Ineffable - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Biting his lower lip, Jungkook closes his eyes. Inhaling the scent of freshly cut grass, he tries to calm down the jitters running through his veins. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for him. He exhales as his eyes flutter open. Tilting his head up, his gaze wanders over the large expanse of purple sky and cotton candy clouds. A cold waft hits his face, tingling his skin. Tugging his sleeves, Jungkook smiles. It's bizarre the way nature has this ability to soothe his nerves. The way he finds tension in his muscles uncoiling as he steps onto his terrace or into the park and shares the air with the universe. He feels his eyes crinkling as he remembers how he used to sneak out on the balcony in the middle of the night just to star-gaze. Jungkook has fond memories of those times. He remembers being bundled up in his blanket and joining two chairs— one to sit in and another to rest his feet. He recalls how his favourite songs used to merge with the background noises— the rustling of the leaves, the jingles of the windchime and the cricketing of the grasshoppers.

It's the sudden barking that jostles Jungkook out of his reverie. Slightly jumping in his place, Jungkook turns to look at a small pomeranian huffing and panting as he wildly runs towards his bench. He feels his lip tugging upward as he looks at that ball of fur trying so hard to waddle towards him. A laugh tumbles out of his body as the pomeranian stops to give him a glare that looks a lot like, "Am I supposed to do all the hardwork? Come on, move your ass."

Not wanting to displease his new acquaintance, Jungkook finds himself standing up and moving towards the black and brown fluffball. It's at another bark that Jungkook stops and crouches in front of the pomeranian. He offers his hand towards it to let him sniff and judge. After what feels like ten long minutes but, perhaps, were only a few seconds, the pomeranian wags his tail, shuffling closer to the human. Jungkook smiles as he settles down on the ground. Picking up the pup, he lets out a soft giggle.

"Aaigo, you are such a cutie," Jungkook mimes, bopping his nose.

The pomeranian yaps in response.

"Right? I knew you would agree. We love a self aware dog, don't we?" Jungkook's eyes twinkle as he looks at his company.

The said companion nods and barks twice, twisting in Jungkook's arm.

"Aasih, I get it. I get it. Don't move so much," Jungkook chuckles.

The pomeranian looks at Jungkook laughing, perhaps, memorising the sound of this human's laughter—so bright and angelic.

Jungkook tilts his face to peer down at those tiny eyes.

"Now, what are you doing all alone in the park? Did you run—"

A rich voice coming from some distance, interrupts Jungkook's question.

Jungkook frowns as he tilts his head to gauge the direction.


The pomeranian jumps as the voice becomes clearer, startling Jungkook and making his hold loose in the process. Hurriedly, clasping his fingers around his lithe body, Jungkook looks at the little guy bouncing in his arms.


The voice seems to be coming closer, making the little dog more restless.

"Tan? Is that your name?" Jungkook asks, his brows scrunched.

The pomeranian yaps, his tail wagging behind him.

"Okay, Tan. Let's meet your owner, shall we? He must be worried," Jungkook replies, cradling the dog to his chest as he stands up.


Jungkook does a 180-degree turn to face the direction where the voice seems to be coming from. He is only able to move a few steps before he freezes at his stop. His breath seems to hitch in his throat as he looks at the man standing a few meters away from him. Dressed in a brown pullover and a brown plaid trouser, the man looks unreal— a figment of his imagination. The raven curls fall over his forehead, covering a bit of his eyes, giving him a delicate yet mystifying air. The silver locket gleams against his honey-dripped skin, making Jungkook take a sharp breath.

The subject of Jungkook's wonder is doing no better himself. Words dry on his lips as he stares at Jungkook holding Tan against his chest. The wind ruffles Jungkook's locks, lending him a nonchalant allure. His doe eyes sparkle brighter than the stars the younger is so fond of. His loose fit drapes over him in a way that obscures as much as it screams to Taehyung's imagination. The bag in Taehyung's hand and the dog in Jungkook's arm remain forgotten as the two stare at each other in wondrous disbelief.

It’s as if the universe is holding its breath, watching in awe as two souls— unexpectedly colliding— discover each other anew, recognising their mirrored reflections in each other's eyes. It watches as their essence intertwines in a perfect moment of serendipity.

It takes the tired pomeranian to yap and wiggle in Jungkook's arm to break the trance both of them found themselves in.

Jungkook feels the blood rising up his neck as the dog escapes his hold to run over his owner. Clearing his throat and willing the heat away, he walks towards Taehyung.

Taehyung crouches in front of his dog, scratching behind his ears.

"Bad, Tannie. Do you know how worried I was?!" He scolds an unheeding Tan who is jumping around him in joy.

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung huffs. He picks the pomeranian by his armpits and carefully places him in the bag, now hanging across Taehyung's chest.

"Is he yours? I found him running towards my bench," Jungkook wonders as he reaches near them.

Taehyung gazes upwards, nodding whilst he stands up.

"Yes, he's mine and loves to give me grey hair and a stroke on a daily basis," Taehyung smiles in fond exasperation as he pats Tan, who barks in response.

Jungkook laughs at that, "He's beautiful."

Taehyung grins at the compliment, "Thank you and also for finding him. I don't know what I would have done if..." He trails.

"Oh, no worries. It was my pleasure," Jungkook waves his hand.

Bending, he scratches Tan's neck.

"He is such an enjoyable company, though. Aren't you, Tan?" Jungkook animates.

Tan barks twice, his tongue lolling out.

Jungkook giggles at that, "See?"

Taehyung's eyes crinkle. "Nevertheless, thank you..?"

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook," Jungkook answers the question hanging in the air.

"Jungkook," Taehyung whispers as if testing the words rolling down his tongue.

Jungkook's eyes widen— for a moment— as the breeze carries the words over to him.

"Kim Taehyung," Taehyung offers his hand.

Jungkook looks at him, nibbling his lower lip and then at the stretched hand before he shyly tucks his hand out. As their skins touch, Jungkook lets out an inaudible gasp— one that could be mistaken for an intake of breath. Taehyung's eyes dart over his face for a second before his lips curl into a breathtaking smile in response.

"It's nice to meet you, Jungkook-ssi," Taehyung murmurs, his voice warm and decadent.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Jungkook stands in front of the mirror as he gets ready for the day. Brushing his hair neatly, he peers at his reflection. His cheeks involuntarily burn as his thoughts go back to the last night.

Jungkook hastily shuts the door as he rushes inside. Leaning on the frame, he breaths deeply. A giddy smile slowly spreads across his face as the adrenaline wears down. Jungkook jumps as he covers his face with his hands. A few seconds later, he halts, muttering to himself on the lines of how he is acting like a high schooler. But that only lasts a minute before a squeal tumbles out of his mouth followed by a litany of 'Oh my gods'. Later that night, when he is bundled up in his comforter, he allows himself to mull over the man. Those piercing eyes and sun-kissed skin. Jungkook’s cheeks sport a pinky hue as the younger let himself think of that voice— so deep and rich— reverberating through every pore of his skin. Oh, and that touch. That electrifying contact that set Jungkook's blood ablaze.

Shaking his head, Jungkook pulls him out of his thoughts— very dangerous thoughts. His mouth curls in a moue as he recalls how he forgot to ask the other's number or socials. But, he was shy. Okay? At least, now he wasn't as nervous about tomorrow.

Licking his lips, Jungkook shakes his head, trying to ward off those images from his mind. Exhaling, he puts the comb down. Putting a gloss across his lips, he hums in satisfaction. He's done. Tucking his hair behind his ear, he pads towards his almirah. Taking out his purse, he checks if he has everything for the day. After deeming it all right, he moves towards the kitchen. Filling a water bottle up, he puts it beside his bag. Having everything ready, he distractedly sings a tune as he pours himself some cereal and milk. Jungkook munches them lazily as he scrolls through his mail. After finishing, he cleans the utensils. Taking one last look in the mirror, Jungkook grabs his bags. After locking his apartment, he takes a cab to his workplace. He knows he's before the time— and he could, perhaps, frolic for a few more minutes— but he doesn't.

Jungkook reaches the university some fifteen minutes early. But that is okay. He hates being late. Especially when it is his first day here. He walks inside, eyes roaming around the campus. The place is quite large and neat. There's a fountain some two hundred meters from the front gate. Trees and flowers are on either side of the path. The main path forks the way to different buildings for different subjects and purposes— one is for law, one for engineering, one for economics and so on. Jungkook stops at the cafe— the one in front of the library— to buy his cold coffee. He chuckles to himself as he sees Namjoon stumbling over his feet as he heads over to the library. Jungkook admires the elder who is also one of the reasons why he chose this university. He remembers attending one of the conferences where Namjoon was the guest speaker. He recalls coming back home that day, so impressed.

Taking a sip of the beverage, he walks over to his block. Greeting the guards, he takes the stairs instead of the elevator. Reaching the second floor, he slows down. Looking for the keys in the purse, he walks towards his cabin.

Being a professor at the mere age of twenty-seven feels like a dream to Jungkook. A lot of failed attempts, wrong career choices and self-questioning finally got him here. Skimming over his schedule, he lets out a breath of relief. He only has three classes today.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Taehyung runs his hand through his hair for the umpteenth time in this hour. Pressing his temples, he closes his eyes. A groan falls out of his lips as frustration fills his body to the brim.

"What do you mean we don't have any data for the whole quarter?!" He fires, trying to squash down his temper.

Jimin gives him a sympathetic look, "The manager just reported me this."

Taehyung shoots him a glare, a headache building behind his temples, "With Advicure pulling out, this is the last thing I need."

Jimin nods, "I know, Tae. I know.” He pauses, looking exhausted, “I conducted the meeting with the team. Turns out it was an intern who accidentally messed up with the backend of the software and somehow stopped it from storing the data."

"Accidentally messed up. Accidentally," Taehyung snips as he rises from his chair.

"I already gave them a piece of my mind. And, I don't think yelling at them more could help us," Jimin groans.

"But, at least it would help me with my mood," Taehyung fires, his temper flaring.

Jimin squeezes his forehead, "I called Seokjin hyung to look into it. Maybe he could find some backup of the data."

Taehyung lets out an exhausted sigh, "Okay. But if he can't, I'm personally having a word with the team."

Jimin nods before slumping down in his seat, "They said it would be fun. They said it would be easy. My ass."

A tired laugh escapes Taehyung's throat, "You still have it better."

"Potato, Potatoh," Jimin rolls his eyes.

Tugging his sleeves up before rubbing his neck, Taehyung moves to sit back in his chair, "So much for a happy day."

Jimin squints at him, hearing the whispered words.

"Tae," He calls out.

"Hmm?" Taehyung hums as he takes a sip of the water.

"Are you not telling me something?" Jimin asks with a saccharine sweet smile that Taehyung— luckily or unluckily— is very well acquainted with.

Taking the excuse of drinking water, Taehyung grabs a moment to will back the redness that is trying to crawl up his ears as those big sparkly doe eyes flash in front of his mind.

"No, why would you think so?" Taehyung responds, his brows scrunching in innocent confusion.

Jimin narrows his eyes, "This won’t work on me."

He squints so hard that Taehyung wonders how many muscles he's working. "This won’t work on me. At all. I'll find it sooner or later, you hear me?"

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Jungkook stretches his tired limbs. Today was exhausting. It's been a week since he joined the university. His lips curl up as he thinks of his first day and how exhilarating that was. He was nervous, of course, but everything went smoothly. His students were bright and interested in the course. The discussions in the classes were riveting. He internally thanks his stars because this is, certainly, not the case in most places.

As he reaches his destination, Jungkook shakes out of his thoughts. He walks over to the counter to place his order— a double patty cheeseburger, peri-peri fries and a cola. Taking the slip, he turns around, only to crash into the person behind him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry—"

"I'm sorry—"

The words die as Jungkook meets the sight of the owner. His eyes widen in recognition.

"Taehyung-ssi," Jungkook blurts out.

Taehyung looks surprised before a small smile breaks across his face, "Jungkook-ssi. We meet again."

"We do," Jungkook mummers in a daze before his eyes expand and he rushes out an apology, "I'm so sorry, I should have looked."

"Oh, no, Jungkook-ssi. I should have been more mindful," Taehyung hastily replies.

An impatient clearing of the throat from behind the counter yanks them out of their bubble.

Jungkook gives Taehyung a sheepish look, “Oh...your order."

"Wait—" Taehyung scampers.

Jungkook peers at him, his eyes round.

"You are eating here or getting a take-away?" Taehyung wonders.

"Yes," Jungkook mumbles unintelligently.

"I mean, I'm eating," He rushes to clarify, his cheeks burning— and even nods to drive the point across.

"May I join you?" Taehyung asks before adding hurriedly, "If it's okay with you, that is."

Jungkook takes a moment to register the question before towing his teeth at his lower lip as he bobs his head. "Yes, yes. I mean, it's not a problem."

Taehyung's lips curl up as he replies, "Okay."

Ordering for himself, Taehyung glances over the dining area to look for the person he kept thinking of this past week. As his eyes fall over the said person, Taehyung feels his heart flipping. Jungkook is so beautiful. Taehyung can't help but let himself pause for a moment just to take him in.

Being the CEO of the leading consulting firm in the country at twenty-nine, Taehyung had seen a fair share of beautiful, rich, influential people. He dated a few, is friends with some and runs in the same circles with others. However, everyone pales in the background when he looks at Jungkook. There's something just so magnetic about the other that Taehyung can't help but be pulled in. The way he smiles— so radiant. The way he giggles— such a mellifluous cadence. The way he nibbles at his lower lip— God, Taehyung wants nothing more than to tug it free and—

Clearing his throat, Taehyung pushes his thoughts away. He's a twenty-nine-year-old man, so why is he bumbling like a fifteen-year-old? Shaking his head, he crosses the room towards the cause of his temptations and daydreams.

Jungkook glances up from his phone as he looks at Taehyung.

"Hi," Jungkook smiles.

"Hi, Jungkook-ssi. May I have the seat?" Taehyung's eyes twinkle.

"Yes. You may, kind sir," Jungkook giggles.

Taehyung's eyes light up at the sound.

"And, may I dare to compliment you on this extraordinarily mundane evening?" Taehyung continues, his voice teasing.

Jungkook feels his cheeks burning, "Well, it seems only proper since you asked for my company, doesn't it?"

A laugh escapes Taehyung's mouth at this. "Oh, dear me. How uncouth of me to keep you waiting."

"It's alright. I'll forget your tardiness this time," Jungkook chins up.

Taehyung shakes his head in amusem*nt.

"Well, it's very gracious of you, sire," Taehyung pauses, licking his lip, "If I may, you look exceptionally breathtaking today."

Forget about the butterflies— a whole damn zoo somersaults inside Jungkook's stomach as the words sink in. Words get stuck in his throat as he tries to respond. Flustered, Jungkook ducks his head as he bites his lower lip to stop the smile that's trying to unfurl across his face.

Taehyung, on the other hand, greedily devours the pink hue that crawls up Jungkook’s neck and then his cheek— shading him the prettiest. It's mindblowing the way all his frustrations and worries fly out the window the second the younger materialises. He's pretty sure it has to be some kind of witchcraft because how else can you explain it?

Both of them are saved from breaking the flustered yet charged silence that fell over when their order numbers are called.

Taehyung stands up, "Your slip, Jungkook-ssi? I'll bring us our orders."

Jungkook hurriedly stands, "Oh, I'll come too. It's a lot of food."

"No, you wait here. Save our seats. There are a lot of people," Taehyung replies and nods towards the people standing, searching for an empty table.

Jungkook relents at that, nodding, "Okay, but hurry."

Taehyung throws him a smile before walking to get their orders. Jungkook takes this minute to exhale and pacify his wildly beating heart. Jungkook isn't new to this— the flirting, teasing comments, the shy exchanges. However, with Taehyung, everything feels so new, so intense. This past week, he tried to forget the other— only to end up replaying that meeting on a loop.

"Here you go," Taehyung places the tray in front of Jungkook while the other, in front of his seat.

"Oh, thank you," Jungkook chirps, his hunger coming back with full force.

"So, Jungkook-ssi," Tahyung calls, unwrapping his own burger.

"Hmm?" Jungkook hums as he takes a bite of his.

"I've a very grave question to ask," Taehyung responds, taking a mouthful of a bite.

Jungkook peers at him, an eyebrow raised as he swallows.

"Milk before cereals or after?" Taehyung manages to grumble out.

Jungkook takes a sip of his drink, "Milk before, obviously."

Taehyung lets out a wounded and betrayed sound, clutching his chest, "That's it. That's the end of our love story. I'll have the papers delivered to you by the morning."

Jungkook chokes on his fries. Coughing, he takes a sip of the drink. He looks at the other, "Love story?"

"Well, Yes. I can't let Tannie's effort go to waste, now can I?" Taehyung responds, amusem*nt dripping in his voice as his tongue swipes over his lips.

The action brings Jungkook's attention to his lips before he darts his eyes over to Taehyungs'. The elder meets his eyes. His gaze holds a sincerity that both startles and reassures Jungkook.

Taking the excuse of chewing, Jungkook doesn't immediately respond.

Jungkook's heart is hammering against his ribs when he finally looks up and utters, "No, you can't."

Taehyung freezes for a moment before his eyes light up and a smile stretches across his face like a beautiful sunrise— illuminating every nook and every corner.

Flustered by the warmth radiating from Taehyung's eyes, Jungkook ducks his face as he lifts a fry to his mouth.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Who is it?"

The phone jumbles from his hand as Taehyung startles. He looks up to find Jimin peering down his shoulder to look at his screen.

Swiftly locking the screen, Taehyung throws him a glare. "Who let you in?"

"Your secretary," Jimin drawls, walking around the desk to sit in front of Taehyung. "But, let's talk about who you're talking with."

"I'm not talking to anyone. And, even if I was, it isn't your business," Taehyung responds, crossing his arms.

"Seriously, I need a new secretary," Taehyung wails as Jimin perches down on the seat looking like a canary about to beak.

"Oh, but Tae-tae," Jimin sing-songs, "It's exactly my business when my best friend blushes and giggles like a teenager while texting 24/7 on his phone."

"I don't," Taehyung huffs.

"Oh, darling, but you do," Jimin responds with a saccharine sweet smile, "now, are you going to tell me, or do I have to use my ways."

Taehyung groans before thumping his head on the glass of his desk. "It's Jungkookie."

Jimin perks up, "Who? Wait, should I call Hoseok and Jin Hyung, too?"

Taehyung throws him a glare.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell them later. Now, tell me about your Jungkookie."

Your Jungkookie.

Taehyung feels his heart lurching out of his chest.

Your Jungkookie.

His veins thrum with electricity as the words resound in his skull, again and again. His Jungkookie. Something scratches a deep-seated itch in his heart. Taehyung and Jungkook have been hanging out a lot. They have been getting to know each other better. For heavens' sake, they fall asleep to each other's voices. They drop random selcas' in the chat box. They share songs that remind them of each other. They even slept over at each other's place. But, they haven't ever referred to each other as theirs'. It never struck Taehyung’s mind to this degree. It never crossed how much he wants— no, how much he needs it to be that.

His Jungkookie who wears specs when he works on his laptop or prepares for his classes. His Jungkookie who bounces on his seat when he's nervous. His Jungkookie who stomps his feet and frowns, aggressively, when he likes the food. His Jungkookie who slurs words when he excitedly talks about something. His Jungkookie who wants to have early dinners but ends up staying late and eating a calorie-packed midnight snack.

His Jungkookie, for whom Taehyung is falling at a blinding speed.

But, now, the seed has been planted. And, it's all that Taehyung can see, all that he wants.

To be Jungkook's— completely, wholly and irrevocably. And, Jungkook to be his.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Jungkook smiles as he looks at the Polaroids splayed on the table. He hums along to the song as he attaches them to the fairy lights. The doorbell interrupts his session. Frowning, he puts the picture on the table and pads towards the door. As he looks at the other person through the peephole, he rushes to open the wooden barrier.

"Hyung," Jungkook all but throws himself onto the elder.

"Jungkook-ah," Yoongi grins as he returns the hug, albeit a little less enthusiastically.

"How are you?" Jungkook mumbles against his shoulder.

"Good. Will be even better if you let me enter," Yoongi replies with faux exasperation.

"God, you're still annoying," Jungkook huffs.

"And, you're still a brat," Yoongi replies without a delay.

Jungkook cheekily sticks his tongue out.

Yoongi shakes his head, laughing, "Are you sure you're not eight?"

Jungkook goes to the kitchen, pouring Yoongi a glass of water as he dumps his luggage in the guest room.

Putting the glass on the centre table of the living room, Jungkook moves towards the dining table where the polaroids are. Neatly piling them together, he waits for his brother to come out.

Yoongi grabs the glass from the table as he pads over to Jungkook.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi muses as he approaches Jungkook.

"Don't do that again," Jungkook whines as he jostles from the sudden presence.

"I just asked," Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"You were so quiet! What are you, a creep?!" Jungkook complains, offended.

Yoongi ignores Jungkook in order to peer at the photos.

"Who is that?" Yoongi frowns. "Wait. Is that Taehyung? Kim Taehyung?"

Jungkook looks at his brother, "How do you know him?"

Yoongi glances at Jungkook, "No, how do you—"

Yoongi pauses before his eyes widen fractionally, "Is this the guy you were telling me about?"

Jungkook nods, confounded. "Yes, Taehyungie hyung. The guy I met that day in the park, the one I've been hanging out with..."

Yoongi looks at him dazed before he starts laughing, "Of course, it's him."

Jungkook looks at him with ever-growing curiosity, "What? Tell me too! How do you know him?"

"That is Jimin's bestfriend," Yoongi explains, dragging a chair out to sit.

"Jiminie hyung? Your boyfri—" Jungkook starts, before his mouth drops open, "Oh, oh, oh. He is the one Taehyungie Hyung calls Chim!"

Yoongi bobs his head.

"Oh, my god! I'm so stupid," Jungkook bemoans before both of them start laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

"Jimin will be so pleased," Yoongi observes, grinning. "These days all he talks about is Taehyung's stupid smile and his ridiculous yet endearing fat-ass crush."

"He does?" Jungkook whispers, chomping down his grin.

"Go, on. Smile," Yoongi groans, rolling his eyes so hard that Jungkook thinks they'll get stuck. "I can practically feel your blush and hear you squealing."

"Hyung," Jungkook whines, hiding his face.

"So, how is it going between you two?" Yoongi wonders, a smile present in his voice.

Jungkook slowly removes his hand as his thoughts wander over to the elder. A montage of memories plays in front of his eyes, bringing images that Jungkook promised to hide from the world's eye.

Jungkook is tired from the lectures and checking of the assignments. He loves his job, but some days can get exhausting. He is waiting by the gate for his cab to arrive. Putting his earbuds in and quickly connecting them to the phone, Jungkook plays an album he has been wanting to listen to. A movement in the periphery catches his eyes. Tilting his head in the direction, he gasps as he sees the car. As the man steps out of the familiar Mercedes, Jungkook can feel all the tension leaving his body.

Jungkook dragged Taehyung to the Tattoo parlour with him. He snickers seeing the elders' reaction to the needles. But then, he melts into a gooey mush as Taehyung holds his hand the entire time, whispering endearments and showering him with encouragement. And when Taehyung offers, albeit weakly and in a very faint voice, to get a tattoo to keep Jungkook company— it's then that he completely and utterly shatters. Jungkook has had multiple tattoos, but he swears this is his favourite.

It's been a few days since he saw Taehyung. The elder has been busy with an overseas client recently. Jungkook misses him. So much. He wonders when did the other become such an important part of his life. He mulls about how he spiritedly tells Taehyung about the most trifling details of his day, and the elder listens with his undivided attention. He snorts thinking of how Taehyung seems to be more interested in his office gossip than he is.

They decide to stay this evening at Taehyung's apartment. Jungkook is in the shower as Taehyung bustles around the kitchen. He smiles, recalling how Taehyung all but pushed him inside the shower, insisting he would be cooking today. Jungkook pats his head with a towel as he pads towards the kitchen. But the scene has him stopping in his tracks. Taehyung is on the call with his mother asking how he could rectify the messed up part of the dish. Jungkook feels a familiar burn behind his eyes as his heart clenches with emotions for the stupid man who doesn't know how to cook but serves Jungkook the best plate food he's ever had in twenty decades of his time on earth.


"Jungkook-ah," Yoongi waves his hand in front of Jungkook, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry, hyung," Jungkook gives him a sheepish look as he scratches his neck, "I kind of zoned out.”

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I was asking about you and Taehyung. Have you made things official?"

Jungkook tugs his sleeves before he exhales, "No, we haven't... yet."

Yoongi frowns, "Why? Taehyung is nauseatingly into you— in Jimin's words— and you look the same the same to me."

Jungkook pushes Yoongi as he mimes, "Nauseatingly into you. Do you ever look at both of you? Even bleach isn't enough."

Yoongi flicks his finger. "No, but seriously, what is holding you back? I know for sure Taehyung is more than ready."

Jungkook exhales as he looks at the table. His eyes roam over the Polaroids.

"I don't know, hyung. Maybe I'm waiting for the shoe to drop because everything feels so surreal. It—" Jungkook breaks off.

"It scares you," Yoongi states, not unkindly.

Jungkook looks at him and nods.

"Hyung, I don't know when it occurred or how it transpired but he has become such a substantial part of me," Jungkook whispers.

"It scares me. It terrifies me so much. What if it is just a dream? What if one day I wake up to find it a figment of my imagination?" Words roll out of Jungkook's tongue.

"I'm not possessive hyung. I'm not the kind of man who wants to guard his possessions and stamp his name on them. I'm not the kind of person who believes in ownership," Jungkook lets out a shaky breath, "But, hyung, I'm a man who loves words. Who fell in love with them, and right now, his, mine, ours— they terrify me. They frighten me as much as they seduce me."

Jungkook pauses to look at his fingers, words dangling in the air. "I want to own those words. I want these words for us. For Taehyungie and I. I want to paint pictures with them, create images of us and, and that terrifies me. What if one day, they are snatched from me? What if one day someone else claims them— for him? What if one day they make me hate them?"

Jungkook heaves a breath, his voice tight, "And it's not, it's not about caging him permanently. It's about this, this frantic need to have something that feels so special, so uniquely mine. It's like discovering a star in the night sky, a star that's always been there but somehow feels like it shines only for me. I merely want to keep that light close, to make sure it never dims."

He swallows thickly, running a hand through his hair. "But I know stars belong to the universe, Hyung, not to anyone. And that's where this fear grips me. The fear that my wish to hold on, to call him mine, could kill that light, could ruin the very thing that makes him so special."

Sighing, Jungkook peers up, his eyes glistening. "It's this endless fight inside me. I don't want to own him, but I can't bear the mere thought of losing him to the world. I want to be his sanctuary, his home, a place where he feels safe and cherished. But I also want him to be free, to soar like a bird in the sky."

Yoongi looks at Jungkook, "But what if you find that balance, together? What if you learn together how to hold on without gripping too tight, how to share without just taking and taking, and how to belong to each other and not solely own?"

Yoongi pauses. "You said you love words, right?"

He lifts his hand to wrap around Jungkook's fidgeting ones. "Then, you should know Jungkook-ah, you can use that love for words to read his pages, to understand every chapter, every line, every hidden meaning before you fill pages painting the pictures you want, creating the images you yearn for. If your words frighten you so much— read his till you are brave enough to use your own."

Yoongi pauses letting the words sink in.

Jungkook glances up to meet his brother's eyes. A tear rolls down his cheek as he lets the words sink in.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

It's been five months since Taehyung and Jungkook started "hanging out" —Six, since they first met. Yes, Taehyung keeps a tab on them. He's as whipped as that.

Taehyung smiles as he looks at the clock in his bedroom. It's half past five. He has an hour to get ready and then half an hour to pick up his baby.

His baby or Jeon Jungkook. The love of his life, as he likes to call inside his brain. His A-string, his endgame.

A glimmer adorns his countenance as he reflects on the last six months of his life. Everything feels like a dream he is yet to wake up from— the one he refuses to ever wake up from.

Quietly walking towards his closet, Taehyung mulls over his outfit. Choosing to go with a white button-down shirt and slacks, Taehyung pulls them out. He layers the shirt with a grey sweater. Donning them, he shuffles in front of the mirror to check it. Demming them satisfactory, he now sits to style his hair.

His thoughts travel to the time they both decide to go out for the weekend. How they spent the whole weekend in the midst of those huge peaks, surrounded by rows and rows of flowers. He recalls how he woke up in the night to an empty bed. How he exited the cottage in a sleepy daze to look for Jungkook. How he found him sitting on a bench, staring at the sky.

"Hyungie," Jungkook breathes as he feels a familiar presence beside him.

"Jungkookie," Taehyung mummers as he sits beside him.

A peaceful quiet descends as both of them stare at the star-studded night sky.

"I don't want to go back," Jungkook whispers after a while.

Taehyung stays mum.

A few minutes later, Jungkook feels a warm hand over his, softly entangling their fingers.

Closing his eyes, Jungkook savours the touch.

As Jungkook rests his head over his shoulders, Taehyung can’t help but think how he’s home.

The chime of the phone buzzes Taehyung out of his reverie. Checking his phone, he puts it aside. Choosing a watch, he enclasps it around his wrist. Glancing at his reflection, Taehyung lets out a shaky breath. Grabbing his phone and wallet, Taehyung struts out of his house to pick Jungkook up.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Jungkook lets out a fond giggle as Taehyung presents him with a bouquet when he arrives at his doorstep. Putting the flowers in the vase that he had, beforehand, emptied because, "duh, it's a ritual by now", Jungkook rushes back to leave for the evening.

Witty banter and teasings make up most of their ride. However, as they are about to reach the destination, it dies down to give into wonder and anticipation.

"Taehyung," Jungkook breathes as he takes in the view in front of him.

Jungkook stands spellbound and a lot overwhelmed as he looks at the spot where he met Taehyung so many months ago, for the first time. He looks at the oak tree— its branches, now, adorned with a dazzling array of twinkling fairy lights, casting a soft, ethereal glow. His eyes then dart over to the cosy blanket spread out beneath it, surrounded by cushions and illuminated by flickering lanterns. He looks at the picnic baskets overflowing with delectable treats— their lids propped open to reveal an enticing spread of food and drinks. And, he forgets— forgets all his fears and his ghosts in that moment.

A hand clasps Jungkook's, making him turn.

"Tae," Jungkook whispers, his eyes darting across the face of the man he's falling for.

Fondness and warmth drip from Taehyung's eyes as he looks into the orbs that he daydreams about.

"Happy six months, Jungkook-ah," Taehyung whispers— whispers because anything above that feels wrong.

Taehyung gives him a look laden with something warm and heavy. "To the day we met," He continues.

"You remembered?" Jungkook gapes.

"Of, course," Taehyung rolls his eyes, scoffing at the presumptuous wonder.

It's then Jungkook hits him with a blinding smile —One that dulls those fairy lights and stars alike. One that Taehyung can never get immune to.

Smiling back, Taehyung takes his hand as they shuffle towards the blanket.

It's familiar the way they talk, the way they laugh— playfully teasing each other as they sit drinking the night. It's familiar the way their shoulders brush— the way their hands touch as they munch the delicacies packed. It's familiar the way breath hitches in Jungkook's throat— the way Taehyung's skin burns as they lay beneath the canopy of shade and light.

Closing his eyes, Jungkook exhales. His ears tune in on the song playing on the speaker, the rustling of the leaves, and the clink of glasses as Taehyung pours himself a drink.

As the song fades into another, he feels Taehyung grasping his fingers. Opening his eyes, he looks at the elder, urging him to get up. Confused, Jungkook stands. It's then Taehyung pulls him in and ushers him to dance along. Throwing his head back, Jungkook lets out a laugh.

Haan, main gumsum hoonInn raahon ki tarah (Yes, I'm silent, just like these paths)

"You're so silly," Jungkook shakes his head.

Tere khwaabon mein,Teri khwahishon mein chupa (Hidden in your dreams, in your deepest desires)

"What?" Taehyung shrugs as he spins Jungkook, "I'm doing the best for my best."

Na jaane kyun,Hai yeh roz ka silsila (I don't know why this is a daily affair, an endless routine)

Jungkook shakes his head, giggling.

Tu rooh ki hai dastaan (You're the story of my soul)

Taehyung gently pulls Jungkook close, his fingers curling around him— a soft, reassuring warmth in the cool air.

Tere zulfon ki yeh nami (The dampness of your hair)

Jungkook feels his heart fluttering.

Teri aankhon ka yeh nasha (The intoxication of your eyes)

Taehyung peers into Jungkook's sparkling eyes, filled with an entire universe of emotions, each star twinkling with affection and joy.

Yahan kho bhi jaun toh main (Even if I lose myself here)

Taehyung steps closer, Jungkook's tangible, comforting presence grounding him in this moment.

Kya kasoor hai mera (How can I be at fault?)

Jungkook pulls back and twirls Taehyung around this time, making their laughter break free— a symphony of joy melding with the rustling leaves and distant bird songs.

Kyun yeh afsaneInn lamhon mein kho gaye (Why did these tales get lost in these moments?)

Taehyung draws Jungkook in.

Hum ghayal theInn lafzon mein kho gaye (We were wounded and got lost in these words)

Jungkook entwines his fingers with Taehyung's— as if his hand was sculpted to fit perfectly within his.

The hum anjaneAb dil mein tum ho chupi (We were strangers, but now you're hidden in my heart)

Their steps synchronize, moving in perfect harmony.

Hum hai seher ki parchaiyan (We're like the morning shadows)

Their bodies sway like branches in a gentle breeze.

Tere saanson ki raat hai (The night belongs to your breaths)

Taehyung leans in, their foreheads touching, the world around them fading into a soft blur.

Tere honthon ki hai subah (The morning belongs to your lips)

"Jungkook-ah," Taehyung mummers— his breath mingling with Jungkook's, creating a space where only the two of them exist.

Yahan kho bhi jaun toh main (Even if I lose myself here)

"Hmm?" Jungkook hums, a tension vibrating like a gentle hum beneath his ribs.

Kya kasoor hai mera (What fault is mine?)

"Be my boyfriend," Taehyung whispers against his ear.

Jungkook freezes as the words register in his brain. A current travels through his body. Air fills his lungs as he peers to look at the elder.

Taehyung leans back a little to look at Jungkook. His eyes travel to the lip tucked under the younger's teeth. Freeing his hand, he tugs at it. Jungkook feels the pad of his thumb ghosting over his lips.

"Do you know how this habit of yours drive me crazy," Taehyung whispers, his eyes now riveted on Jungkook's.

Jungkook looks at the elder, his heart thrumming. He feels the breeze tickling his nape as his eyes map Taehyung's face.

It's then Jungkook feels a raindrop falling on his cheek.

"Be my boyfriend, Jungkook-ah," Taehyung murmurs again.

Exhaling shakily, Jungkook steps closer to Taehyung. Close enough to feel his breath against his skin but far enough to touch. Lifting his hand up, Jungkook traces the moles on his face with his fingers.

"Do you know, there is a mole under your eye," Jungkook whispers, his breath ghosting over Taehyung's skin.

Swallowing drily, Taehyung nods.

"It's my favourite," Jungkook mumbles before his eyes flit over to Taehyung's lips.

Feeling parched, Taehyung swipes his tongue across his lower lip. The movement drags Jungkook's attention.

"Well, then," Jungkook breathes.

Jungkook's gaze is intense before he tilts his face just enough to press his lips against Taehyungs'.

Rain pours down as every animal invades his stomach, every conceivable firework explodes in his veins, and every probable thought scatters down the drain.

Taehyung breaks the kiss only to come back with much more vigour but infinite gentleness- at the same time. As Taehyung's tongue sweeps across his bottom lip, Jungkook clutches the elder's— now—wet shirt, yanking him closer.

Jungkook retreats after a while. He presses his forehead against Taehyung's as they catch their breaths. Their clothes are sticking to their skin, but Jungkook ignores them.

"That was a yes, right?" Taehyung speaks after a while, tilting his face.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, laughter bubbling out of him.

"What? That was yes, right?" Taehyung whines.

Throwing his hands around the elder, Jungkook smiles.

"Yes. It was a yes, boyfriend."

Music and their joyous laughter bubbles up in the air as both of them twirl and sway beneath the stars, in the rain, for the rest of the night— lost in each other as the world around them fades into insignificance.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

It's cloudy today —and, Taehyung wants nothing more than to be with his boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend, thank you very much.

Letting out another sigh, he opens the file he has to go through.

"God, that was the most dreadful sigh and I have heard many," Jimin comments as he enters Taehyung's office.

"I really have to appoint a new secretary," Taehyung mutters as he looks at his best friend and the CFO of the company strutting through this office.

Jimin rolls his eyes, "You can try, but you'll never be free from me. You signed up for this, baby, the moment you asked me to save your ass from a whooping when you broke Jin Hyung's fishing rod."

"The biggest regret of my life," Taehyung replies.

Jimin chuckles. Taking the file from Taehyung's hand, he shoves him towards the door, "Go to your lover. I'll take it of it."

Taehyung narrows his eyes.

"What? Can't a best friend do best friend sh*t?" Jimin responds, offended.

"Yes, they can," Taehyung drawls, "But, not you. Spill."

Jimin huffs, "I need four days off next week. Yoon and I are going to Jeju Island."

Taehyung pretends to think as Jimin shoots daggers at him.

"Okay, but only because I miss my baby."

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Taehyung unlocks Jungkook's apartment with a spare key the younger presented him a few months back. Some pop song and the tantalizing aroma of a home-cooked meal waft through the air, mingling with the warmth of anticipation that grips him. Shuffling out of his shoes and coat, he softly pads towards the kitchen.

Taehyung's throat dries as he looks at the younger. Dressed in one of the shirts that Taehyung recognises to be his, Jungkook is swaying his hips as he cooks. His eyes trail over the toned, smooth and very naked legs that seem to just go on.

Licking his lips, Taehyung quietly walks over to his very unaware boyfriend. Reaching him, he puts his head on his shoulder and hugs him from behind.

"Gosh, Taehyungie hyung! You scared me," Jungkook scolds, clutching the counter as he tilts back to look at him.

Taehyung presses closer, nestling his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"Sorry. Missed you," Taehyung whispers against his skin, pressing a kiss.

A sigh escapes Jungkook's mouth. Arching his neck, he holds Taehyung's hands wrapped around his waist.

"Bad day?" Jungkook wonders.

Taehyung shakes his head, biting Jungkook's ear lobes, "Just missed my baby."

Jungkook gnaws his lip as Taehyung presses further. His body flushed against Jungkook's. Taehyung drags his nose on the curve of Jungkook’s throat. He allows his lips to follow the same path- pressing kisses, enjoying the sensation of Jungkook’s soft skin.

Jungkook leans back further. Throwing his hand back, he tangles his finger in Taehyung's hair.

"You smell so good," Taehyung mumbles as he stretches on the collar of the shirt to loosen it.

Jungkook pulls Taehyung's hair when he opens his mouth, his tongue fleetingly skimming there.

"Tae," Jungkook mewls as Taehyung’s tongue swipes on the skin, this time more sure.

His breath hitches as Taehyung's teeth and lips close around the flesh. Taehyung suckles a bit on the spot. His mouth parts moments later to glide lower down his throat.

“Ah..Taehyungie... Hyungie—” Jungkook moans, his grip on Taehyung's hair getting harsher.

Turning off the stove, Taehyung turns Jungkook around.

Leaning back just enough, Taehyung tilts Jungkook's head up with a finger underneath his chin. Jungkook's face is flushed— a little breathless and his eyes lidded.

As if some invisible string is drawing them together, they reach for each other. Jungkook's hands find Taehyung's face while his arms wrap around Jungkook's waist. Jungkook’s lips part in a stuttering breath from how Taehyung's fingers are digging into his skin.

Jungkook pulls Taehyung against him as he pushes himself against the counter, crushing their lips together. Their tongues dance together, clashing to take control of the kiss. Tongue, spit and quiet moans pass between them. Their lips flirt and battle together for so long that Jungkook loses track of time. He leans back for a breath, resting their foreheads together.

"Tae," Jungkook pleads.

Taehyung glances down at Jungkook's lips, their nose touching. He looks back up to see those full-blown eyes.

“Yes, angel,” Taehyung breathes.

"Kiss me," Jungkook leans in, words ghosting over Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung sighs against Jungkook’s mouth, their lips moving together so effortlessly. He draws a pleased hum as Jungkook’s spine curls inward beneath his palm as he kisses down from Jungkook's jaw to his neck, biting and licking and sucking.

“Hyung,” Jungkook’s nails sink into Taehyung’s shoulders, carelessly scraping against his shirt.

“Hyungie, please—” A moan tumbles from Jungkook's mouth as Taehyung crowds closer to him, his hard length pressing against Jungkook's.

“f*ck... Taehyungie, please," Jungkook whines as Taehyung reaches between them and squeezes his co*ck.

“Tae," Jungkook whines, "Bedroom.”

Taehyung immediately lifts Jungkook up, his arms wrapped around his thighs.

Jungkook breaks the kiss, nuzzling in the crook of Taehyung's neck. He deeply breathes in and out through his nose as Taehyung leads them to the bedroom.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Taehyung rouses up to a pouty Jungkook pressed against him. Smiling, he turns around to glance at the person who has him in the palm of his hand. Raising his hand, Taehyung tucks the hair falling over Jungkook's eyes behind his ear. Are humans supposed to be this pretty?

Lifting up a bit, Taehyung presses a soft kiss against Jungkook's temple. As his eyes linger over the younger features, Taehyung can not help but feel his waterline brimming. How did he become so lucky? He remembers the days when he used to sit alone in that cafe, hanging his coat on the opposite chair, manifesting the one for him. Blinking, he clears his eyes. He recalls the day he first met Jungkook and how he cussed himself for not taking his number. Breathing out, he raises his hand to trace his finger over the younger's cheekbones, gliding them to his lips. Images fill his mind— How the younger moaned and whined Taehyung's name. How his skin felt under Taehyung's touch. How he—

How the younger is looking at him right now.

Jungkook feels his eyes crinkling as he sees the other register his gaze. A giggle escapes his mouth as Taehyung lifts his head to press his lips against his, and then again— and again, because just once wasn't enough.

"Good morning, baby," Taehyung rasps, his voice rough from the sleep.

"But, it's evening," Jungkook teases.

Taehyung rolls his eyes as he manoeuvres his body to crawl over Jungkook, caging him. Jungkook lets out a dreamy sigh as his eyes drink in the elder, memorising each and every feature.

"Jungkook-ah," Taehyung whispers as he gazes at the galaxies reflecting in those shiny orbs. "I love you."

"Angel," Swallowing dryly, Taehyung lets out a quivering breath. "I never, I never stood a chance. It was you from the second we met. Of course, it was," Taehyung murmured, his eyes welling up, "for, how could it be anyone but you."

Taehyung blinks, a wire coiling around his throat.

"I love you, baby," Taehyung whispers, his eyes moist. "Hyung loves you so much, angel."

Jungkook lets out a shaky breath as he closes his eyes, savouring the words. Fluttering them open, he veers them in a way that it is him hovering over Taehyung now.

Resting his weight on his arms, he peers down at the elder. As his eyes roam over the face he's come to adore, Jungkook feels that words aren't enough. He loves words, yes. But they aren't enough to express a fraction of what he feels. They aren't enough to paint the poetry that Kim Taehyung is. They aren't enough to describe the future he sees. They aren't enough to sing his love for the elder.

He soaks in the warmth and love swirling in Taehyung's eyes before closing the distance as he presses a kiss against his temple.


Jungkook drags his nose down as he kisses Taehyung's cheek.


He smiles as he bops Taehyung's nose.

"You," Jungkook breathes against Taehyung's lip before smashing his against them.

Retreating back a second later, Jungkook smiles as a tear escapes his eyes. "I love you, hyung. So much."

Taehyung breathes in the words as he pulls the younger in. Stumbling over Taehyung, Jungkook lets out a giggle. As they whisper those three words— again and again— with their limbs entangled, Jungkook falls in love with words again. For how else could he even try to wax poetry about his lover? How else would he be able to understand all those Bollywood songs and Shayaris about his beloved? But, most importantly, how else would he eternalise his one true love?

Ineffable - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.