The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

af 7 of 4 Jn Wr i. it II VOLUME XIV. STnRrsrF Wholesale Oroee and fcr Taylor'. Pojt ud SJtaTw r0 aedt. Old Ls and trZLZ; W.

M. tj swrwood. ftn'tli vitv ud can ba found as DLllrVlW. Dn Store, ta aer of Wayna und ash sis. VSffrlDWARD, Wlakeak and Retail Grocer, Ho.

a I rtW. at M) EJV WUWTOW, CQ mU oa Matl TuC(foraerll M. Ofoaawood Comauo Bo. 9 Bank Pa Haw Orlaaaa. al ly 4BT AMIS, Wbommv Dooim Forain pttmP wooa.ll oCamp.

oM lm i John Finaoy. riKITIT, JktMcaay at Law, Bo. otl XtTaSSm BobcCotrmbor. l'SSVu BROS Staamboat Soo. F.

atrotbor. frJuiit Maomaata, Ho. 8hj Poydraaat. maaaimi C1CIKO UUtl CHaca Ho. 80 BanU aArcaoa.

ijaaina aad For yiarMiibaan. 11 N.O. SuH A aOSBT, Prodooa, tUoaiyiBg and Forwaraiiu CihfSaatt, Poydraartraat all ly iuITHS MARTUI, Maaiiaw.taNowLm jail ly ifgia. a nua, nomry riauc no. ao apaiy nnl ikviiit, smni rroaaeo aaa man.

ni atraaV frmXLkM J. DKWET. Coma akm Morcbaat and Ship Jy90 Sm flf pat Afaat, 84 6rariarat at. MUM FU7MMIR, of AToraraa, 88 Camp Fl ly 1 i Rn in. 77 W.

Lacy, friUUS LACT, CommJaaioa MarchaoU, Ho. Poy namiMot, Haw Orlaaaa. ats lwR.Lawia. aV. J.

Sago. prB A 8AOK i.4tflafMr)a aUanat aa uw, no at lil Haw Orlaana. A A. 8. 'T.

TT. Aactioaaara. MamobM. Taaaaai fl.lihiinni MnmCraaawand at Co How Orlaaaa lalCanx at alanipoai. Tana.

im jnloaa arloaUTiila, Ala. IF. nuDLIT SAHDIRS.Coi A. Saadara. Haw Urlean rLnoamna ana ror Camp atroat, O.

a ly jIWIU. T. TAYLOR, lmponar of Wimna aad Laaaora, if lirl 1 Hon. IS aad 18 JUyal atroat. How (nan.

Samaol Samnor ITAKS at CQL.ahH Oiailaaa aad eaaarai mcora.Ta irraxi II larci VnWTJlfS an arwL Commiaakm archnam, aad Araata for tho oala of Tirgiaia Maaa al Tabasco, ba bow oa band, tbo larraat and moat aa ntaaaaawaalotaojtraatotaotraoa. ot SntllUDOK at ADAMS. 81 Bank Plaea, AgoaU forHOoa 8 CO, Saaor Mill aad Inr a BaiMora, Cincianati, Ohio, aaka inatrart. tor Eagiaa Snjrar iQa. 8taam Apparatoa, i raaa.8aw MUb and anyothorMachiao ry ia tboir liao at any aa loaaa aa ay pntato i oi mo otaaa.

DL KAJHAT, Sargaoa Aceoachoar. from Boatoa, Qata of Lannaa.) may bo coaaaltad oa Da of tba Utaraa aia famalaaad laflth ComaJaiata. Ha Bora lav trnaa laf thaat affactama a) aaiTo nly aa nn PiM Onaniut and Aatmihoaa Filial Aaiatic awrm Tiactara; Canaoand Fluid Extract, for Loochorrh a anmhatati Par aa Oiariiiaat, for Pilaot HapamCiaam, MnhiTim a aaa iVaritb mho, aalaahhi nai aaana ara a wau mat aaa an ia at idwiian mm actas I an I TOT mo Im Baal i nra and OMca Ho. 160 Caatomhoaae atroat, I i i Daaibia aad Bdy.

0 I. LOTCLL, Cai a. am. i. W.

tcbarla At Co J. McOracor CoMo aiaaanod at oo. C. oocart at Co. W.

BOTCE RacaiTiaa and for ardinc at tbo LfhJbat Ahuaadria. Rod Rrrar. AJIfroarht coaaicaad to ia a or tao aw waaar ao aarwaraoa na pan BWlAD CBHTKR At CO. Snipping A. thn alWnaa ladai Mail 8 an a iaitaadinaularail at too Caaba ai hooooaad forw ardad ii it gpaoa fbiaaidad or mraatad foroia ordo lan.

laadk. I J. K. WamwrvrhC Edward Byraa. ITI8DM.

WA1HWRIOHT at i Bwebnata, Ho. STS Moat tmory atroat. fail fa aaataiai Jaaaaa Kiac.of tho boa awof Barr i. Wawtoa at Simmaaa. CoL Jamoa comor tuo Mil.

COFFXK, (fornilj Madama Cochran.) Midarim, baa aa al aaoar tho mod ical gaathimoa of Dahlia, aad an i blabtal aoardof thai city, aad eaa ba raramt Boadodbytho tmnmirnali bdia and rUomoa of that city. Sao bat hm a Cn at aa ta Erato atiaaC hatnua Pry oua mthon awo aao am Oraaaa Aaymat. CSae W. Saalth, DeatUt, TTlTUa lataraod frm tbo Honh, w01 attoad to prae tea af aa prcfaaaina aa a ml, OaVo aad af faw adaiat aad Hovia otrow a em at AV rd. JOBS WLLDE, Attor aad Claaiillor at Law, HoJ atvaa at at, room aa, ibvbbo in ma aw am aWadmhvrwaaa ha) aril moot with anpt nod StmatwM cV C.

WSOUUII aad Raaail Daaiara SbThomaa aaar tha i aid, wow ai G. IWHIILWrRIGHT. CommwaioB Maraaaara.Ha.Il WU aw aat. Haw Tork. II t.

Baadlora, Haw xota, 'bb. w. a AM.rfonirn.a.HawO Ina. JAWl Jaka l1arka Hal tamai ft Ho. 77 Chart a atroat to Ho.

68 Camp awBLaaa ia bow raeairiag by daily arrrraW, a ooral aa aanataf Tornaraaad Domaatic Btania and Fancy Oooda.aa maavBTtktenitabMfbrtbaMaxIcaa and California mar af which hi eaan at to tho trada at tha low oat wholeaala 1 nltrnky ate Naalaa. XntgajntMafla rMHagaai aoatn navoppoarm BaaBB'aAjeaoA. 1 aTO Sana ay A action, or riTtB Saloa of Bool lata to JhaaCargoaa. Hagroaa, Marcl ndiaa.gocraaaiiina, Cod or ran wardaaa'SaJaa. foil Sairta Hhlrts Owed HUrUi nn i i 1 AT einoBTOH'S FIRST PREMTTJM SHIRT AlfD UTLIBgir puRHISEOHw STORE, Hoa.

8 Bad 8 at, waw WHaaaa. aad 10 Park Pla w. r. aai ly r001 CALDWEX.L, maBafactara nknnaco tantly "ana i aa. aaroly of tbo boat Oak am.

Thn arc ato ranuah it aaaa aO rafdyjor dr tog. at tha Facto I Cwa Im. Mil1 a a of atroat. So ond Ma HinHon. na0 ARMSTRONG, SB Camp alraat, na octfalry MUntion of rhoBO wwbatg good jWrowiRT aad BLAHK BOOKS to thair large, eomploto 'W Iiiiii pli t.

rMiw kau meatad ia tho in Hi iiti th aapocial attaatioa to aO oowa liaa. waait of PAPERS wo aaa anpara r. wn roc. CORSOH At AJIMSTR0He.8tBora, SO Camp atroat. R.

flainmlt. poms of and wboloaalo and raiail doalor ia MOTIC 8BS1CAL IHSTku*msNTS. Ho. Chartraa atraot. 'aaaamlimuaaaahia an a aad waaoftrf.atoeB tUaoa TrcrmaaTTTiW PTtlCXS aiat40aw reaat.

aadar tbaBaaal Otrmra aiiaihoraaatof TioBa itnarn at 6 nta do. Sartar JkM M'Cavity, PlHmbeir, Ho. IMCvm atraot. Haw Orlaaaa. famt roe mini a aa aanrtm.Bt of Patoat Watar rirnai lao, For a and Lift Pa Boar Pamaa, Atci aTabaaaa1Showar Bathai Larua aad Raoaina or Load un i wm i jwir pat ap aad rapaa ad.

All ordar. panctaaQy attaoond r. aan aaiaai.lo rai iyaia fsa leM sustt BttMMty I id Acjf urn im Ii, ranama i 'ca, itioa of claim. Hob. aua Comanaaion oi raamoaa.

JThaahotiaiar ai proparod to draw ap di anaat tha Corai nnaaut fcr Boaaty. Load, duo atc tooo ma aboro a cy for adjaatniOBt. THEODORE a STAKK, Hotary Public, A read a. wdpi of tho IHadama Vwrk Waopbor, AatroJogwt and Payatonaomatt, Egyptiaa Oradao of Fata, laapattlbHy ant aua aad at lim.a of How Orbnaaa that aho will at for a bort tirna, and may bo eoa oakod iaaay at bat oSVca, Ho. 868 Orariar rtraat, ao aTI'kor tod St.

Paul atraeta. Madam T. If daair.d. wiB liad Charta, rtbadaia.ui.mia of the head, Flo ly eUEH, Wubiagtoa, D. C.will ill pay particular for Penatoat aad ZTr taa proeecuuoa of chums wed to draw ap dae form all ckimsngaiast for intv Lnnd.

In. D. 0. LABATT, Attorney at Law, Ho. 1 Duaeaa's Exchaare Place BsteM fc "ERB.

BAH FRAHC1SCO, CALIPOKHXA, EuTtuw iM te parakaaara.os MM" nrVSVfAa. SXd, aa aa rage At Bacon. ST LOUIS, ram meat pomta utheStatea. Will Itja a. I SaaFraacwe o.

aa wflNOLY a CO Areata. Hew Orl JiajB 8RUHWOUD WMamiaaam aaa yTMoKaama, 88 eraafcw atiaaa, a ly Tin atKKXT, lata ChaM Clara oi taa aarticaanT attaatioa to tha proaaca gam aad Boaaty Land. Ran Haau BL 1. Walk or. H.TP 1A Mi; 1 1 saO, STEAMSHIPS.

Far the Pmelfle. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP Coaopany For Caafornk. vaChagna, withont rleteetioB at Panama The bow aad apleodtd atoanaahip PACIFIC, M. Jarv crimmander, will leave for I ll.gioe. Wlia IH uonnam.

aaia wn puMiawi rwv Baa Franekeo aad tbo niton aed'iate porta, from bor wharf at 8V Msry's street, ItanM, at 8 o'clock A punc tnally. oa THTJ Ito. 8. Tho United Btataa Mall Stat snip Company have row foaruewand megaiBceet steamships, tbo Republic, Cotambua, isthmus aad AatakBe, manin seai mouthly oa tbo Pacific aide from Panama to 8aa Franc ie eof aad tbo eoaaoetioa at Panama bain now cempUto, it win no careruirr aaai bv. ana UBBaeiaaiB amy ma Beau a ing with no dataatina at Panama be sad tho usual May at poet.

itataa or I Flam Wow OrlaaoatoChaaiaa 880 00 la aOBoadoabia 00 la Btoaraco, with bartb and aaparata i AS 00 mi raaamai la cabta .8900 00 00 la ataaraga, with bartb and i.aarata Ho ban ha ara taaaidaiad aacarad until paid for. For frovrbt or aoaaaco apply attaooa Mm. Wmmip PpW.J i apply at tan oAVoa af tha Uaitad Btataa K. JEHHIHQS. Arant.

FOR CAUFORHIA VIA CHAORES Di. Liao to Cbaiia. raciac man aroamanip ay. too now ano magnmconv wn oa oa gtae ataomabm PHLL.pKLPHLA. Capt.

wiu maia oa nor arm ina iia port tract for Cbarraa, oa SUHDAT, tho lot Docembor, at o'clock A. M. punctually. Tbia atoamaaip, aofatbor with too now doabla an aa at Con iabraa. baUt azpraaary for tbio trada, win form a ithly.

liao from that city to Cbagraa diroct, to coaaact with tho Company'a Mail atoamahma Oragoa, California. Panama, Borthornor, Toamaa, Colombia aad Carouna, from ranama to San Franc co aad Oracon, aeeanii to paaaoocara Urown tickata vith cartaia and too qajckaat daapatcb A mail wiU ba daapatcbad by oach ranr yum huor dataa than any otoamar ilaavrinc tho TJaitcd Btataa, to moat tba Government mail ataaama of tha lat and 1Mb of oach month, from Panama to California aad Oreroo Kaiaa oi raannan Prom Haw Or Warn to Chafraa la Saloon. 980 00 In Soeond Cabin la StaoraM a. wi'h hortha and aenarato ou From Panama to Ban Fraociaco In cahia. 800 00 la Staan ura, with aortaa aaa aaparata maaa lou an All tickata lor panaago and ordara for fraicbt maat ba araei are diractly from tho aronta, aa ao othar partiaa ara an thoriaad to aall ticknta or contract far fmiaht.

ARMSTRUHO. UWHUUR u. A fan. al 108 Magaaino at at. How Ormaaa.

FOR CALIFORNIA Via tho latbmua of Tahuantapoo Tho pioneer of thia routa, tbo 4 rat caaa aad fan at ito ataaroehip ALABAMA. R. W. Foator, commander, wiH aara tho wharf foot of Oirad treat, for Onataaooalee rrrar, toaching at Vara Ci a. Ul tao Ota ua ror aar Bra.

trip i Oa tho 8Tth December, far bor aocoad trip I Oa tba 18th Jaanary, 1S61, for bar third trio; Andsooaaabaaonantlyatintarrala ofao daya. Tha Alabama will aeeead tba about 40 maaa Her atoppago a Vara Crna will ba only a few boora, Tbe tm rel to 8n rnatneo aortaoad aoarhr 8000 aula. Tbe coat a greatly reduced, aa will bo obas ad by re fere oca to tho ratoa at foot. Tba coua hsalthy and laciinaa lor trarai are coa hoi ad iaopaai muhw and horaoa can be obtaiBod. Thoro ara tawas and coanmoda a atop pagan, and tbo what diataocacaa bo made ia about 84 hour.

eonfinna nf Am hm annihr nrogumd a nrioua to eaan Bant, by partiaa deaa ona to adTonturo. Ho oatabliebod arranga lontof tra ti haa wet bona made by tbaTatiuaatopae Company of new Orlaaaa, who propoaa to gnre lb air ganaadala attaatioa to but maaawhim tbay afford tba pablic aa opportunity to become aracticaUy acquainted with a route of communication which will awry aoon been a tha great highway. man nf Tnnnai a IaSalooa 8'0 00 roue IaStsaruo BaT Fraatht 88 coBta por cubic foot. BaT 860 tea. bogra allowed oach BaaMBrar.

Bid C. J. MEEKER At 88 Poy dree at. ii pKaKriaco mn hazaTLAN STEAM Pack at Tha now aad el etaejnehip 'GOLD HUNTER Com i llnrd cm i mender. will comm aaca BDrua raguaw a in an anu ranciar, wwhm bjmw toadting at Monterey, saa ronro aaa aaa ummm, aninj Fiantauo j.

tbo awata of July aaxt, arrrring at Maiatlan aad Ban Han ran llarl aara dare from tba data of bar In arn aL Tbo Gold Hnntar lrom bar bght draught can go into tba in na KMtfeor or aautai ma taiaa a oi laaaa ii aa. ana aAartaay ara land i will prooaed to Saa Bt, ramaiaingonly a aaMriaattiaaatorpa.i.Bga to land aad ambarfc and ratura to Thwataaaubm oaly six mcratha old. baa prorad tobaar azcalaat aaa boat, haa doable enrmen, and ia oqualmrara to apaed aad aafnty to any ataamar in tha Paetac Ocean. Phi aia aarad at tha lawaat rataa ia tao heat eBlcei in Haw Tr Tbo ulilihil ii in.iailiipoa thia roata alien i to tn all a who are ah aat ta laaaa tbo Unrtad Maciea for Cahforaia, a aafa, fa*gahnr aad axaaattoaa aaaa oronaToyaaea Irom tba wawara coaat, aiauaona, nuivauwin a win in, aaa rraac MOTT, TALBOT at A Bta, Mm mW Bold Pant and Specie raaait em a frenrat and Saa Faaciaco, May ISAM Jyl CAUFORBJIA. Tia BRAZOS SAHTLAeO Throarh a 80 daya for 8188.

Tba V. S. Mail Lina hjw nraaaura ataamahipa YACHT aad 8 LOBE leave How Orlaana weakly aa aboro, carrying tba D. S. Maila.

raassfa i daaiiuu. ar pro caaa ing to vauia PaaaBBgarB aaar a. of procooding an ua win ih ua ana bum nimcv, a an cai a roata, a. they aaa ranch tbo Paeifte Ocean from nrnthiafthi a davn.aia Malamoro a. Bad acme.

Max aat a. from wham so aaaeare caa bo raadOy obtaiaad to Saa Franc aco For a.mga, hayiag auparior datioaa. ppy to HARRIS MORS AH. TO Teh UBrtoaa. at.

a. aaa of lam aaa apacuymg inn wna pa aad raachoa oa tha roateBaa ho bad by applying aa abo ao. FOR TEHUAHTEPEC. Via. Vara Crua A 8 rat cka (hat aaibng top pa ad aad copper faatenad brig, iof about 800 ton.

burthen, will Mil a faw day. if a anfflcant Quantity of freight and a few addtioeal paaaaagara lAr. i. a I 1. of tin to allow paaangara to make a th agh exauiinauoa of tha coaatry.

ror rraarnt ar aeaaara apply an BIS C. BOOERT 68 Camp a. For Mw Tnrk stMal Hal UHTTED STATES STEAMSHIP Company For Haw Tork Ha ua Tbo aad aplaadid ataamnhip ACLTIC, rJ. jar will hare oa THURSDAY, HoTember 8th. atS o'clock' aT.

at o'clock A. tL, paBetuaDy, from bar wharf at 8t Mary'., LaAyatta, lor Maraaa aaa now ton. Ranaa af Paaaaia Ta Haw Tork State raona herrh, 8TS 00 Standee berth, maal ov atea 1 hath with bad and aoaarato To Ha aa Stato room berth, aaiooa 8A 00 BtaaiaiB io ta I for Havana aaaat procara paaeporta from tho Ho aimiimil aecar aatuaaM for. Aa ainen aacad aun am acooataaaaa aaaaela of tha baa.

Pi am lor BOW lorn WUIDSI aaiarra aaa a i aplaodid ataamahia Georgia, aad tfcaa baraai opportmaity of taat naanfuiii city. For fraigbl or paaaaga apply at tba oaVa of tba Dnited Itataa muauaamaup tmpmty, A mt, ar Special notice rr a to npany aaaa prepared a form I buaima. af tboir ataamahipi to anippera by taa aaa iiai un Of a Dill oi laotnc nnnuvfi which will ba furninhed to shippors oa applicatioa at tba Company'a oSce, aad with which tbay ara raquaatod to prorido tbamaerroa, as atf other form wui ba eigned by tbo aronta of tbo company. Air bilk of lading muat ba aigaod ooiora tno aaiuag oi ua FOR HEW TORK Tho How Tork aad Sa rannah Steam Hararatioa Company'" aaw ateaa nab oa SATURDAY. October 98, aad regularly a ry foftnigbt Tao ataamnhip ALABAMA.T.adlow, maator, 'which hi coama of takaJwr placa ia tha Una at theW 1 at poaaibW nay.

tc Tboao abipa ara abeatOO toas bnrth.a, aad of Srat ekaf ia ararv aarticukr. Fricaof eabi. P. $88, folSlfivTO: 8 ami ll MitchalT, 194 Front ntreet, Agent ia Haw Tork, 1 Saranaak, Octobor IT, 18BO. cWT Far Cravl wwtaa tit Brm8 FQK BJIAZOS 1 mwU im ilia.

RarBT Haw Or laaaa and Taxaa U. 8. Mail Low Free. ore Lone or Staamatupa. To aail oa SATURDAY, tbo tad inatanC at 9 o'clock A.

M. BBBctually. Tha or copporod aad copper fbataaod ataamabip YACHT, J. 8 Tbompeou, mantar, will leave aa ahoTe for Bramoa. For freight or paaaaga, karmg aupari nt ationa.

apply oa board, foot of Jabs itTwaV. or to ISO "HARRIS at MOROAH, TO Tchouprtoutaant. aw Freight will not he receired oa tha day of aailing. JH8E. FOKOAA.VESTOHAHD MATAGORDA BAT ota: Ran ar Mew Oraaae aad Taxaa U.

S. Mail Law aaaaaAfaaa Lina of Staaanahipe. To aail oa SUHDAT, tao B4ta iastaat, at 8 a'chncfc A. it. For Garraetoa, la damaom aaa rare latwaoa Tho aai coat I low hiiiiw daalia FALMATTO.

J. Snuta. ill Ian 1 aa abaw a. Far rraizht ar aaaaa 1 to arther of tha aao a plaraa, at tba red need rata, (aubact totiaaahip Bnt ia Matagorda Bay,) at watch point tba aaw, bght draught ataamar Jaaar awa win coma ajongaao ana tana pam anger, to iBdiaaoia. aad frairht to that paint aad Laraca.

apply oa hoard, wheru. bilk ofWiaf will a through, foot of Jala atroat, or ta bit HARRIS M. M0ROAH. 79 Tcboanttoala. ht.

Frairht aad p.a.ngar. for Matagorda and Sal ara will ba I at ladhvBola. where tho freight bilk maat ba tha goods will bo atored at tho ax pa nee of Uocoaaigaaaa. Far FOR HALTIMOKA Orlaaaa Line To sail Thia Week Tha fiat aaUmr rarnhvr packet bark ELI3A ambBKTH, Joaoa, maatar, bariac moat of ba cargo oa gagad, wilt lean 1 aa For freight of 100 had a. aigar or aa taa ot, or paaaago, apply to tbo caataia oa Board, oppo aitathoBeaf Market, or to amm C.J.

MEEKER CO, 06 Poydraa at. POR BALTIMORE Hsadnrsoa A Co's Lias The Mperior fiat sailing Al bark MANCHESTER, Portar, toaear. will auceeed tha ahia Charlea. aad navinr a eaaawjeraow pomoa 01 aar cargo engaged, will Bare tmmeoinaa deepatcb for tbe above port, per freight or p. mage apply to tba caplaia aa board, at post 8, Firat Muaiciaahty.

or to al J. H. ASHBR1DOE BT Camp at. POR BALTIMORE Henderson A Coa Packets Thn, Al packet ship CHARLES. Gunbr.

tar. having all bar eax a oa board, will sail ia a taw daya. Par keajht of 100 bales aad 100 hbda. sugar apply aa board, opposite tba Market, Pint Municipality, or to 086 JH. ASH8RIPGE at CO, 87 Camp.t: bA FOR TrUISJE The Al fax ailing ahip JOHN SPEAR, Spear, amaatar, now loading for tha above aa a pun sad will have For freight of 100 bales apply to J.

r. WHITnar vuoi tamp aar For paaaace, having food apply to tha POR SALE The Saa and Ai vary faat sail rag bark GIP8T. She bra having lust bar Brat paaaaga 1 a built oi too very 1 BtO nana, hot ainaanrnn ata. aad will OT amlaiala, aat 8000 berrek. Tha nml jest Sitae eea aad to wit ajand im esik, rigging, iu, aad.

a ia ovary leepact a a mpmto aad au perior Tosael. Sbe caa be aeea at Coati atraet waar, Mobile, aad if applied for soon will ba eoW kw. For to aa apply to M. 8. CHARLOC K.

St. Micuaal at Mobia. a84 WILLIAM J. DEWEY Bgw war aaw H.O. t3.

TOR ARANSAS BAT AHD CORPUS erValTM Aaa last sairng aeaooBei IUU S. LtlrAn. in Til nam, aastar having" aB her hava im maaara da pair 'For paaaare. aB bar cargo engaged, will paamga, havmc good acaat apply to taa captaia oa board. Lower icay ana Tar, ar ao vi HH CI uUUC, erariarU NEW ORLEANS.

WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20. 1850. SHIPSSHIPS. inanwvaknnaaAaB ia vv Vmr CavllfwrMlsw wnw aaar VRANCISCO AHD aacRAmEKTU City RogBlar Liaa or California acaota ioaw aadVary mat Bailing bark OIPSET, aorga Kan lina maat. having half or bar cargo oajrarao, wui aUpomibm aaaaatca.

Thia yoaaal ia of tba Sra ctaaa, aowl copporod, woUfoaad and Bttod ia arory ran pact, and haa aical WBtaocommodationa for cabin and ataorago paaaangara, who will ba landed at Saa Fraociaco or Sact amaato, aa prnfarrao. FCrmgut or fM' MWT mr m. tmT Cant. Jamaa A. Grant, of Sacra onto City, tbo of a groat porta of tao cargo of thta jmoL wJuko ehargo of any coaaqraaiaata djractad to hi eara, and grrO Aann rftal ran mauoa a raiaraaca to ma aaartaa.

am Sea of Vnaa mt, and rsfara to Maaara. Church at Canitbara, P.tUb.rgi Jama P. Jack CtacinnaU i bannon, Carroll A Co. Haw Urk nai O. Kiamia, CaaaT Com arciai aad AgncanuTal nana ot I ainn.

rFOR SAH FRAHCLSM AHDCRANTp City TO anil a mw oay a i am at bm i rt harina Baarhr all hor irro oa board, wiu nam inmniu, iuii.1. twmimtkt nr naiaara nival laDan or ace ra aafor four paw angora in bar cabin, apply to tha captain oa tQoToraiaoatWlarfr to BaT Tha Cbarran ha. inat baaa dockad aad aowly copporod. Sno at a larkaniy mat aauar aan re aapan Kin rn iCRI! Marriaoa at Wickbam'a Daapatch Una Saib WEDHESDAT.BOth mat, poaitiraly Tho in aad aoaoar fhatonad racutar paekothng AFALACH1CULA, D.Footo, maator, will aailaaaboTa. Thai a aory baantifal and ramarkably fat aailinr Taaaal.

and ar ran red a rapork man for tbo ascnmmodatioa or paaaoa gara, bor Sat cabia baiag all ia atata rooma. For freight or yim.ri apply oa board, at Lowsr Picayana Tiar, or to BIT IC af HARR1BOH at T8 Poydraj at. ar Tba aboTO hi tba old aotabliabod How Orwaaa aad Cfcacraa malar lino. Una Taaaal will anil ararr weak. i po SAH FKANC1SCO on or aboat toe lutn pio arWTamba Tho Ai ahip GEO KG It 8TEVEHS, John BnanaawnCaiiMng, maator, haaiuf nearly an or bar cargo oa board, will tail a abora.

Aa tha i tha only abip sow wading hare for Saa Fraacaco, poraon. ioUnding to maka afaiprosnu havo a faTorabls opportunity. For balanco of freight apply to J. r. wniinai a np e.

o9 WM. J. DEWET, 88 Grarier aC tmT Ho paaaaagara takaa. 8aT Inauranca effected by tbo ahip at tho lowoat rale. FOK CALIFORH1A Via Saa Juan Hicaragaa A auparior and Tory faet aailing TeneeL baring una anallad age ammodatioaa.

will ha doapatcfaad aa ahoTo na aoaa aa a aumcant aumonr of paiaaii ire aon miji.i. Partiaa deairoue of going this routo, which tho chaapaat aad beat yot ope and, wo iaritad to ragatar toair nam ae at tho of ice ot tha uBdoraignod, where infurmaUon ia roforsncd tbaa to may ba 1 Fwl" Ii8BOB, ftR LOH1MJH Tha Al faet aailing American ahip at K. PERKINS, Ollpatnca, mantar. darn near bar irro angagad, will hara immedata daapatch. For freight apply to 4.

r. nmipni a a For paaaaga, aariog good accommodatioi, apply to tho captaia oa hoard. Fr Ilverpal. FOR LIVERPOOL Rmlar Trader The aaw Al and faat aailing Amwkaa ahip TAM SHANTEH. mantar.

a bow masiag tor tna not port nn will hara iniiasdals daapatch. For freight of 800 bale, cottoa ply to r. waii ti a uvi 01 nra. ar a. mm.

havmr Sua fumahad atata room aceomaao datioaa for cabin, aad also Arat rate arrangameuta fur naarrnrrrt apply to the captain 00 board. U90 FOR LIVERPOOL The Al ante Ml and faat Bail ing American ahip huruikiih, 1 nana, mantar, a iw loading lor too anora port ana wiu maw data despatch. Por re tot of soo lee cottoa apply to B13 rf. r. B3T For paaaaga, baring auparior acr ommodatioaa, apply to captaia oa board.

TOR LIVERPOOL The faataailioc Americaaahip PARTHEHON, Taylor, maatar. will rereiTe quick de apatcb for tha a bo, a port. For freight of 300 balae cotton apply to J. P. WBITHEY a St Cmp.t.

For paaaaia appiy to tae captaia 00 aoara. FOR LIVERPOOL Tbe new AI and faat aailing ia abip JOHN H. JAItris, Mnnry a. kkb, a aow foadmr for the above port and will re immedatndea patch. For freigbt of 100 barrnla Sour and 600 balae oottoa apply to r.

Dlifltl a vav n. 8arForp.imte.pply to tbo captain oa board. nil laa The Ai a a per tor ahip ir, will he denpatched aa abore. For freight of 100 an Inn cotton, or S000 bale. Soar, ap to J.

P. WhlTHII a CO ml Camp ax. fmT Ptrr p.fftfe apply to tha captaia oa board. aj Xeat FOR LIVERPOOL The Al and Tory Oat nailing al7' riT o. Rohia hm 1 mantar.

harinr aaarlr all her aaaacua enrar I. will bare daapatch, For freight of 860 bake cottoa apply to oirrPKT a ldtkll, tin cor bob St. 18' to BROOM CAUOHLIH. FOR LIVERPOOL The auparior Al faat eailmg Bntiah abip JOHH GARROW, Haaiiltoa, mantar in aaMwaaAaow loadinr for the aboro port aad will bare quick For baary freight aad SOO bales oottoa apply to r. a AX.

ill a 00 aagaaaaeK. J. P. WHITNEY 61 Camp at. Porpaaaage apply to taa captaia oa aoara.

rti FOR LIVERPOOL Tbe new aad Al American ahip ATALAHTA, E. aaBBWaanror tha abo a port aaa recerve in omediate de enateh. For frairht of 600 balae cottoa apply to J. P. WHITHET 61 Camp St aar por paaaaga, baring excellent atata room aceoromoaa aa mr cabin, and aiao ana arraa unenta lor steen ura pi nsaen rare, apply to the captaia oa board, at peat Second unio pality.

ns FOR I.ITIRPOOI. Thn Bret caaa Britieb ahia INDEPENDENCE, Pollock, asantar, baring part of aaaar aan eaga go d. win Bare prompt empale, ror freight of eOO aaka cottoa or paaaaga apply to J. WIOHTM AH 11 St. Charles steal 1 eiFFHET At aoa at FOR LIVERPOOL The Saa Al faat aailing Britieb AT1LA, Roger mantar, aanng nearly au nor t.anaaaanaaHaaaajHa0 hoard, will ail early aaxt week.

Por freight of 160 bale, cottoa apply to AS. A0II A CO 11 St. CbArlas st 61FFHXT at LOVILL. 118 Common at. oSI FOR LIVERPOOL The sew Al an and a and fast ailing Saaih as sbia SHIRLEY, Eaaa A.

Shaw, ma. board, wiH have immediate deam itch for the above port. Irate ht or 800 bbk Boar and soo sales cottoa apply to oM J. P. WHITNEY A 61 Camp at.

AaT" For pa are, having ap lend id furnkhed accommodationa for about 80 cabia, and ako I rat rata arraagei a anu for eteerage Bgera, apply to capt aaaw oa board, at root si second Municipality. FOR LIVERPOOL Tbe Al fast sailiar ahin HA aTH. THAN HAHAU, Hanaea, master, a bow loadrng for the above port and will have immedkts saasstrh For freight af 800 bake oottoa apply to o84 J. F. WHITHET 81 Can 1 at.

JTK FO it LIVE RPOOL The Al fiat sailing AnaTicad fahip CROMWELL, Barker, maa'ar, aow loading oaaaaaf for the above port and win have bnmediate despatch. For freight of 600 bake cotton apply to J. P. WHITBET Camp at. tmT Vol paaaaga, bavag Irat rata atata room aecotnrooda tioaa for cabin, and ako flne arrangements for steerage naa at gem.

apply to taa captaia oa board, at post 90, Second Muni cipalKyj o90 Kk FOR LIVERPOOL The Al Britah ahip ERIN GO a. bhwt, win nn aan above port. For fiaarht or ran. re aoorr to tae iptaai mr 1 wr olS i G. W.

OLIVER, S3 St. Charlea at. tmT Thia vsmal caa taka aoaaa heavy freight if early applicatioa ia made. S.h' aaaaaaaaaaw FOR LIVERPOOL The fast sailing Al Amwican iia ARTHUR. Talbot, maator.

now loadinr. and wQI have early despatch as above. Por freight of ISO hbda. tobacco and 800 bake cotton. apply to 0I8 J.

P. WHITHET at SI Camp pt. Far Baata jCSwk FOR BOSTON To Mil oa tha 18th of Hovember Regular Line rf Packata The Al faat aailing aaasaipaiat bark MARCIA, Wilaou, mavtar, having nearly all her cargo oa board, wis sail as aboro. For freight of 100 baka cotton apply to 1 1, CHAS. DXAKE at 71 Poydraa at.

aid W. HTHSOH, SSCampaC FOR BOSTON The Rorulnr Line of Paekate The Al fast sailing sachet ahip OSSIPEE, Telford, maatar. a bow loadinr for tbe above sort aad huvmr aaaili all bar cargo engaged, wUl recave quick eea patch. Per freight of iiw neuea uoa apply 10 GEO. W.

HTHSOH, SB Camp at. aid CHAS. DEAJtE At 71 Poydraa FOR BOSTON Tba RegukrLine of Pack, Tba ai faat mihng packet MARATHON, Vaa Dvka, iter, 'kg an bar cargo oa board, will have quick despatch. For bakaee of freight or, having Sne rtaan room aotummudsiiuus, apply to the captain oa board, at aa rag aaa aareer, orto Ea W. HTHSOH, 8 Ca a at.

al4 c. C. J. MEEEER 68 Poydraa St. POR BOSTON The Al bark ATTICA, M.

LeDaa, bavmg half of her cargo engaged, wdl have ate deapatehw Por balaaoa of iieialtt or aaa age app ea aoara or 1 alS CHAS. DEAKX at 71 Peydra. at. FOR BOSTON The Rerular Lina of Packata 8T plehaid aaw Al packet ship REVENUE, Seta W. aawanaCroarelL maator, having a krge portioa of bar eargo aa rued and oa hoard, will tha Cordelia wHh despatch.

ror balance ot treignt or pneeegv, aanag aupari or acccoauaa dalioBa. apply ta J. aS GEO. W. HTHSOH, 86 Camp iA FOR BOSTON The so perk new faat mil ing bark bab avuxt tlx caa tune taa aaa oi an bow.

aoar. For frekbt of which or aaaaa apply ta the caa ua oa aoara or to J. HL A ASHBRTDGE COU OT Camp at FOB. BOSTON Regular Line of Packets Tba Al (ast aailing regular packet bark SAXONY, Kathaa aBBrigga, iBaater, having a large portioa of bar cargo oa willhara quick daapatch. For balaace of freight ar board apply to O30 GEO.

W. HTHSOH. OS Camp at. For New York, JTiJL FOR HEW TOMJa. Ho'mea'.

line of Packets rThm kat aaiftBg regular packet SULTANA. T. A. aaaaaanaun at. a aow reads to had.

aad will ba ke rned lately dna patched For freight or pam age, bavag skgant act inunodatioas, apply to tba captaia oa board, oppoaito tha swetahk Markat, or to ais AARON COHEN, 90 Coautua street. FOR HEW TORK Asbbridge A Co's Lme of Aaa PliaVaeel The splendid BERT BURTON, P. A. Decan, if baree a eagaged and going ow iTiiail The splendid Al packet ahip ir. having ef her cargo eagagw and going ow beard, will aail an above.

raaawin louw St hb s. aggarj or tba baft thereof, saarr oa board, or to a J. H. AS hill RIDGE at CO. OT Camp at IT1SS MARY M.

ELY. for amo rears east XtX Teacher of taa Piano Porto aad Baatiaa ia tha Tror Fe male Setaiaary, denirae a aitaaioa as TEACHER ol MUSIC ia soma aum of tba asmmafiss of learning ia this city. She relaca ta xtav. JJr. Bevuie, Raw.

Dr. Scott, Maw, Robert W. Btaatoa, Dr. Macauky, Dr. J.

G. Copaa, Luaae Duncan, Eav Apply taDr. aaa lay, or tc0.fa Bsarh. 84 Gamp Ar 1'1" a 8' TO RENT. a FOR REHT Oue hlf of dwelling, aoatly fhniiahed, coBsktiag of parlor, bod room, Rchea, servants' room, pantry, ate.

lnaaire oa the premaen. Ho. 8 Fraakua straat, betweea Coanmoa aad Jaeheoa. a 18 St Tf POR Birr The COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE oa St Char lea ntreet baring baea materially alterrd aad im pioved, the various Sto a and OfScea are bow for rent. yt.m ih.

lt tm, ara lour aao atoree. ana upoo tue aa third Soora twenty well Bninbed omcna with a grate ia each. w. 1. wnnd alaM ant Coacert Halt anoa tbe eeeoad floor bear aow onmpletaly Sited ap with gee Sxturee, reudera it oaeof tha Inat rooma for coucarte or pubho exiubiuona mm oi 1 TO XOOU Ml laillt ina reuw WUI wnua ra nminu'n 1 1 P.

M. WOOD, BI7 lot at the Oa Office, Ho. 180 Common at. DWELLING HOUSES TO REHT Poiamiioa gives I onto Ba 1 ling 1 he 1st Novenuhnr Fire two etory comlortabk Dwel Hoaare (Hoe. 8.

4. 8 and 8.) for email famibaa. to ba ran tad by year, sitaatad oa tba comer of St Jobs and Heria atrenta, aad within two squares of tho Poydraa street Market. Per further' particular, apply at thia office to tf i A. HOLKHOOaT.

FOR REHT The krge aad com modi oua DweTing oa St. Charlsa atrc wt, kta the reaidence of Mr. Jama. Robb onDoaita tho Verandah. Apply to LIT lot P.

H. WOOD, ba. Office, 130 Com on at. neeah FOR REHT Wholly or ia Part A Dwelling House no. iw at.

iguana, air rt, oppoatto laiaraue sqiiara. nlT tf QTO RENT Four Teaemeau oa A polio atraot, next to the corner of Thalia, coo tain lag 4 rooma each, with kitchen, large yard aad ciatera. Rent 880 par month. Apply to W. C.

ATKINS, nlT 01 (una apnuo am nnim nil m. OFFICE IO RENT The front or rear Rfice on tbe sscoad floor of 88 Oravier at rent. Inquire of PlS tf CLEVELAND BROS. St CO. FOR REHT A Front Once oa tbe Second Floor, and Fdbr Kooma on the Third loor of Ho.

10 Baaka'a Ar cade. Inquire at No. 10, Lower Floor. nl a. rTTTjl 1 aan ui iwwhm, iwumii Bisaad.

with or without Board. Tha location one of tba meet pkaaant in tha Second Municipality. To a cea tkmaa aad kdy who aeek tbo retirement of family thia a a moat deairaWe opportunity to oa auitao. ntaarena a. Pont Office.

bT if 8 A Sne brick Dwelling Houneoa Magaaiae Edward Bad Main atrenta 1 poaaeaaioa 1 UBBaedateiy. per terma apply to HENDERSON at OA1I INKS, 48 Canal at. TO REHT Tbe aaw double brick Store, opposite the aow Cuatom Houae, barring two entraaeaa one oa Cue tombouae atroat and the other one on Croeemaa street. Apply to P. J.

FAVT, LOB1T CO. as im 13 Coati a treat. a FOR REHT Thoea three desirable two frame Dwalbnaa oa Annunciation street, betweea Rohia aad Race atr ta. Apply to al tf J. W.

ZACHARIE At 88 Cnetombou at. TO REHT The Upper Storka of Ho. 68 Camp street taba lor icee. etc apprr to GEO. W.

HTHSOH, campatreat. funk FOR REHT Store Ho. 67 Grarar ntreet ponmio. I given immediately. Apply at I0S aaraiine ntreet, to an a ah IS tt FARAD ISE.LAWRASOH at CO.

OFFICES FOK RENT The Iront aad back OSuae 1 a oa the aecoad floor or 97 Camp etreet, with the privi a a kgeof aaeping rooma if required. The counting room oa the Arat floor, now ocean ad by the aubacribera, wu'd be let ako, ia caaa parties are er it to tho eecood floor. Pea ana akB giraa IM November, HA! Apply to LSHBRIDOE aaa FOK RENT A two story and attic brirk Dwelling, I .3 eontaiaing 7 room, ia maia building, kitchen aad aar Jh let rooma complete, hydrant, Notre Demo treat, betweea Tchoapitoulaa and Magasiae strasui will be ranted low to a good tenant. a girea lat November, Apply ta WM. MOHAGHAH, Notary Paslic, 78 Granier ntreet.

TO LET. The Chambera adioiainr those eecapied by Maruxri 1 at tha 01 aaa vamp Apply to a. ji usub, corner Caeal aad Caaep atraeta, TO RENT Tbe two at or. House, with Stable at I tarbad, oa Constance, between Bartbolnmew aad Ee a. ulla ttreeta.

Inquire at GEO. A KAUSLER CO Cottoa Pickery Richard, betweea St. John tbe Bsptiet and Pacaawr atrsets, or at katers Cottoa Preaa. as 1 nPoR REHT Stare No. 68 Gjuvier at rent Store No.

SB Magaaiae etr at: Store Ho. TO Magasme nt. Apply to An 088 tf BOGART FOLEY FOR RENT Tbe Store No. 88 St. Charles street, ob I da the Verandah Hotel, with aa entrance oa Comm a Ako The Second Floor af store Ho.

96 Common street poa grr ea IN If ovemoer. Appiy to lm B. SHAW, Draggiet, Verandah comer, a TO RENT Thone hand tome Lofts No. 68 Ci pst Inquire oa the pram aaa. ol tf Tf TO RENT STORE Ho.

68 Com area atreet. Apply to jiau runiit, 0B8 lmw corner Commerce and roydras ata. TO REHT Tba noacio 1 OMeee had Lofta above the store areet, suitaaa Kir aa importing ary noon a or rottoa aoaaa. aulOtf ALFRED MTJNROE at CO. a a TO LET Thn Second story Front Omen, and tbe Third I I Floor, ova the atore No.

74 camp etieot ponaaamn giv immediately. Apply to A. BROHSAMA, oa the pre ausi ui TO RENT The two Brick Atoree ia Tchoapitoulaa etreet, no. tva aaa tno The Brick Store Ho. 3S Julia atreet.

Two Frame Houaaa ia Gironde etreet. with itch ana, ciatera ana yarn. Two Wararaoms on Commerce at met. Ho. 13S and 131.

Apply to O. LAB ATT, Attorney at Law, Ho. I Duaraa's BUiMinge, axenange riace. a in nPOR RENT The well Sninhad two ntory Hoone third door above Orange, oa Camp etreet. To a good Enwjaan rnnt mw.

dpiv to alS tf rJ. 1 E. MORTON, 41 Haw Lame. FOR RENT Tha Brat floor of Store Ho. Caroa.

aat etreet, well tna had and sen able for an oMea. MOON. TITUS At CO. 0i TO BE LET A doable three atory brick Store. Hoe.

aad iw Grarkr poaaiion giraa louoadr Apply to BO lat IvHAS. HAOUn, 11 vnwrigBj tmrm for rmnryinc oa tlM baUiag bMinw, wttk or wita. oat 6 KmacrotM. all sart Bnor baksrrm. ror torms ppt on um pmmi or to D.

BARBOUR. STORE IH CHARTRES STREET TO REHT 1m Bnediate poaaeaaioa gi The andaome two elory brick store 14 Chart ran, between Canal and Customhouse Tha flxtares. all aaw, will be sou oa terms auitana to tbe teaeat, ua mj HOTEL FOR REHT The eoauaodious and aewl nahed Hotel aitnated at the corner ol rront la Baarr Mk atn ta.oppoatte tbe steamboat aadiag. It( oi 1 a diaiar room, two ki a sariors. twanur hndrooma, a very krge kitchen, gas and water pipes, Ac, the WBoa ia vary gooa oraaana oouoiuob.

Ako Three croand floor STORES, with rooms above, underneath the Hotel two 01 wajca rront oa lavae aire, ana one an di onville nti et. Ako The DWELLIN8 HOUSE Ho. TO Xxesango Alley. Bieavilk UBS, euitaole for a gantael Boarding Ho una, con taining eight rooms, huge garret, kitchen. Uireeacrranin ruocaa cellar, wood bouse, hydrant, therwbok newly paiotad.

Apply to MUSSOrJ, bo UT At tba Poet Office. TO RENT. A threeet ry brick Dwelling House, situated Ho. 881 Magaaiae street. Tha bouse krxe sad eoan uient: in good repair, and has a good kitchen ana nuM tttacnen.

Appiy on ins prnrnaa orto nS tf WM. HAMHtR38 Cimajt. nwah TO REHT Tha thraa atorr brick Dwslhnr Honae art I nated at the junction of St Joseph atraet and Tritoa troatuig on sotn streets. inquire at o4 tf TATTE RSALL STABLES, 74 St Charles St. rOB RENT The Lower Floor of store No.

78 St. rlea atmet I poaaaaaion grrnaon the lstHorambef baiu XDDIV to o8 3mT ANDERSOH At METCALF.T9 St. Charles at. FOR. RENT kaStonn.coraarol Pov drasaod Tcboa laa streets, ia good repair and an adair aaa ataad li miiiaea Possession uvea oa tba let of Hovember.

WVto ft imm a i FOR RENT A aow two etory brick STORE oa I 1 Tchoupitoalaa atraet, Lafayette a very eeaumbkaitaa ima ior a retail dry gooa. appiy to olT J. MITCHELL, 88 Msgaaias at. a TO RENT. Part or my OfBca.

ole lm 8. B. COHBET, 81 Camp QTO REHT. aituatad oa I grreaeathel REHT. One of tioee dsursbk RESIDENCES Camp straat.

Ha. 887. Ptaaeaaaoa will be la of Hovanha Tha vard flaaseA aad baa a a.ata land a hydrant for watar worka The Uoaaa will receive all asceeaary repair.1 Apply to olS tf HENRY LATH R0F, gap Camp at. a rt HOUSES TO BERT Tbo three twft etory brick Dwellmg HOUSES ea tba east aido of Frytaaw street, a between IiUnw aad PotTaaa. Poaaeaaioa ar a the lat rJ Novaaaber.

For coaditioas apply to FELIX RICOT, mt the giotary store ooraor of Euterpe aad Prytaaia atraeta. or to aa jywirn nvirainn. wnj wravaa aa. a nan 1 at 0 avnvy irnnnv nan, iiuniniiiina four rooaae aad a two etora hitch aat, ea Tcboepiiaalai etreet. betweea Th a sad roarta as eta.

lamy an Re 890 per month. Ako. eome Two Story frame Hon sea. aoatajnanf tarn Kb, situatod oa Cosianon, aaar Mad aaa etieot. Rant 81A vaBth Apply to gvw, A ruaoui, OlSw tl 1 TO.

REHT The three atory brick He. 14 Caaa alianl lamiiiii II Ii III riiia.aiaa nlinal at. The foar storj brick Store aad Dwelling bouse Ho. 8 noes xa so, oetweea ii.inanis aaa uuaetxa etreasi oa saa can be bad at eeca. Tha throe story brick Store Ho.

SS Oravier atraet) poeaee aloa oa 1st norsmbar. for terms appiy to 08O tf C. A. JACOBS, SO Bank Pkoa NnW Hardaa aaai Irka aa Mm )d. una.

Tbe aubacribera bag to aaneuace the arr rn al ofakrga Wan supply of new Garden, Farm and Flower BEEPS, direct irea taa grower, warraaiaa taa year a grow un, waan tba attaatioa of planters, gardaaer, Ac a particaiarl ra eneatad. They have ako oa haad a cboica colketioa of Pkata, aaraba, Treea, including a lot ef vary Sue Manila Japoaica, or run aaarmg aauar, an ia rs, aaguouaa, xtonan, au. nnnaflruiw amnnio, AS ly 48 Customhouse Mreet, next to corner Cnartres. Iiaat car aiUlaJd. A PBOMISSORY NOT a drawn by a.

1 rank A Robb aad David a. aTB. lain, aad dated at Redaer. Mian, ea the 83d Feoruery, 1840. pavabks veare after data to toe order af u.

Burke, at Canal Bank. Hew Oral ana. for 83.174 40. A reward ot Fifty Dolkra will bo paid by tba subscribe for tns recovery 01 saa a uote, ana au passu are aareoy aa tiaaaa nxi nai. wag ua uxa tao eaaa, aa pay nana, aaa aa Stepped by Botiee to ail the partiaa hank.

a. BtllULBi a w. F4r eaaitt. A STEAM EHAIHE aad aB am aaaanr a A. inc.

for ruanrag a aaw axil, will be sold for aaaat half it. aTrhr MnarliraB 1L11 aasniiH nf yoWEAdtt'WCosnaBtt DANCING. BfwBSa Mild Sf'Bie AMCeliaa. Teach era of Fsahkmabk Daac reaaeetniBv ha. form thair firieoda and tha pabl that tWhara nlaT ed their DANCIHG SALOONS at So im dnlnt at mat, bntweaa Harm aad Oirod, rn tkn, will teech all the bow and FanhionnkiM b.

ZT' Dancee. and a new Dance eomooeod bv M'aaa An iiin. called the JENNY LIHD WALTZ. nS fv Duel Aeadenyi Mr. P.

CLISSEY manactfull in forma tha kdian r. I reap and gentkmen of Hew Orlaana that ha dancing academy will be opened oa MONDAY next, "cm at Ho. 8 Caroadekt a treat, betweea Common and Canal streets, where be will teach all tha moat Bah. iosabk dances aow ia vogue, such aa tho following aa tfuaoniiee. Take a Deux Temps, Polka a Maiurka, ValaaaTroaTempa, Ge naa Polka Waka, Polka da Saloa.

LaRedowa, The Scottish Polka. Mr. C. will teach thane faahioaahk Daacaa to ad an sad tkmen ia a coarse of Sftees k.iiin. BaT Private chuee.

for adiea and gen tie nan from 0 till 8 0'clnek every day. an Clean for chiWrea fromSo'ckcfc tiO Idark oa Moadaya and Thursday. Cka. for geatare ea lrom sit tiW 10, are night. Hte Lrftnla Hatel Dttnelnc Aeftdemy.

a liLirfUlna tfltin 1 reSDactlullv inaa to the Lad inn and Gentkmen, Parenta and Boarding Scbook. that she has takaa tba Saloon af tha St. Look Hotel for ba Academr thk winter, aad aha booea for tha continual tat mare of her acholara of aevw inter, ana otnere woo any wien to toin bar academy. M'He Vincent will give a CHILDREN'S SOIREE every two weeae, and a BALL every two weeka for the eemor laaaa. It not aeceesary to enumerate the variety of Dsaces taught at bar Academr.

but all that Hew aad Faahhwabla will ha taught. Sixnor B. THAMES atigaged to lead the Orchestra, witn new auiK, uirvct irom rarin. Terms 86 for Twelve Lessons at tba Academy; Private lassons st houses, ia elssses of seven or eight, 8a Private La one of one or two. 81 each.

M'Ue Vincent will be found at her Academy at all hnurs of tbo class days Teasdays. Thursdays and Bstardays from 4 till 6 o'clock for Ladies, and from 8 till 10 o'clock for Young Gentleman Th. Dancing Academy a ta be opened on the 11th 01 aovemuer. ow am ma da mi IL.eria. THIS celebrated Philosopher, AAtrologkt and Ptyaiogao tactfully informs the.

Ladies end Gsotlsmen of Hew Orleans, taat auv wui remain in tue city ior some time, sad caa oe con suited at her rasideace oa St. Joseph street, No. ISO, betweea at. thma ans uim streets, cousnitaooa, BL. alt tit" OlTlce anal Uealdeace can aer mt CstsuU aad eircus streeta.

AHCELOT HOPE EVERITT. M. CoIlerUU of Kinr's Ii CoHere. London. Alumnus and Matriculated Member of the Univareity of Edinburgh, aad Member of tbe University of st.

Andrews, sue of uw ruu couece 04 Burgeone or K.dta bergh. Graduate in Obatrstnee and the Diiaiaa of Women and ChiMrea, Licentata of tha Mndioal Faculty. Hew Orleans, Biiraordinary aamber of tbe Hunter an aeaucal Bocaty, acov knd. 1 Ha will ascertain the symptoms and aula mine tba aatara and sxtsat of whatever diaaaaa nay be present ia the Lungs, Head. Heart and Body, without any information from tha patant, aaa ata blah tha radical cure sccordance with tba lima iik af 'A.

AUnipkgy of Life and Death, of Health and Dnail Prolwiaor Everitt dairee tho treat ant of tho a acute aad disease oaly. that remam uaraueved. aad thsas that nave bvctmis hopnlens. The ka will depend upon the aatara, tba caeee aad tba extent ul any disease payahk by mutual ag aaMai, ar at tba iptioo ol tha patant. smT Profamsor Eventt having aeea sohcited to area l.atise oua in the above procure of medicine, bow roans, to da bter Pnvste Course of Lectures on the eaajat to gwakaea arho have attended one course el PhysaMogy sad twa eesexea 11 t.bsmwtry, 1 see a on to y.

rasa aar aaaa coarse mt HJn lenMiai ar Allalaldl. A NOTE, drawa by Goodrieb At aad in. da'ed at New Orl.eca. Ocf Smb. 18A0, sad payabk to tbe order ol Kit tba way, eo dya aula Satavfor BsyMB 14.

All pe.eoae are herabr cautioned axsiavt aenotating for esid Hots, urn payment thereof has been stopped. Asy tafori natioa ia regard lathe name will be thaal fully raasrved by Bib KICE At HATHA WAX, 7318 aagns IP. It. Tobaeea Hlerace. THE usdsrvirned, having leaned the hue and com mod tone warehonena knowa aa the 8UZETTE aad tbe FIRE PROOF, are prepare receive aampk TOBACCO, ana tenner uwir eerviree to tnn trsoe.

1 new ensrre ior su ping, wsuhing, enmphng, and storing 80 dsys, will ba 88 hhd. storaga after the arat 60 daya, 86 cents per month. K. RATBURH. Saaette atraet Wareboaae.

O. STAPLES, Tin Proof Warsbouis. 13tdA3mW 1 1 jatfawsia far Hale. rrtHE snhncriber has oa band a large and valaabk lot of A. SLAVICS.

coataloinranneri wr cooks, waabaraaod nToaers: sasm L.tre aea. carDentera. mnaona. and aer rants of every capa city Said hands. He a offering these Skves at lei ms and prvee to suit tba raws of ouysrs saa jaurcosssrs, woo are re quest! to call and sxsmiaa before asking thsir bsrgsins else where.

Nsw Orlsans Skve Depot, las coalman ttre em auav tnunauu, Dr. WbUsb's Cayd. WfT.T. una no other art in tba advertisem*nt thaa what mat JL he found in plain truth. By length of prentice 1 have become anaatav of all tbona eonaalsinta lb at arise rrom imoare coition ot, that I may sxpress myself without alevtatioa, all tbeae com nlainta tliat ara called venereal, ror nsarnr iniroaes ynarn pnna baa seen my sak business treat those cases thsrs las the merit that I assume.

I have rvna mom attention to oee chua nf dannna thae any other doctor, aad 1 know them better tnna taanr su. a whnx 1 nan mar an naiaiiinr aara. ana which ao una haa ventured jrnt to contradict Strict urns, Hodes, uiosrs, Bores, unlets, Mra Throats, ara iua am a mihar to me aa the rammourt thisws of dailr obssrvatioat I can say without vanity, for 1 clam I aa otbr merit tbee uat a experaace. 1 enert a cure ia recent eaaa ia a Irs dare, and And no difti euhv in these el lonr duration, withai it eubmif hw the net ni aanaebacearssof treat bbiob will draw ape aaa thn slat bv aitsusniuue, or oblice him to neglect bkaiaoa whether with oht doors or within. The a at eves need net be altered.

There sis in Hsw Orkasa huBdrads that xauM sappty proob of tha out uses are matted i Lnat requara taa ascent secrecy, waaoa hrv iokblr preaa i a. 1 have auv ouUalcstioos which I da aot thmk ft aim.iary ta mid, tetkfled that ay reputatioe a already saflckatly astab aneu. Constant attSBdiace froa the wtoraimt aati) I at Bight. wTwATSOH, a. D.

BAT Dr. Watson baa teauoved to Ho. Of Customhouse, be tweee Roysl nod Boarhoa streeta. dB lylstp Vlrclala DI aaa faet a real TalMteea. Twenty Thousand Pack ages.

THE nnderairnsd, agent, for tba aannfaetarera, Kara hi store, aad are receiving by every packet, the an at aad best assorted stock of VIRGINIA TOBACCO ever before offer i a the Hew Orlaana anarket, comprising the most favor ite brand to which they lavas tba atteatsna or eae re, oaer inr lad uce meats of lowest prices and most favorabk terms. Their stock coexists tartly of the fbflowmg i Seta. Hs ae AAAA I Avery's Ss. aad 8a. Ds.

AAA) I Banvard'. as. aad 8a. Bnrdon'a 8s. Ckvtoa.

croa bread c*ntoa'sna. Csbinsee's 6s. Do ar ass a 8a. Ella', ka. Fletcher', lbs.

Goede's tie. and 8s. Ham's Ss. Irwin's 8s. DO.

u. C. vara I LanghiB us, eaetariae Do. BteBnardi Do. Madisoai Dr.

SsuBders's OM Osoat Do. J.D. Saunders l. Jtownn. Gold Leaii W.

Lnaunders'. dn.) TflOBSS OS. P. Kobtnsoa'a Esmeralda Myara'a dwarf superiori Laytoa'a aaa, and 6a. McCulleck'.

6s. and 8a, Grant's do. Heetar laal. Oragoa Ibe. PinckBey'sSav Pattenon'a Snf Rswhns'a lbs.

5 Sydaor's Ba. sndTSs. nomas 's lbs. Van. Ss.

and lbs. Winston's lbs. Woodratn'a Sa. and 8a. Da, Jones At Soa, Suthsrtin's JnnannLiad Holland Law'.

Tuacarora f. Do. purs kef Do. rold leaf Josmh Wills. Caawell.

Me MC'a arcHsery Do. McCullock I Do, MrReady x4 acvanv. Toang At Burwall'a And 300 other brands, of various site lump, at tbe Virciaia Tobacco Warehouse ot Jyl I WILLS At MA WAINS, Oravar street. For PatiladeiphlMe POR PHILADELPHIA Penroea At Burton's Line of Packets The iwrular Backet ahip CALEDONIA BRANDER, H. C.Hsms, anaater, having the greatest irt of her cargo anvrared aad going oa board, will iya.

Far freight oi 900 bbda. sugar, or tbe bulk ijjoa board, opposite tbe Vecetable Market, 1st win au in a lew da thereof, aar plyip b8 or to J. H. ASHBRIDGE At 07 Camp St. FOR PHILADELPHI Penrose St Barton'.

Lira nf Paekate Ta auoce i tha Cakdoaa Braader Tbo kr packet ship lutbuin nor grave, maatar, win aail as above. For frairht or pannage apply on board or to J. H. ASHBRIDGE afc i (XI. ,07 Camp St.

FOR PHILADELPHIA la a fow days Re gnkr Pneknt Tha amarkablr fast aaibng pack at brig 'AZORES, Aroerbnry, aastar, wiU have immediate de For freight ol lo hhas. sugar aaa sou aaa. ranaaaa board, opposite tbe Beef Market, 1st My, or to GEO. C. BOOERT A 0 Csm st.

apply oa OXT Vmw Ham. FOB HAVRE The superior At fcst sailing ahip J. fT CAXHOUH, Lowell, master, having tha greater aaaaa ad and noiar oa board, will have quick despatch. For belaeea of traght or pssssge, hsvug spkadid accommodxtione, apply to we capaua oa eoaru, at Post IS, SeeoBd MunKipality, or to aSO H. V.

BAXTER. 78 Coansnea J3kJk FOR HAVRE The Al fast sailing Antoricaaeaia sy nkMlLAH, Sturtivaat, maatar, saving nearly an oar car aaaaaatgo araagad aad going on hoard, will have quark da aa above. Far freight of 300 bales oottoa apply to J. P. WH1TNET At CO, 61 Camp at.

9mT For psssage1 apply to the captain on board. a98 Ajt. FOR HAVRE Tbe superior Al fast ssiliag shift sYs waTiOLP ENGLAND, Lowell, master, having aaarly all aaBaaaaakar carro eaxared and coins on board, will aava Quick daspateb For freight of SOO bake cotasa, or passage, having pkndid aco oaanaataa, apply to the caataia aa board, post 17, Bacons autun pmny, oi to k. OFFEHSiTNDT, 8 8. Charles at, BO a.

v. HAA TAM, 19 ffjQBTirooB wreat. 2g FOR HAVRE Tba Al fast ssilaur shia DEVON SHIRE. Strickland, master, haviar Bearly all bar enr aawaaaageeaBaed aad oa board, wiu sail a a aw oar s. ror freightof ISO baka cottoa to SU.

apply to p. WHITHET SI Campat. aaaTFor passage, having wparior acewurvrirktioria, spply to th. captain ob board, Poet 81, Second Municipality. al jCtnt FOR TRIESTE The Al faat sailing Morwegsw bark ARAN AH Eyde, aaster, aow hadiag lor a awathe above port aad will receive early dapstch.

a Al Cmm rrrTir iraaapiy to tba captam oa FOR alESTE The Al that aailmx flora sbis OCE AKA. Su phannoa, mantar, aow loaning wr ing aad will Bare aa as i all bar cares nlS Fi .1 nm aa hoard, at BOSt 7. run an NaUee. Jt2r tAiaitniaaoiTag from tlLw data. wane ua a ens a WW ea ia.

A in m. ii mii Sa Fhuasra' I bill to tha i AUCTION SALES. Ja Ai BemrdH Amr.tUn Sales. 886 Lou if Ground. Libera! Credit Sale of Real Estate by order of the President eae uireeto 01 toe reotcaartn ua Kauroed Ceapany, aitnated On the Geotillr Ridce.

Faubourn D'ArcnntnL BY J. A. BEARD, Auct'r On THURSDAT, the 88th Hovember, 1H60. and tha following day, at IS o'clock, will be aold at the St. Look Exchange gjmm or round compniea wrrnni tne squares wos.

1, 8, A 8. IO. 18, IS, 1 4, 16, 18. 17, 81. 44, 80.

86. S7, 98, SO, SO. 4 37.40. JK AA lilt SO. Afltl.

Ml KS HA nil W. 68 ,68, 66, 69. 67, 68, TR, 76, 7M, 70, 80. 81, 88, 83, 84 all mors Plan by A. d'Hem acourt, surveyor of tbe Third Municipality, which plan will be exhibited at the St.

Loom Exchange eea week previous to tbe day of sak. Tha krger proportion of thk property choice high laad, fronting toe imnjediate vicinity of the Pontchartraiu RnJ 7 OawtU.y Road, end a wU aituatad for remdeeeaa, aart et gardens, etc. The arononad bra inch of tha rail ad. aow coptamplat.oB, to rua ud the Gentilly road to Eapk Vf' rrJKm Claiborne atat to Canal street, will, when completed render tasse lot. aaa of access from the feTd wntibrn and udvanagsoua locations Tsrnaiai lbuirtb cash; hajaaca at 1, aad 8 yean credit for notea bearing 6 per cent internet from date ta maturitr with mortiara retaiaed an the aronart.

it mtorast at tba rata of 8 pa cent per aaaum until Litkorranhic nkne caa be obtaiaad ana wwnk a aak, at tba ticket omen of the Company, er at tha oAee of the auctioneer, Banks's Arcade, where further information can be Acta of sak before' Bsadoia At Holland, notaries pablic, at the expense of the purchssers. All sake aunt be completed withia 10 dsys of dste af sale, or the property will be reaold for account and nek of the our cnaaer tailing to comply, altar in ren daya' advertisem*nt French and English, ia two of tba city papers, without further notice of legal default. Bi0 xteartr and liberal Credit Sole of Choice Build wm, nifcwu a ia uia noost nupioving aoruons Ol ua citv of Lafarerta. BT J. A.

BEARD, Auctioneer Oa 8ATURDAT, the 83d at 18 o'clock, will be wld at at Arcade, to close a joint interest, tha following described choice building lots I Ewhteen Lots of flrc mad In tha uur, honnoWl k. Kmw. ad as, Apollo, Sixth aad Coarey streete, numbering from 1 to 18 inciusrrs; an under a ana railing fsace, hair square from tbe Waahinatou street stonnmr nkca i delishtfullv sitaatad lor gsatkmea's rsskeocee. 8 Two Lots of Ground, being Hoe. 87 and 98 in the' square bounded by Haysdes, Apollo, Waahingten and Conrey atrsets, and fronting ob Apollo street.

3 Nine Lots of Ground tn the square bounded by Hayadea, Apollo, Waahrngtoo and Fourth atraeta. Lota 13. 14. IS. 16.

IT, 18, 18 aad 90 front oa Apollo atrsets. Lot 81 fronts on Washington street. 4 Thirteen Lots of Ground in the sansre honndad bv AnnHo Fourth, Washington aad Bacchus atraeta, with .11 the improvement, thereon, said lots numbering from 1 to IS inclusive. Oa lots Hob. 4 and Saa krge stank.

Oa lot Ho. 13 a two stiiry dwelling, with kitebna a tbe rear. Tba property is under a good fence, eidewalke naade aad tha plank road now rrig oa Apollo etreet will reader tbe property very desirable for ran 8 Three rarv dmirabk Lota of Oround in the annnra honnd ad by Magasine, Camp, Sixth and Seventh streets, being lot. Hoe. 1, 8 and oa a pan by A.

Had in, surveyor, and forming the corner of Washington aad Sixth atresia. Thk propertr is the vicinity of good improvements. The sidewalks oa Sixth a treat sre paid for. larme one Rmrta casa; bam nee at and 1 yesre' credit for Botes bearing 8 per cent inter it from dste, with mortgage aa tbe property, aad ii said Botes are aot paid whan dun to bear in tar eat at tbe rate of 8 per cent per annum. Persona waning to mveet choice property, to be sold without reserve, are invited to vieit the lots, pans of bn A areaew exhibited at the office ef the auctioneer.

Acta of sak for tba Brat, aad thaw properties before Tbo. Lay to salary publics aad for tbe fourth and Sf'b propeniee before T. O. Stark, notary public, at tba expense of tbe purchasers. Acts of sale to ba completed withia taa day.

lrom tbe adjadicatioa, or tbe same will be sold for ac eoBBtand nak ol purchaser alter three dsys' aottca two papers, without further notice ef kgal defaalt. aT Extensive Sole of Splendid mnd TmekionmiU Furniture BT J. BEARD, Auctioneer Oa TUESDAY, the 96 th instant. And foUoaiag day. at II o'clock, will be sold at auction at tbe reaidence of James Robb, St.

harks treet Tbe entire FURNITURE of tbe ostabliehnMut, eomprkmca list of levant aad uabioaabk Drawbu room. Dining aad Breakfast R.iom Seta, auperb Mirrori, ekraat Curtaine and Draperiae, Divana, Setteea, Work Tables. Extension, Dining, aad other Tables, Piano, Saa Carpets, full sets of China and Gkawares the contents of Chambers, comprising every description of Bed room requkitos. Cutlery, and a Isrge variety of every deocriptioa of Purnitare of tbe best maaufacture and latent styles. All as percetaiogue, wnicb wiu be ready lor delivery ea the Ota ol November.

The dwelling will be opened for impevtsoa of furniture oa the eame Bad following daya. Terras Cash, oa delivery. Sak without reserve aT Brick LhctUing on Oirod etreet. BT J. A BEARD, Anctxineer.

On SATURDAT, the 83d at 18 o'clock, will be sold at auction at Arcade A certain Lot of Ground in the square bounded by Julia, Oirod, Circus and' Phihpps streets, with all the improvements thamon. beinr lot Ho. 1 on a nka exhibited at the A rends. Said lot trans ren 16 feet front on Girod street, by a depth of 06 aet 4 mcnea vows. 1 no improvement, comprise a CO lortabk two atory brick dwelling, rented to a good tenant.

Terms 81600 cash bakaee at 8 months' credit for Botes bearing mortgage oa tbe property with 8 per cent, interest froa date. Aet of sale before T. O. Stark, notary public, at tbo expense or tne purcnaser. ate 87 Square of Ground, containing 1610 Lote, teilk a bow aaa modern buitt liweiiing, alter tae uotktc sty ia toe town of Cnrrolttoaj also, choice Property eitaaiad BY aTbEARD, Auctioaeer.

Oa TUESDAT. the Sd and following days, at 18 o'clock, will bo sold at auction, at Banks'. Arcade, to close a joint interest, the following dtscribsd real estate, which will be sold to the htghat bidder, to wit 1 That eagaat aewly buiH Gothic meaioa, aituatad oa the Carrol Hon avnaae, baweeaTaird aad Fourth atrnnta, together nth 94 kits of gTooad. 8 Twenty four Lou of Ground adjoiraW the above property. After which wiU be aold 1810 te of groand situated ia seme of tbe bast locatioas of tha towa of Cerrolltoa.

A por tioa of the property located oa the line of the two railroads aow aboat beana built, oee from Lafayette sad tbe other bemg a coaiiouauoe oi tne tarr oiiton rtauroau to taa um. 3 Seven Lota of Ground situated near to tbo hm ware house at Algwrs, sod bounded by Lsvsrgne street, tba Public Road. laaaa mni rivt sr and tha arooarty of Dursrres's hein. 1 aeea lots are area locates tor anip yaraa, warano ahip wharves, etc all aa per plane exhibited at th Term a One thirsrcaah; seance at 1. 8.

3. 4. aad 6 credit, for aota bearing aiortgage ob the property, with 6 par coat, tots set a om dste to maturity, which if aot paid when ue. to near mta est st toe raieoi spar cenL per annum auui iaal payment. i Act.

of ask before T. O. Stark, notary public at tha expense of tbe pun lisanis. niT Forty Lou of choice Levee Property in Bouligny. I I a).

A. xvAAtU, AUCtlOnS.r. UPSAlUrtXIAl uiexuu JJ instant, at IS o'clock, will bo sold at auction at Banks's A reads, without rase tbo following described valaabk real tats, situated tn jeBersoa city, to wo 1 Twentr eaht Lote of Ground eituated in the aquare bouaded by Levee, Water aad Jaasvst ate. aad Hapoleoa ev eaue, aumberiug from 1 to 98 iodusiva Lots 1, 9, aad 4 men, re eacn so feet front on lavae a treet, ny a eepta ing 100 feet, Lot No. 1 forma tbe corner of Levee aad Jan.

atrsets. Lots 6,6, and 8 aaaat each 86 feet oa Levee, by aa averare depth of 137 feet. Lois 9, 10, 1 1 and 18 measure 86 fast frost oa Levee et an average depth of 110 feet Lot No. 18 forma tha cornerNof Levee street and Napoleon avenue. Lot.

13 and 14 me.anre esLlrnfi feet on Napoleon aveaue by a depth o100 feet 8 hass. Lots IB, 17 and 18 measure 96 teat average oa water street ay aa avasga dnptn of 110 Lots lw, 80. 91 nnd 33 aaeesure aa average front Water etreet of .8 feat bv uA averse depth of 137 feet. Lote 93. 94.

96 aad 96 measure aa averare of 96 yret ob Water atreet by. an average depth of 109 feet. Lot Ho. 96 forms the comer of Water aad Jena street. Lot.

97 and 98 measure tch 30 fast ob Jsaa street by a depth of 100 feet 3 tinea. iaborrH 8 Tw ehra Battara Low. Immediately droht of the described qaara, aamber from 98 to 40 mclusivs. and having tbe aaroe frost aa tha lots on Water atmet, by a present depth of 160 feet, more er ass, to low water hue, with all the batture rights spuertaaing thai i Said battara let. will ba aold witn tns cor res no no inn au iroatisr oa aar street.

Thk Terr deswabk arotarty located immediately at tba terminus ol tba railroad from nsw Orleans, and ia wau aitutted for coal or lumber yards, or amrnbonaa. The batture ia front knowa. to be mu tng with greater rapidity than any front on tbe river. The whok of the properU will ba aold to tba aigb mt bidder and without reserve. Terms One balf cash bakaee all for by mortgage on the property with per cent interest from data, which if not paid when due to bear internet of 8 par cent per annum until I nai payment Acta ef sale before H.

B. Csnas, notary public, at the expense oi tne purcnasers. ni Saar Piaatatloa far Hale. TEfHQ dan as of oooc eatntinc arr force onar mu Lj pkntatioa I oear for aak my plant atioa art nated aa Bayoa Robert, about 7 miks from toe towa of Alexandra, coataiuing about 1,980 arpeate, about 660 of which ara cleared, and the rem a art er a Umbered with cypress, ah, osk.gum, hsckbsr ry, etc, which coaveaaot to tha sugar bouse. The building, coaaat oi a Saa dwal mg boas, with 8 krge rooms and 8 pea tras, kitchen, dairy, srnoke hooso, servnans houses, Ac a taa sugar house, gie bouae, stabla, oversser's house, aegro cabins, ate Toe re a tne crop of corn oa tha pkntatioa, which I will dkpoea of to taa purchaser at a raaonsbk price.

Tbe Red Rrrar Railroad lain witha 800 yards of tha sugar bouse. There sow about 160 arpanu of eaaa oa the place. Possas aioa to be ea ea tho la of Jaauary. 1SS1. Por terma.

which will he liberal, apply to Messrs. Masaaal White Co Hew Orleans, urto tbe, at Akr.nana. CHAA. H. FLOW PR.

Akrandrk. Snptemba 8S. 1860. eidw Ta tka Trawalllaa Pablic. SIMM uni i irTAro i PASSASE orriCE.

Levee, betwasa Canal aad Coamoa K.O. THROUGH TICKETS FOR CHAGKBS, PANAMA AND MAN rANCI8COx By staexaarssad he hsdat taeaswrs aaT Pa. mt ara warded to aB arts Ohn, Ilbnoa, Bad aad Ouachits Rivers, s) ry, aad aU parte of Taaaa. 1 airt a That rBaaa FROM CHAJUXSTOT rax he Phllsdelphk wOows ai tip. M.

do, torus SATUB 'AT, Aug. 4tb. at 4 e'clock Do. Tin. wpt, do.

i Oet, do. I Tan. Oet. 6th. at 5 Oct, 18th, at 4 io., at a Do. Wow. ISth, at4 Dm. i Mov.SOtha al 4 Bo. Dee.

14th, St 4 Do. Dee. anib see 3 a do. CnJMnt r'anMMim. I eaiea' aaloon, oo aoao a 8 Caaiu Paaange, Onntlaaaan Seeerase SaT Ha berth aacarad aatil aaad for.

Ann aad Boraa'l Cbarlaetoa, 8. yl JOHH LIITTOM, Aaaat ia Phiadelpha, or tn R. M. HARRlaO' STCO 14 Graua at at, '81841 Mew Oraana. OAL 100 hbda Coal, landiuc and for aak by" alS St J.

AAkShUlMIE tXlST NUMBER 255; sn From oar Evening Editioa of Yeatarday. The mail came tfarongh thia morning aa late a. due, bringing a dates from Charleston of the HthWajhtngton and BalUmore the 13th, and Philadelptiia, New York and Boatoa the 11th inat. fp WeVretarn oar thanks to tha genUemanly elerksxif the Bteambevats Die Vernon, Gen. Worth, Ne Pins Ultra, Pocahontas, Weitern World, Gal BAie and WilliAm Noble, f8f files of late unirer papers.

j. Bv the splendid U. S. Mail steaaier Florida, Capt. Giberson, we hare Mobile papers of ester day.

fT" By tha arriral this forenoon the steam ship Palrnetto, pt. Smith, we hsve; Galvestoa dates to the 15th Inst The Palmetto sailed from Galvestonthe 17th hut. The Hxpcblicak. We had the pleaani thia morning; of meeting at our (anctTim, Mr. R.

I W. Looghery, the editor of the Texas Republican, published in the town of Marshall, who is on a tisit to oar city on business connected with his paper. We believe the Republican ia tbe largest newspaper printed in the Lone Star State, and it, bears the evideace of prosperity in its columns. We would recommend it to our merchants and business men as a good medium for their advertisem*nts. 1 The Univeasitt of Alabama.

It would ap pear by an address rrom the alumni of this institution to the people of Alabama that it began its operations in 1831, was endowed by a gift from the General Government of certain townships of land, wnicn endowment originally amounted to 300,000, and would have exceeded $500,000, if tbe Legislature had not passed relief laws in laror of its debtors, and by other isman agementVe duced its funds but the State has thai far only consented to secure to the university the sum of 250,000, which yields an Income, at 6 per cent, amounting to 915,000 per annum. Splendid apparatus, a small' but well selected library, a full corps or experienced and distinguished officers, are on the ground. During the eighteen years it has been in active operation, it has graduated about two hundred students, or an avercge of eleven for each year. The expenses for tuition, room rentt servant hire, fuel and library, are 652 50 per an num. The board of hare provided that one young man from every county may reoeiva his tuition and contingent expenses for the whole course without charge.

But "few hare erer availed themselves of the privileged" The address contains an earnest and eloquent appeal to the citizens of tbe 8tate to sustain the institution. university asks not for much money, but for your sons. She asks you not to confer favors, but to receive them i8Lfrrjj and ciaim your peculiar privileges. If the university be an evil, demolish it and res tors the endowment to Congress, that it may confer It on some Btata that will appreciate it aad use it." Affatas at. Washington.

A Washington de spatch of the 18th Inst, to the N. T. Herald, says the following appointments have been mAde by the'. President: Mr. George R.

Smith, Superintendent Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadelphia, in place of William C. Irvra. James Berry, Inspector, Vice Mr. Grler. William P.

Fox, Messenger, vice George Canning. Tbe Secretary of tbe Treasury baa directed the removal of several incumbents in the Cu Mom li onsa at Norfolk, Va. Henry Wlddlcombe haa been appointed Messenger in the War Department, vice H. McKlnley. Mr.

Bokee aland, the beal chance for Cuosolsbip at Havana. Tbe Naval Board of Offirr will be required to pre pare new rules and regulations for tue government of the Navy. A letter to the Baltimore Sun says that Mr. Bait zell, of Frederick, has been appointed ta clerkship in the' General Land Office, and G. W.

Hammeraly, editor of the Lancaster, (Pa) Exami ner, to be Postmaster at Lanes ster, Pa. Missrssrrn Baptist State CoicvKr row. This assembly convened at Jackson, on Thursday, the 7th inst, and adjourned on Tuesday, the 12th. A large number of delegates were present. Among the most prominent items of business traxjxcled were the reception of Mississippi College, at Clintonwith $11,000 worth of property as a gift from the trustees, to become a Baptist and the agreement with the Covington (Ky.) Baptist Theological Institute to receive 6 per cent of benefits in that Institutions for all moneys heretofore paid and hereafter to be paid that aeminary.

Thirty delegates were appointed to tbe Southern Biennial Convention, to meet at Nashville next aprtng. Funds to the amount of 92,000 were paid into the treasury for tiaaiona, The State lducation Society, connected with this body, also had its meetings, and transacted much important buaineM. Four or five beneficiaries are under the care of this society, preparing for the gospel ministry. Passekoebs em the Gxoboiav The following is the list of passengers in the steamship Georgia, Which left York for Charleston, Savannah, Havana and Chagras on the 11th inat. I Mrs Nnnrlonn Mra Newton wo childreii mnd cwrraint; Stswmrt tnil tartj of tftifffat A StAeo, Consul for Urapunr.

mad kdy Mr 8 arty impat Bimporuo. I dy, cbuurea and Mrvut JoIibob xui. lunifT Fawe. kdy. daurhter and servant Mr Haa and kdy sir.

Mrs sad Missckmeat; Msjor Barnard, kdy. two cbjldrea and. aervant Samuel Taylor, Oen Green, Drpaty Collector of Call fortai AOOooachand hulyi MrSfauTsns brother; JGCaap bell sod kdy Nexusalhe snd kdy Jean raud, lady and two children; Mrs Pettes, Mrs Delona, Miu Bojrart, Mrs Tucker; Messrs Wade. Iramef, wimon, a cono, Stone, Willismeon, Lowlier, Duboa, Gsrcaw Jsrbecfc, Roberta, Cole, Clarke, Jones, Gskch, Monfarue, Raid, Jr, Ir Osgood, Mr Bogar dus and kdy, ruger, OMuUet, A Alien, Mr Wilson, P. Jose Rosa, Mr Deiden, Krune Mia Me.

let, Mrs Rev De Luyoee ami friead, Mrs Hunter and daughter. Or Barnes sad lady. Miaa Ouby. McKre. Mar, Mae.

Fultop, and Duffy, Kes'er, Felliu, Catelka, 1 Hough, Turner, Meuing, Mr Meson aad friead. Mr aad Mrs Par ror, P.HU1.C Smith, Mr Dumoot, Mr Crocker, Mr Rues and servant, Mra Jenoneruda and servant, Wstkins snd three 'kdwa, Forbes, 8 Cohere, Parka L.uoa, af Kihon, A McDanicl, Levy, Mr KobertaoB, laaier, Allen. French, Buckliu, Martia, GiRt, A Heblia, Kkllaader, Bkadaaa, Steveaaosl and key Mia Geslbrd sad family, Grsdstoa, Ryna, Wi backer, Lefrvrs, I Ostecs, Tehees, Maerian, Meig, Foster, Tr wbriogn. Tutt e. Kohn.

Sullivan, Burgess, saber Alnrander, 3 Gardiner, Wood. 1. Prast, Jwry.V Elites, VV McOonald, i A Cohea and any, Thae Cordesr, fr Dorlaad, Dor lead, Sborda. 0Jlail, rt Lf1? T. Maktr.J Whipply.

II wnipplv, sarraii. Tin uul on in On steerare. lomi ji. KsaUrttUa lc830 2 BTR E9 COM MA 1Af GaaarsU FaaaaMe aaf Vmlff btlaa8 1 STREET, ear. Beat Fbaaw ZZr Kni as WATERLOO ROAD.

7n Hs! subenrera beg leave te atlo a the public lAroaghoat I ua United States that they are aow prewared to issue, at ir aswaral avaach houses aad nark, FaiasiOertutc ijaeertae the aa aami. to a br Bra aaiia froa Liverpool, Dublia, Cerh, Beffsst and LoaBoadsiiy, ITanW Orkaaa, Raw Tork, Beetaa aad Balu. aara. They are alsoenabad to forward (aa Livers sol) par. ties residiBg ia Franca, Holland, Belgium, Han.

ary aud Bav susy, bang theoaly Hoaee a the trads heviag aijaai a thia. couatnaa, P. W. Byrnes It Co. aaa ks ua Drafta payabk at sigbt, so ax aaa IW 1.

aaanlklik a arrarv town hsvinr a BanA la OrnaS Brrtaia or Ireland, aad giving with every BUI of Exchange a receipt for the aaoney received, and guarsxrteemg the eae psy maat of tha Haw much these acJitaa ara sssrscai tad may be kaowa from tbe (act dunag tha ant teoya aa anwards of sat wsflHsw faawdi lUrlttmj have pa and tnrongh P. W. Byraa A Co. dsnpatrh enandkl krmt ska snips to tae following ports on lbs daya earned bnaow e.wiceaweek,deru To How Tork The Kerular Luars, ssihng oa Ua let, SU, 11th, lnth, list sad Hh of such month. i To Boatoa three times a anoutb.

or ofleoar i To Baltimore by the aagukr I isaia, nailing oa tao aa ox Fsr imimt atrtbirr porta P. W. Riiues at Co. aava i raise of charrss, which are as low mm oaerpaubk with sn sat fumhxaet of tAesr eoatracta and these, ss wnll as aB fui immm. ana ha illialf br nnnhentka.

nether seaei sea boa. further partieuka, eaa ba by upheatioa I 'either per or eyiov vyw At Oiavkr atreet, co ar Baah Fkune lew Orlass mm mm, mm una ly AwEOLOGIST aad Mmag EagiBeer who ba made great and soeceasfBl reesarches for miaarak ia arose aad Aaa, of opiaioa that tae varanas reports of mineral treasures OA of Tehannnnnaa Any psrsoa who a williag ta employ some capital, or who, commanding inSusnce, a willing te nndnrtnls the fore sue a of a naapnay tor tba eaphMBtaa af, aad af sues ananal Aw the mw tahlishmsBt of mimng works oa, the said Isthmus, caa bear partiea krs by arranging aa iatarview by addrseeisg at taa oatem of tba faayuaa. ul io fc ifli8 i. 4 i.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.