whale, they should tell you to stop.

C. Walk from the start point, when the fi rst student says, “stop,” and ask the class, “Does everybody agree?” If they don’t agree, ask “Why not?”

D. Continue this process until the class reaches a consensus and no more twine is unraveled. Pull out the 50 ft piece of twine, announce that your string is the average size of a humpback whale, and lay it down next to the class consensus string. Have students fi gure out how far off their guess was from the actual average size of a humpback whale.

E. Show students the piece of twine cut to the length of the average student height. Ask them to guess how many students laying head to foot (how many of those strings) it would take to equal the length of a humpback whale.

F. Perform the math and how far off their estimate was from actual.

III. PowerPoint Presentation and Discussion

A. Tell the students that the class will be focusing on a marine mammal that visits the islands every year.

B. Share with them that they will learn about the humpback whale and how humpback whales are adapted to survive the marine environment by participating in a presentation.

C. Distribute the Whale Anatomy Cards equally among the groups. (Some groups may have more than one card depending on class size.) Tell the students they will be explaining the humpback whale body feature described on the card to the class during the PowerPoint presentation.

D. Ask each group to read the information on the card, discuss with their group how to present the information to the class, and determine a way to role-play the function of their assigned humpback whale body feature.

E. Allow 15–30 minutes for the groups to discuss and prepare presentations.

F. Provide each student with a copy of the Anatomy of a Humpback Whale Diagram. Ask the students to label each feature on the diagram as it is discussed during the presentation. This will be their note sheets.

G. Begin the PowerPoint presentation. Ask each group to present their information as the slide with their assigned humpback whale body feature is displayed. Have the students in the audience stand up and role-play the function of each whale adaptation as it is displayed by the group presenting. Refer to the Teacher Background for a list of the PowerPoint slides and summary of the Humpback Whale Anatomy Information cards.

H. After the last PowerPoint slide and presentation, review each humpback whale feature with the class, and have them check their diagrams to ensure each feature is labeled correctly.


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Extended Activities

I. Humpback Holoholo: Role-play Activity

This activity is modifi ed from MARE Ocean Immersion: Grade 5 curriculum activity, Whale with Class: Becoming the Whale.

A. Teacher should review all pages of the Teacher and Student worksheets before beginning the activity.

B. Review the behaviors of humpback whales in the Alaskan and Hawaiian environments, and the function of some humpback features.

C. Have the whole class do the activity together, to prepare them for the activities separately.

D. Tell the students that they are going to build the structure of one giant humpback whale with the entire class. Each student will take on the role of a particular body feature. They must work cooperatively as a group to role-play behaviors of humpback whales in the marine environment by leading the students in an interactive role-play activity.

E. Take the students to an open area (playground, fi eld, or gymnasium) with plenty of space to move around. Assign each student a body feature to role-play. Modify the positions as needed for number of students in the class. Extra students can take the role of krill and small fi sh during the feeding behavior role-play.

F. Build the class whale one structure at a time, starting with the head. Have the students role-play and describe the function of each body feature as the class whale is assembled. Refer to Humpback Holoholo: Building the Class Whale Teacher Guide for descriptions on how to position the students.

G. Take the students on an imaginary journey from Alaska to Hawai‘i, and have the class play the role of the whale behaviors you describe, one at a time. Allow students time to work cooperatively to solve problems and communicate how to move together as a group to role-play each behavior. Refer to Humpback Holoholo: Guided Imagery and Behavior Choreography Teacher Guide for suggestions on describing and role-playing humpback whale behaviors. The fi rst two behaviors practice swimming and turning to get the students working together and communicating between body features.

H. After the activity, ask the students to complete a Humpback Holoholo Refl ection.


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II. Whales-to-Scale

(Adapted from Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary’s (HIHWNMS) Integrated Humpback Whale Activities, Whales to Scale: Student Activity 2.) Students visualize how big humpback whales are by making a life-size drawing of an adult humpback whale and a calf.

A. Select a safe location outdoors with a large paved area.B. Provide a gridded picture of the humpback whale and a calf. (1 inch = 5 feet)C. Using chalk and a tape measure or yardsticks, have the students create a 50- by 30-foot grid on the

pavement, with each grid box measuring 5 feet by 5 feet.D. Ask the students to use different colored chalk to draw the life-sized humpback whale and calf, box

by box, using the gridded picture of the whales with the overlaid grid as a guide. (The adult whale is about 45 feet long, and the calf is approximately 15 feet long.)

III. Feature ID Game

A. Use the Whale Anatomy Cards to assess learning by dividing students into two teams. Team A lines up on one side of the classroom; Team B lines up on the other side. Set up a table in the middle of the classroom with several sets of the Whale Anatomy Cards randomly placed on the table, with the name of the body feature facing up. Read the function of a body feature. When you say, Go!, the fi rst student in line from each team will step up to the table to fi nd the correct body feature that matches the description.


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1 A


my o

f a H



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- Teach

er A


er K


Grade 3 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Pages 8-9


y of a Hum

pback Whale

Teacher Answer Sheet

Directions: Label the body features of the hum

pback whale using the example provided.


4. 5.








11 9.



Pectoral Fins

Ventral Pleats





(Blowhole crest)

Ear slit



Dorsal Fin


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1 A


my o

f a H



ack W



e ______________ _____________

Date ______________

Directions: Label the body features of the hum

pback whale using the exam

ple provided.


y of a Hum

pback Whale

Directions: Label the body features of the hum

pback whale using the example provided.


4. 5.








11 9.


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Self Assessment: Diagram and Group Presentation yes No

1. Did you label each humpback whale body feature correctly? ___ ___

2. Are your labels neat and easy to read? ___ ___

3. Identify 3 physical features of a whale and describe how each feature helps the whale survive: ________________________________________________________________________




4. How I helped my group the most: ____________________________________________


5. How I can help my group more next time: ______________________________________


6. What I still have questions about or don’t understand: _____________________________




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LeSSON 1 Teacher Answer Key

WHALe ANATOMY CARDS[Note: These are smaller versions of the student version of the Whale Anatomy Cards]


• The bodies of humpback whales are streamlined, or torpedo-shaped, to help them glide smoothly and easily through the water.

• Humpback whales are black on the dorsal, or upper side, and mottled white and black on the ventral, or underside.

• The average length of a humpback whale is 45 feet, and average weight is approximately 90,000 pounds (45 tons).

Cool Fact: A humpback whale’s skin feels like smooth, wet rubber. The outer layer of skin actually absorbs water, which helps the whale move smoothly through the ocean.


• Humpback whales have a thick layer of fat, called blubber.

• Blubber helps whales stay warm in Alaska’s cold waters. It also makes whales buoyant, which helps them to float and not sink in the water.

• Blubber is where whales store food to give them energy when they migrate to Hawai‘i where no food is available.

Cool Fact: A humpback whale’s blubber is 8- to 12-inches thick.


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• Baleen whales do not have teeth. They have baleen plates hanging down from both sides of their long upper jaws.

• Humpback whales use baleen to feed. They gulp in large amounts of water, and use baleen to filter out small prey, such as krill and small fish.

• Baleen plates overlap, and the lower edges are frayed (like frilly plastic hair). This helps the whale trap large amounts of prey.

• Humpback whales have between 270 and 400 pairs of baleen plates. Each baleen plate is approximately 2–3 feet long.

Cool Fact: Baleen is made out of a strong and flexible material called keratin. This is the same material our fingernails are made of.


• Humpback whales have the longest pectoral fins of all whales. They are 15 feet long, which is 1/3 of their whole body length.

• Pectoral fins are mostly white underneath, with bumps along the front edge. Pectoral fins are also called flippers.

• Humpback whales use their paddle-shaped pectoral fins for steering and stopping in the water while swimming. They can turn very quickly with their long pectoral fins.

Cool Fact: The humpback’s scientific name, Megaptera, means Big Wings, named so because of their really long pectoral fins.


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• The humpback whale’s dorsal fin is located about 2/3 of the way down its back.

• It is pointed and approximately 12 inches tall, which is very small compared to the size of the whale’s body.

• The dorsal fin is used for balance in the water. It helps the whales to stay upright as they swim through the ocean.

Cool Fact: Scientists take pictures of dorsal fins to help identify whales. The dorsal fin of each whale has different shapes, color patterns, and scar markings.


• Flukes are the whale’s tail. Each side of the tail is called a fluke.

• A humpback whale’s flukes are approximately 15 feet across. That is 1/3 their whole body length.

• Whales move their powerful flukes up and down to propel themselves through the water. Humpbacks can swim up to 20 mph, but usually swim a lot slower (between 8–13 mph).

• Flukes do not have bones. They are made of muscle and other tissues.

Cool Fact: Each humpback whale has different flukes, just like people all have different fingerprints. Researchers look at the patterns on the underside of flukes to name and study individual whales.


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• The large upper jaw or snout of the whale is called the rostrum.

• It is flat, and tapers to a point. This makes the shape of the head streamlined to help the whale move easily through the water.

• The rostrum is bumpy and often has barnacles attached to it.

Cool Fact: Humpback whales do not have a neck.


• The peduncle muscle is the last third of the whale’s body, located between the dorsal fin and the flukes.

• This powerful muscle is used to move the tail up and down for swimming.

• A humpback whale arches its peduncle when getting ready to dive down. This looks like a hump on the back of the whale, which is how the humpback whale got its common name.

Cool Fact: The peduncle muscle is the strongest muscle in the entire animal kingdom.


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• Tubercles are golf ball-sized bumps on a humpback whale’s upper and lower jaws.

• Each tubercle has a half-inch long hair, called a vibrissa.

• Scientists are not sure why humpbacks have tubercles, but think they are used to sense temperature and vibrations in the water.

Cool Fact: Humpbacks are the only whales with tubercles.


• Ventral pleats are long grooves on the underside of the whale’s throat that run from the chin all the way to the navel.

• Ventral pleats allow the whale to expand its mouth three times its normal size during feeding. This helps the whale to capture large amounts of food in one giant gulp.

• Humpback whales have 12–30 ventral pleats.

Cool Fact: Male humpback whales gulp in water to expand their ventral pleats. This makes them look larger and more impressive when competing with other males in the breeding grounds.


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• Blowholes are the whale’s nostrils. They are located on top of the whale’s head near the center.

• Whales use blowholes to breathe air at the surface of the water.

• Baleen whales have two blowholes. Whales and dolphins with teeth instead of baleen only have one blowhole.

• When a whale comes to the surface to breathe, it opens its blowholes, exhales to clear out any leftover water, inhales a large breath of air, then snaps the blowholes closed tightly before diving under again.

• The raised area in front of the blowholes is called a splashguard. The splashguard prevents water from pouring into the blowholes when the whale breathes.

Cool Fact: Humpback whales exhale at a speed of 300 miles per hour. Air is forced from the blowholes so fast, that it creates a fountain of mist up to 15 feet high. The fountain of mist is called a blow or spout.


• A humpback whale’s eyes are located on either side of the head, just above the end of the mouth line.

• The eyes are about the size of a large orange and bulge out from the whale’s head. This helps the whale to see in all directions without moving its head.

• Humpback whales can see above the surface of the water as well as they can underwater, approximately 400 feet. Special glands produce a thin layer of fat to cover the eye to protect it from saltwater.

Cool Fact: Humpback whales have brown eyes with a kidney-shaped pupil.


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• A humpback’s ears are located just behind and below its eyes.

• The ears do not stick out; they are internal (on the inside of the whale). This helps to keep the whale’s body streamlined to move easily through the water.

• The opening to the ear is a very small slit, about a half-inch long. The ear slit is small to help keep water from pouring into the ear.

• Humpback whales depend on their excellent hearing to find food, avoid danger, and locate other whales and objects in the water.

Cool Fact: Scientists estimate how old a humpback whale is by looking at its earwax. They remove the plug of earwax and count the layers of wax. The layer built up while the whale is in Alaska (feeding grounds) is darker than the layer that builds up when the whale is in Hawai‘i (breeding grounds). So scientists can count how many years the whale migrated from Alaska to Hawai‘i to figure out the age of the whale.


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D – B






holes: •


holes are the whale’s nostrils. They are located on

top of the w

hale’s head near the center.•

Whales use blow

holes to breathe air at the surface of

the water.

• B

aleen whales have tw

o blowholes. W

hales and dolphins

with teeth instead of baleen only have one blow


When a w

hale comes to the surface to breathe, it opens its


holes, exhales to clear out any leftover water, inhales

a large breath of air, then snaps the blow

holes closed

tightly before diving under again.

• The raised area in front of the blow

holes is called a splash

guard. The splashguard prevents water from

pouring into

the blowholes w

hen the whale breathes.

Cool F

act: Hum

pback whales exhale at a speed

of 300 miles per hour. A

ir is forced from the

blowholes so fast, that it creates a fountain of

mist up to 15 feet high. The fountain of m

ist is called a blow

or spout.


G3 U5 L1

G3 U5 L1 LeSSON 1 Anatomy of a Humpback Whale Anatomy of a...· LeSSON 1 Anatomy of a Humpback Whale ... Anatomy of a Humpback Whale Self Assessment: ... Ask each group to present - [PDF Document] (19)








D - e




• A

humpback’s ears are located just behind and below



The ears do not stick out; they are internal (on the inside

of the whale). This helps to keep the w

hale’s body stream-

lined to m

ove easily through the water.

• The opening to the ear is a very sm

all slit, about a half-inch

long. The ear slit is small to help keep w

ater from pouring

into the ear.

• H

umpback w

hales depend on their excellent hearing to

find food, avoid danger, and locate other whales and

objects in the w


Cool F

act: Scientists estimate how

old a humpback w

hale is by looking at its earw

ax. They remove the plug of earw

ax and count the layers of w

ax. The layer built up while the w

hale is in Alaska

(feeding grounds) is darker than the layer that builds up when the

whale is in H

awai‘i (breeding grounds). So scientists can count

how m

any years the whale m

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G3 U5 L1

G3 U5 L1 LeSSON 1 Anatomy of a Humpback Whale Anatomy of a...· LeSSON 1 Anatomy of a Humpback Whale ... Anatomy of a Humpback Whale Self Assessment: ... Ask each group to present - [PDF Document] (20)



e A






– Pe







Peduncle M


The peduncle muscle is the last third of the w

hale’s body,

located between the dorsal fin and the flukes.

• This pow

erful muscle is used to m

ove the tail up and


n for swim


• A

humpback w

hale arches its peduncle when getting ready

to dive dow

n. This looks like a hump on the back of the


hale, which is how

the humpback w

hale got its comm



Cool F

act: The peduncle muscle is the strongest m

uscle in the entire anim

al kingdom.


G3 U5 L1

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D - F





Flukes are the whale’s tail. Each side of the tail is called a


• A

humpback w

hale’s flukes are approximately 15 feet

across. That is 1/3 their w

hole body length.•

Whales m

ove their powerful flukes up and dow

n to propel

themselves through the w

ater. Hum

pbacks can swim

up to

20 mph, but usually sw

im a lot slow


(between 8–13 m


Flukes do not have bones. They are made of m

uscle and

other tissues.

Cool F

act: Each humpback w

hale has different flukes, just like people all have different fingerprints. R

esearchers look at the patterns on the underside of flukes to nam

e and study individual w



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D – V







Ventral Pleats:

• Ventral pleats are long grooves on the underside of the


hale’s throat that run from the chin all the w

ay to the

navel. •

Ventral pleats allow the w

hale to expand its mouth three


es its normal size during feeding. This helps the w


to capture large amounts of food in one giant gulp.

• H

umpback w

hales have 12–30 ventral pleats.

Cool F

act: Male hum

pback whales gulp in w

ater to expand their ventral pleats. This m

akes them look larger and m

ore impressive

when com

peting with other m

ales in the breeding grounds.


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D - P






Pectoral Fins:

• H

umpback w

hales have the longest pectoral fins of all

whales. They are 15 feet long, w

hich is 1/3 of their whole

body length.

• Pectoral fins are m

ostly white underneath, w

ith bumps

along the front edge. Pectoral fins are also called flippers.

• H

umpback w

hales use their paddle-shaped pectoral fins

for steering and stopping in the water w

hile swim


They can turn very quickly w

ith their long pectoral fins.

Cool F

act: The humpback’s scientific nam

e, Megaptera, m

eans B

ig Wings, nam

ed so because of their really long pectoral fins.


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D – D





Dorsal Fin:

• The hum

pback whale’s dorsal fin is located about 2/3 of

the w

ay down its back.

• It is pointed and approxim

ately 12 inches tall, which is

very sm

all compared to the size of the w

hale’s body.•

The dorsal fin is used for balance in the water. It helps the


hales to stay upright as they swim

through the ocean.

Cool F

act: Scientists take pictures of dorsal fins to help identify w

hales. The dorsal fin of each whale has different shapes, color

patterns, and scar markings.


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D - B





• H

umpback w

hales have a thick layer of fat, called blubber.•

Blubber helps w

hales stay warm

in Alaska’s cold w


It also makes w

hales buoyant, which helps them

to float

and not sink in the water.

• B

lubber is where w

hales store food to give them energy


hen they migrate to H

awai‘i w

here no food is available.

Cool F

act: A hum

pback whale’s blubber is 8- to 12-inches thick.


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D - R






The large upper jaw or snout of the w

hale is called the


• It is fl at, and tapers to a point. This m

akes the shape of

the head streamlined to help the w

hale move easily

through the water.

• The rostrum

is bumpy and often has barnacles

attached to it.

Cool F

act: Hum

pback whales do not have a neck.


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D - B





• B

aleen whales do not have teeth. They have baleen plates

hanging dow

n from both sides of their long upper jaw

s. •


pback whales use baleen to feed. They gulp in large


ounts of water, and use baleen to filter out sm

all prey,

such as krill and small fish.

• B

aleen plates overlap, and the lower edges are frayed

(like frilly plastic hair). This helps the w

hale trap large

amounts of prey.

• H

umpback w

hales have between 270 and 400 pairs of

baleen plates. Each baleen plate is approxim


2–3 feet long.

Cool F

act: Baleen is m

ade out of a strong and flexible material

called keratin. This is the same m

aterial our fingernails are m

ade of.


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D– S











lined Body S


The bodies of humpback w

hales are streamlined, or

torpedo-shaped, to help them

glide smoothly and easily

through the w

ater. •


pback whales are black on the dorsal, or upper side,

and m

ottled white and black on the ventral, or underside.

• The average length of a hum

pback whale is 45 feet, and

average w

eight is approximately 90,000 pounds (45 tons).

Cool F

act: A hum

pback whale’s skin feels like sm

ooth, wet

rubber. The outer layer of skin actually absorbs water, w

hich helps the w

hale move sm

oothly through the ocean.


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D - T






Tubercles are golf ball-sized bumps on a hum



hale’s upper and lower jaw

s. •

Each tubercle has a half-inch long hair, called a vibrissa.•

Scientists are not sure why hum

pbacks have tubercles,

but think they are used to sense temperature and vibrations

in the w


Cool F

act: Hum

pbacks are the only whales w

ith tubercles.


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D - e




• A

humpback w

hale’s eyes are located on either side of the

head, just above the end of the mouth line.

• The eyes are about the size of a large orange and bulge out


the whale’s head. This helps the w

hale to see in all

directions without m

oving its head. •


pback whales can see above the surface of the w


as well as they can underw

ater, approximately 400 feet.

Special glands produce a thin layer of fat to cover the eye

to protect it from


Cool F

act: Hum

pback whales have brow

n eyes with a kidney-

shaped pupil.


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LeSSON 1 Teacher Reading

Humpback Holoholo:Building the Class WhaleTeacher Guide

Body Feature Number ofStudents Description of Student Positions

Rostrum 2 Two tall students stand 2-3 feet apart facing each other.Have one of them hold his/her right arm straight out from his/her side, and the other his/her left arm out. Have the students join hands to form the point of the rostrum. They can rest their heads on their shoulders to be streamlined.

Lower Jaw 2 The students squat next to the hips of each half of the rostrum facing each other. They extend their arms out (same as above) so that their hands meet under the rostrum. The lower jaw opens and closes the mouth. They can curve their arms outward to make the lower mouth wider for feeding.

Blowholes 4 Have the students pair up and stand side by side. Have each pair join hands and make a circle with their arms to form the two blowhole openings. They can squeeze their arms together to close the blowholes while underwater.

Blow 2 The students squat down under each blowhole (between each pair of students playing the blowholes) when the whale is underwater holding its breath. When the whale surfaces to breathe, they jump up through the blowhole openings exhaling loudly, then inhale loudly and squat back down under the blowholes.

Eyes 2 The students stand a few feet behind the blowholes facing out, one on each side behind the mouth. The eyes stick out on the sides of the head and should face the direction in which the whale is looking (up when surfacing, down when diving, to the side when turning).


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Body Feature Number of Students Description of Student Positions

Pectoral fi ns 4-6 2-3 students stand side by side a few feet behind the eyes on each side of the whale. They can hold their arms out to their sides and join hands to form the long fl ippers. The fl ippers angle back to be streamlined while swimming. One fl ipper goes up, and the other goes down when turning. Both fl ippers go straight out to the side when stopping.

Dorsal fi n 1 One student stands several feet behind the blowholes. She/he can face backward, and bend over slightly to make the curved shape. The student can stand tall when the dorsal fi n comes out of the water, as the whale is getting ready to dive down.

Peduncle 2 The students stand directly behind the dorsal fi n facing each other with their arm extended out to the side in the direction of the tail. They will place the hand of their extended arm on the shoulder of the fl ukes. They can move their extended arms up and down to move the tail for swimming. They can stand tall and curve their arms up when getting ready to dive (as fl ukes stand tall).

Flukes 2-3 The students stand in a line facing away from the head. They can extend their arms out to the side, and join hands to form the wide tail. The peduncle controls the fl ukes by gently placing pressure on the shoulders of the fl ukes. When the whale is moving forward, the fl ukes walk backward, and rise up and squat down, in time with the up and down motion of the peduncles.

Calf (optional) 2-3 The students stand in a cluster a few feet in front of the dorsal fi n. One student is standing with both arms pointed forward to form the streamlined head. Another student, the body and pectoral fi ns, stands behind the head and extends arms out. The other student is the tail and stands behind the body with both arms opened wide for the fl ukes. When the whale gives birth, the students move out from under the whale tail fi rst, and the head rises to the surface to breathe. They can position themselves just behind a pectoral fi n as Mom swims around.


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LeSSON 1 Teacher Reading

Humpback Holoholo: Guided Imagery and Behavior Choreography Teacher Guide

Guided Imagery/Behavior Suggestions for Role-PlayingYou are a large humpback whale swimming slowly forward in the cold water near Alaska. Feel how smoothly you move through the water.

Rostrum leads the whale forward and is streamlined. Lower jaw and blowholes are closed. Blows are squatting under the blowholes. Eyes are facing forward. Pectoral fi ns angle back to streamline. Dorsal fi n moves forward in sync with the head. Peduncle guides the fl ukes up and down. The calf goes with the fl ow.

You hear a group of whales feeding and turn to the right to investigate.

Swimming Action, except the eyes, face to the right. The right pectoral fi n goes down, and the left pectoral fi n goes up to turn the whale.

Suddenly, a school of small delicious- looking fi sh swim to your left. You turn to the left in pursuit.

Swimming Action, except the eyes, face to the left. The left pectoral fi n goes down, and right pectoral fi n goes up to turn the whale.

You rise to the surface of the water to breathe, so that you can continue to chase after your meal.

Rostrum points up, then levels. Blowholesemerge and open. Blow jumps up throughthe blowholes exhaling loudly, then inhalingloudly, and squat back down underblowholes.Blowholes snap shut. Rostrum points down slightly, and dorsal fi n emerges above the surface.

You dive down under the school of small fi sh hoping they do not see you and swim away.

Dorsal fi n emerges above the surface (stands tall), followed by the peduncle muscles, which arch upward (do the wave) guiding the fl ukes upward (stand tall). The rest of the whale squats down in sync to make it appear like the fl ukes are raised into the air.


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Guided Imagery/Behavior Suggestions for Role-PlayingYou are hungry and cannot wait to feed. You swim up toward the school of fi sh, open your giant mouth, and gulp in a large amount of water and fi sh.

Rostrum points up, lower jaw opens (drop arms toward the ground), and expands the ventral pleats (curve arms out to make wider). Students role-playing the prey can crawl in the mouth. Lower jaw closes (move arms back to the rostrum).

The water is getting very cold and you have eaten tons of food all summer. It is time to head to Hawai‘i for the winter. You swim slowly away from Alaska.

Repeat slow swim actions.

Yikes! You see a pod of Orcas and swim quickly to avoid the predators.

Swimming Action, but faster.

You come to the surface to breathe a lot during your migration.

Repeat breathing actions.

Ahh! Nice, warm tropical water. You have made it to Hawai‘i just in time to give birth to your calf.

Repeat slow swim to the surface. Calf moves from under the whale tail fi rst, followed by the body and head, and swims to the surface to breathe.

You care for the calf by keeping it close to you where it is safe, as you swim slowly around, listening to whale song.

Mom repeats slow swim actions. Calf positions itself next to one of Mom’s pectoral fi ns, and moves fl ukes (arms) up and down.


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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.