The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)


Elmer Shearer, Brod becks. Mr. and M.s. Frank B. Miller.

Miss Dorothy Albright and Airs GLENVILLE. The stockholders of the Codcrus and Manheim Farmers Association, held their annual meeting the hall of Jesse Bortner, Monday afternoon. The following directors were F.ank Wolf, C. A. Grote, H.

M. Spring Grove; Mrs. Daisy Meckiey, Grote. H. J.

Krug. S. S. Bortner, Mrs. Norman Markle, daugnter Paul Krebs and J.

Sterner. Jcan and Billy Meckiey, Hanover. s.u i. n.ij and Mrs. Kate Krebs were visiters bhc Sale I.

Held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sey- Public sale was held, Friday Miller, over the week-end. the Joseph Yingling estate. Man- cheater, Charles Yingling exe-I cutor and Laura Yingling execu- trix, when the fifty acre farm was sold to Charles Yingling for $1700.

confined t0 1x5(1 by Unless. A 24 acre woodlot was purchased ounaay by Samuel Bowman for $420. Per- Mrs. Peter Luckenbaugh, Mr. ana sonal property was sold whichMrs.

Lloyd Byers, daughters Elaine amounted to $424.91. Prices obtain- and Dorothy, Fannie Luckenbaugh ed were: Horse, $16; cows, $46 ana I nd Dorothy Unsell, all of Yonc, $40; com $2.15 a barrel; comer I and Misses Mary and Bessie Bort-cupboard $18; dishes 40 cents to ner- Glen Rock, were Sunday smoked meat 12 'i cents to home of Mr. and Mrs. Pius B. Miller, were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Auchey, Jefferson. Mr. and Mis. Charles Shaeburg, Jwnor Kopman, Caro.yn and p1 Myers.

Doily and Roy Spanc Gladys Teal, and George Kof I tended Conewago school every during January. Accepis Capital Port Harry W. Hulick, New Oxford I D. 2, has accepted a position mV treasury department at Harrisbu-I Brlel And Personals I Mr. and Mrs.

H. H. Beamer a- daughter. Mae. visited Mr.

Beame-broth Harley, York. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver an daughters. Martha and Jeanette a Glenn Weaver visited the la't' I sister, Velma, who is a patient I the West Side Sanitorium Weaver is recovering from an pendicitis operation.

The Willing Workers Sund school clacs will meet on Fnrt evening at the home of Mae Beamer. The Friendship Circle Sund school class will hold an oyster si per on Saturday evening in Pines Hall. 5 Miss Florence Trimmer and win Minter have been appoint members of the Young Peon Council of the Pines church. Miss Edna Spangler has enter Jefferson Medical school when, Will study dietetics. Conor 01 vie lauers Diruicay.

William Inskip and son Arthur spent the week-end with relatives in Winchester. Va. WCI Aid Mission Work The local Brethren Sundry school decided last Sunday to contribute $20 for World-wide Mission work of the church. Misses Anna and Betty Deatrick. Abbottstown, spent the week-end with their grandparents.

Admitted To Hospital Mrs. Alcert Malaun was admitted as a patient for treatment at the Warner Hospital, Gettysbu. g. Monday afternoon. Sunday visitors -at the Maiaun home were: George Hultzel and family, York, and Mis.

Mary Chronister, near town. Emme.t Simpson, Philadelphia, is spending some time with his daughter, Mrs. D. Hartzel. Mrs.

Sarah Albert, who has been confined to bed for some time, is improving. 1 Roy Waltersdorff and family, Hanover, spent the week-end with Lewis Leinart, Sunday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young and son. Spring Grove.

1 Charles Stock, Aspers, Roy Stock, New Chester, and Raymona Stock, Abbottstown; with their families. Miss Pauline Stock ana Lloyd Benny, Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Miller, Yohe; Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Gorsuch, York, and Harry Hulick, New Chester, visited S. W. Stock. Mr. and Mrs.

Jacob Howe were Sunday visitors of Wilmot Miller, York. Springs R. D. Mrs. Dorothy Bucher and daughter Effie Lou and Mrs.

John Boyce and daughters visited Charles Greist, York Springs. Will Present Program The Hampstead school will present a program in the J. O. U. A.

M. hall, Hampton, Friday at 7.30 p. at which time they will present the lodge with a new stage curtain for their hall. Maye Thomas is teacher. Play To Be Given The ladies of Hampton will present a comedy entitled Raising Money for Bangville in the Hampton hall, Feb.

19 and 20, at 7.30 p. for the benefit of the Hampton Fire Company. Refreshments will be on sale. 20 cents a pound; lard 7 cents potatoes 70 cents a bushel; apple-butter 60 cents; pudding ri. M.

Grote was the auctioneer and D. V. Wentz and M. A. Yingling were clerks.

Will Present Play The Dixie Minstrels sponsored by the Jefferson Male chorus will ren- der a play at the Brodbecas com- munity Hall, Saturday evening. Annual Debate Held The annual debate was held at Glenville High school Thursday ly meetings at the church The loll lowing officeis were elected; Presi dent, Lloyd E. Krebs; vice presi-George Bange; secretary, H. M. Grote and treasurer, Spencer Bortner.

The Rev. Paul D. Yoder a very inteiestlng address on Lincoln 65 0t Washington and evening, when the following jtu ges, P. M. Trump, Maurice Shaffer and Raver, rendered tneir decision ia favor of the afifirmative side.

The speakers on the affirmative side we.e Luella Albright, Nova Kaltreider vnd Mervin Latchaw. The negative speakers were Ortha their montii- Y0RK SPRINGS A birthday supper was served the home of Officer and Mrs cha les L. Markle, Spring Grove, Sati day, in honor of their little daug ter Florence. An oyster supper served. Those present were Mr.

a Mrs. Albert Weikert and three ch dren. New Oxford, R. D. 4, and and Mrs.

Robert H. Myers Yo Springs, maternal grandp'aren Officer Markle took Mr. Weike and Mr. Myers to see the basketb; game between York and Spru Grove. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert F. Myers ar three children, Thomasville wei recent visitors at the home of Rot ert H. Myers, York Springs. CHICKS FOR SALE Barred Rocks and Rhode Man Reds, February 9.

Delivery JOS. H. HERTZ 1447 Broadway HANOVER, Telephone 911-Z Taylor, Janet Rinehart agd Ruth Mummert. Miss Luella Albright was judged best speaker on the affirmative side while Miss Ruth Mummert was judged best speaker on the negative side. Cage Contests Friday The boys and girls basketbalt i Community Fire Company held its teams of Glenville High school will annual three-night fair last week play the Stewartstown High school Generous boys and girls teams on the lor- L'enous contributions were r-mer's floor at Glenville, Friday i celved from the whole of Franklin evening.

i township, Fayetteville and Orr- Program Is Presented tanna. The rereintc frnm Members of the Literary Society Vhirben Vawi. I16 of Glenville High school rende.ed supper Thursday the following program, Friday: were W6.15, the oyster 6upper Fri-Song, Old Black Joe; reading of day. $106.55, and the chicken-waf-minutes; business: song. What re fie supper Saturday, $282 49 BeUs Ringing? poem.

ing and other amusem*nts made three The Raven, Katnrjn dlavt instrumental solo, Anna Gebrick; the total received for the EAST BERLIN TAX RATE ISREDUCED Half Mill Is Cut Off Borough Tax While Water Tax Is Reduced One Mill Council At Meet EAST BERLIN At the regular monthly meeting of the East Berlin borough council last Friday evening the borough tax was reduced from 8 mills to 7H mills and the water tax from 2H to 14 mills. Howard, C. R. Fohl and Ham-son Kimmel bid for street commissioner at 25 cents per hour. Mr.

Laughman receiving the most votes was elected for the year. The receipts from peddlers licenses, building permit and pole licenses amounted to $45 40. The following bills were paid: Current for street lights for one month, current for water pumping one month, 28.77; Janitor, $12; caretaker of pump. printing auditors fees, statements, labor, $8.72.. The following were present: M.

81othour, president; J. M. Danner, vice president; J. G. Mc-Inttre, secretary; B.

A. Jacobs, burgess, and H. J. March, J. L.

Bur-gard, P. W. Kimmel, George Hamme and Orpheus Myers, coun-cilmen. Mr. and Mrs.

Lewis Kimmel. Mrs. Sue Speck, Mr. and Mrs. John A.

Kimmel, Bermudian, and Mr. and Mrs P. W. Kimmel, this place, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Curtis Butt and Mis. Louisa Kim-mel, near town, Sunday. Plan Special Service The Union World Day of Prayer service will be held In Trinity Lutheran church, this place, on Priday evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs.

George Criswell spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Criswell, Hampton. Buried This Afternoon Mrs. Mary Kinter, wife of Edward Klnter, Dillsburg, and a sister to Ray Nell, Abbottstown, died Saturday after a lingering illness of one year from complications, and was buried in the Dillsburg cemetery this afternoon.

Personal Mention Miss Katie Miller and Mrs. -lice Glatfelter, spent Sunday at the home of John Miller. The Pines. A. D.

Spangler, a former East Berlin citizen and tombstone cutter, who died at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, in Spring Grove, last Friday was buried here Monday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Weikert and family, York, and Mr. and Mrs Spruce Getzler, were entertained at supper at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Weikert and Mrs Lottie Kraft, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feiser, York, were entertained at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Lat Feiser, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Sclar and family.

Sinking Springs, called on former neighbors and friends here Sunday afternoon. Curtis Hamme is ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Raymond Chronister, this place. Mrs. Emma Sebright is confined to the house with a severe cold.

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Elsenhart, son Junior, Mrs. Maude Elsenhart, Mr. and Mrs.

Wilbur Sowers and Elda Sowers, this place, spent the week-end as guests of the formers brother-in-law, George Butt, near Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, this place, announce the birth of a daughter, Patsy Marie, recently. Mrs.

Baker was Miss Lillie Burgard before marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Groupe and daughter Mary Louise, near Abbottstown, spent Saturday evening as guests of Mr. and Mrs.

George F. Jacobs. Mrs. Elizabeth Weikert returned to her home here after spending a week with her daughter Mrs. Spruce Gentzler and husband, near the Holtzswam church.

Paul March, the east end cattle dealer, has been confined to the house with a severe cold for past week. THEPINES THE PINES. The Pines 4-H club held its regular meeting in the Pines schoolhouse this afternoon. In School Every Day Mildred Boose, Elvin Bream, Don- HAMPTON. At the meeting of the Christian Endeavor societies Icf the Eastern district of Adams I County held in the local Luiheian church, last Sunday evening, the picgram follows: Music, Onward Christian Soldiers." orchestra; singing, Ke Leadeth Me." congregation: scripture reading, Miss Elda Miller: singing.

Work For Jesus," Junior girls from local Sunday schools; music, Softly Gliding." orchestra; solo. The Snow Prayer. Effie Leu Buchen; singing. mens chorus, "Soir-i Time He il Make It Plain and The Wayside Cross; address, Paul Reeser, of the Seminary at Gettysburg; vocal duet, It Pays To Serve Jesus, Miss Nora Glessner and Cha ls Cashman; music, Poet's Dream," iOrchestia; singing, What Shall I Do To Be Saved? and My Anchor Holds. mens chorus.

The following officers for the district were elected: Vice president, Arthur Wolf; secretary and treasurer, Miss Fern Livingston: publicity chairman, Mervin Lau. The officers including the president who was elected by the county were installed by Mr. Reeser. Prof. Charie Gentzler, president, expressed thanks to the societies, to the Rev.

Mr. Little and his church council for giving their time of church services to the societies fer their program. The meeting closed with singing, Take The Name of Jesus With You. congregation: benediction. the Rev.

Mr. Little; orchestra selection, Friendship. Services Announced Lutheran and Reformed church next Sunday at 10 a. m. There will not be any services at the Brethren church due to a Bible Institute in East Berlin by Dr.

R. W. Schlos-ser, president of Elizabethtown College, and Prof. Baugher, dean of the college. Union Christian Endeavor In Reformed church at 6:45 p.

m. Miss Velma Hykes will be the leader. Personal Mention E. C. Myers and Mrs.

Mary As-oer were Sunday visitors of the latters brother, John" Trimmer, Bowlders. Harry Miller, Lemoyne. brother cf Mrs. Jesse Albright, this place, who had been a patient in a hos-pitL for some time suffering from pneumonia, returned to his home on Sunday. Charles Staub and family spent Sunday with Mrs.

Staubs father, Abraham Altland. East Berlin. Mrs. Viola Ehrhart a practical nurse is employed In the home of Thomas Brenner, Hanover. Has Freak Chicken Egg Hykes had a chicken egg 8 by 7'4 Inches which contained a large yoke and white also a small egg with a perfectly formed shell wnMi also had a yolk and white.

Miss Charlotte Miller spent a few days with Carl Dean, Bowlder. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ruth and daughter, Lancaster, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Dale March. On Sunday the following other guests were entertained at dinner in honor of the birthday of Mrs. March's brother. Charles Haar New Oxford: Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Haar and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wclf, Abbottstown. Erecting Garage Here J. R.

Starry ia building a garage I back of his property on Center square. He made a business trip to Baltimore on Saturday. His dauth-ter; Mrs. J. J.

Linker, returned with him for the week-end. Some time ago while the Starry's were In Baltimore a flock of wild geese were stranded on lake Montobella. One of the flock flewr between the fence and the garage on the Star- I ry lot and could not get out. They took it with them to Hampton and have it in an out building. The goose is i-i perfect condition.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leese entertained their daughter Mrs. Morr is Zinn and husband and son 1 Charles at supper on Sunday In BumsteadsWormSynip 1 To tUMno aa usd of mm dlieetions mie followed, IT KEVIB FAUdL Despite scarcity sad cnomioos ed of SAXTONCt, It contains foil dtsa Stsod 10 yrs. teat.

All Drnsylsts or by eiell, SOe bottle. Inolet on Bomstmde. t. C. A.

Voortwco, M- Phllsdclphm THAT BETTER The Conquest of Mexico, Allen Kiser; yodeling solo, Carroll Hetrick; reading. Arlene Snyder; song, On Mountain Heights," Junior girls; original short story, Cleason Hamm-? journal, Luetta Bowman: song, Do Your Best; critics report, Wocdrow Snyder; announcements. Association At Meet The Parent-Teaciie. Association of Baltzley's school, Miss Romaine Rev. Howard Koons.

pastor. Trin-Luckenbaugh teacher, held tneir jty, Cashtown Sundav school at fl monthly meeting, Thursday even- unaay 80(1001 at 8 ing, when a Washington's program a' followed by worship with ser-was rendered which was as follows: at 10 a. St. John's, Mekong, America; scripture read-1 Knightstown, Sunday school at 1 mS Wohn's IT? tlon, "The Flag, Dorothy Craig- 2 p' st- John s- Fairfield, Sun-recitation, I Cannot Be Like day school at 9 a. m.

and worship Hundreds Of Pennsylvanians Are Investors in UNITED TELEPHONE ELECTRIC CO. County Tribe Will Hold Session In Biglerville Saturday Evening Program Is Announced FAIRFIELD. At a recent meeting of the committee, plans for the county-wide meeting of the Adams County Lone Scout Tribe were announced. The meeting will be held at Biglerville in the Community builtmg, Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Following is a brief outline of the program.

From 7.30 to 7.45. the Biglerville High school orchestra will rentier several selections. Following this assembly will be blown by the tube bugler, William Stoops, the Scout Oath and Laws will be led by a scout, the crowd will sing the i first verse of America ana the scoutmaster will make a brief 1 speech of welcome and Introduction. From 8 to 810 a knot tying demonstration will be conducted by the Biglerville Lone Scouts. Immediately sifter this uhe same group will show the audience the art of signaling.

After these acts are finished some out-of-town scouts will put on a humorous stunt A first aid demonstration will be given by the lone scouts from Fairfieid and Knoxlyn. They will also demonstrate tin can cookery. These demonstrations will be conducted from 8 to 9 p. m. At 9 o'clock the orchestra will play a selection, followed by an inspirational talk by Field Executive Thomas B.

Mac-Auley. He will also lead the scouts' benediction, and at 9.10 the bugler will sound Taps to conclude the meeting. This meeting is to be a public event, and all persons who are Interested in the welfare of scouting are cordially invited to attend. It is being held in connection with the twenty-second anniversary week of the Boy Scouts of America. The committee in charge of the meeting is made up of F.ederick Tyson, chairman; Henry Sternat, Leo Fitzpatrick, Clyde Sowers and Charles Lott.

The regular meeting of the Fair-field Patrols well be held in the patrol den this evening at 7.15 o'clock. A1EAD0W VIEW MEADOW VIEW. A quilting party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bixler, Wednesday afternoon.

Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Reese, near Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. F.ed Florstead, Mr and Mrs.

Michael Trone, Mrs. Edward Zepp and Mrs. Harry Luckenbaugh, all of this place. The ladies assisted Mrs. Bixler in quilting while games were enjoyed by the men.

A luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Topper, Mr. and Mrs.

Cyrus Leese, Hanover, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolden, this place, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mis. Jacob Hilbert.

Hanover, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Luckenbaugh, son Melvin, this place; Mr. and Mrs.

George Moul, Blooming Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Luckenbaugh, Marburg, and Claire Luckenbaugh spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, York New Salem.

Week-end guests at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Noble were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Noble, Cross Keys; Robert Noble, son Burnell, Hanover, and Mr.

and Mrs. Milton Garrett, Liberty Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Becker, this place, entertained the following guests over the week-end: Mr.

and Mrs. Elwood Becker, daughter Dorothy, Fairview; Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Waltersdcrff, this place; Mr. and Mrs.

Ervin Becker, daughter Oneida, Marburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Becker, this place. Mrs. Fred Florstead, this place, visited frienric 'wlT I Sunday at Thunnont- Md Mr.

V'nrt Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Leese, motored to Melrose, Sunday, where they visited the home of Mr. and Mrs.

William Crumrine. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Gobrecht, Little Conewago, were; Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Rudisill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Grabill and family, Blooming Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dubs, Parkville; Mr.

end Mrs. Jacob Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Emory Boyer and family, Doris Markle, Grace and Pauline Bankert, Mary and Beulah Wetzel, Dennis Markle, William Kinneman, Levere Shue and Woodrow WetzeL near here. Michael Trone, this place, was the guest of Charles Hoffman near Krentlers, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lippy, daughter Helen, Miss Mary Lippy and Harold Birgensmith, Hobart, were Friday evening visitors at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. George Saltzglvei. Chief Joseph Strongwolf delivered an address at Myers school, Friday morning. Mrs. George Richard, Mr' and Mra- Jhn Grogg, Melrose, spent Monday evening at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Holden. rs- John Reese, sen John, and Mrs. Amanda Reese. Hanover; Mr.

and Mrs. Clinton Zepp, sons Clinton, Jr, and Little Conewago, and Roland Bankert, Fairview, were entertaln-d atUl home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zepp, Sunday. Mrs George Moul, Blooming Grove, spent some time Z01? u0f Mr- and Mrs.

SSJf? kwbaU8h other visitors 188 Margaret Luckenbaugh. Lplacei. W1111am Alban, Hamp-Jld Melvin Luckenbaugh, SiZ lZn 0" E0m jp home of Mr. and Mrs Reverdy pandparents Mr. and Mrs.

Nel-sen Bish, Fairview. Mra Oeore Saltzgiver, and family were entertained at the home of Harry E. Saltzgiver, Fairview, Sunday evening. Miss Margaret Luckenbaugh, this hliam Alban, Hampstead, aod Mr- anl Mrs. Raymond Bankert.

children Ervin, George and Evelyn, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Luck-enbaugh, Marburg, Sunday even ing. Mr Mrs. Fred Flostrad wers supper guests Sunday at the home ft Mr8' harry Moesslrgcr, Washington," Margaret Freed; Biography of George Washing-ton Dorothy Williams; recitation, Little George Washington, Elvin Bailey; essay, George Washington, The Father of Our Country, Elsie Myers; musical selection.

Stick's orchestra; dialogue, "George Washington's Birthday; motion song. How Betsy Made The Flag, small girls; play, George Washington and the Indians; address, Proi. Amos J. Krebs; selection by orchestra; closing song, America The Beautiful. Class Meeting Held The Earnest Workers Sunday school class of Stone church rendered the following program, Sunday evening at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. H. M. Grote: Songs America and "Battle Hymn ct The responsive readings; song. Onward Christian Soldiers; scripture readings; prayer, Mrs.

T. with and m. and Dickie and at Kuhn. Preferred SecurlUea W. H.

Luckenbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bortner, Mrs. Luther Rmehart.

Glen Rock, and Mrs. George Krebs and Norman Krebs, this place, assisted Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Krebs, near Glen Rock In butchering, The Mens Bible class of Stone church, Sunday school, taught by Smith, met at the church. Sunday evening for their first mon thly meeting.

A large number or the members were present. The class decided to hold eights in excess of $750. Plan Valentine Party The eighth grade of the Consolidated school has Invited members of the seventh grade to a Valentine party to be held at the school this evening. Services Announced Cashtown Reformed charge, the sermon at 7 p. m.

Flohr's Lutheran church announces Sunday school at 1 p. m. worehip with sermon at 2 p. Personal Mention Mrs. Margaret Cremer and Charles Cremer, Hanover, visited Mr.

Mrs. W. R. Rebert, Friday. Mrs.

Helen Hartman and sons and Ja7, Harrisburg, visited relatives here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Slaybaugh children spent Tuesday evening the home of Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harmon announce the birth of a son Wednes- Sara Hare, Mummasburg, spent time here last week visiting her sister, Grace Hare.

and will be away for several weeks. They will spend some time at Vero Beach with Mrs. Sowers niece, Mrs. Mary Jones. Mrs.

Hettie Linn was a week-end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rebert Mr.

and Mrs. LeRoy Hartman, Shepherdstown, W. spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hartman.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Miller, Gettysburg, spent several days last week with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Dale Bream. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lotts, Reading, visited Mrs.

Lotts parents, Mr. and and Mrs. Robert Rebert, over the week-end. Mrs. Clarence Andrew and Mrs.

James Andrew are confined to bed by Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bittlnger, York, visited relatives here last week. Mary Bream, Robert Sharrah and Lee Hartman spent the week-end at their homes.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dougal and children Reginald and Dolores. Chambersburg. were week-end guests at the home of Mr.

and Mre. Bright Cook. No More Gas In Stomach and Bowels If you wish to be permanently relieved of gas in stomach and bowels take Baalmann'a Gas Tablets, which are prepared especially for stomach gas and all the bad effects resulting from gas pressure. That empty, gnawing feeling at PJ the stomach will disappear; that anxious, nervous feeling with heart palpitation will vanish, and you will again be able to take a deep breath without discomfort. That drowsy, sleepy feeling after dinner will be replaced by a desire for entertainment.

Bloating will cease. Your limbs, arms and fingers will no longer feel cold and go to sleep because Baalmanns Oaa Tablets prevent gas from Interfering with the circulation. Get the genuine. In the yellow package, at any good drug store. Price Always on hand at BAUGHMANS DRUG STORE Associated Press Pbote Bishop John Mi tty (above) of Sait Lake City, Utah, has been honored by Pops Pius by appointment as titular archbishop of Egina, a Greek Island, and as coadjutor to Archbishop Edward Hanna of San Francisco.

Robert and John, Hanover, are spending several days at the home of Mrs. Hilliard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Martin.

John Berkheimer, near Dubs church, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Noel, Thursday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul J. Baumgardner, daughter Mary Jane, this place, visited at the home of Mrs. Jacob Baumgardner, near Dubs church, Sunday. Other visitors at the Baumgardner home were Mr.

and Mrs. Veritas Forry, son George, near Fairview Grove; Charles Wildasin, near Marburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Baumgardner, this place.

Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wentz were; Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Becker, son Edward.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wentz, daughter Helen, Hanover, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy D.

sniffle sons John, Raymond and Robert, near here. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Renaut, son Myrl, daughter Mary Helen, spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

John Reichart, Pleasant Hill. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Baumgardner were: Mr.

and Mrs. Paul H. Luck-enbaugh, Dallastown; Levere Glatfelter, Sunnyside Station, and Mrs. Charles Riley, son Curvin, and Richard Martin, this place. Raymond Stiffer and Levere Glatfelter, Sunnyside Station, were Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. William Noel. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.

Martin were: Mrs. Charles Hilliard, sons Robert and John. Paul star-ner and Henry Martin. Hanover; Mr. and Mrs.

Wiley Mumment, children Meriam and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wildasin, son Nevin and Mr. and Mrs. Paul J.

Baumgardner. daughter Mary Jane, and David Reichart and son Paul. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowman, daughter Gladys, Brookdale, spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. John Hahn. Earnest Jackson, near here, and Woodrow Berkheimer, near Dubs church, visited Mr. and Mrs William F. Noel, Sunday.

Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Stuffle were Mr. and Mrs.

John Wentz, sons David and Burnell, this place; Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Becker, son Edward, Hanover, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sandruck and son Wiiburt Pennville.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hahn, daughter Amy, and Mrs. Sarah Hahn spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

John Nace, Han over. Other visitors at the home were Mr. and Mrs. Rebert, Hanover. ORRTANNA ORRTANNA.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Moritz and Dwight Sites, Knoxlyn, spent Sundav with iela-tives on Orrtanna R. D. 1.

Mrs. Luther Wetzel held a quilt-ing party at her home on Route 1 cn Friday. Those present Mrs. Hettie Mickley. Mrs.

Mary Henry, Mrs. Elizabeth Lawyer, Mrs Howard Baum, Mrs. Clem Wolford, Mrs. Catharine Pepple, Mrs. Howard Baker.

Mrs. James Cargcs, CanelIa Cargcs and Nellie Eyler. Harmon Spence underwent treatment at the Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, last week. John Taylor and Miss Geraldine Baltzley spent the week-end in Xrk. Luther Wetzel spent Thursday afternoon with his mother, Mrs Annie Wetzel, Fairfield.

Mr. and Mrs. David Sendee. Big-lerville, visited Mrs. Sandoe's par-ents, Mr.

and Mrs. C. A. Nary Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Byron Cease and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Lock-baum, Route 1.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Shaffer, Mr.

and Mrs. Luther Shaffer and Mrs Luther Wetzel visited Sunday evening at the home of Oliver Mickley, Mt. Hope. GARDNERS GARDNERS. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank J. Turand. 135 South Front atreet. Harrisburg, entertained the following guests at The Mansion, Pine Grove Furnace, near here.

Saturday night: Mr. and Mrs. O. Ross Willis, Mr. end Mrs.

T. J. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Phillips, Dr.

W. P. Dally, Dr. and Mrs. Rese Beyrent, Mr.

and Mrs. Parr, Mr. and Mrs. R. H.

Fair lamb, Abraham Shelley, Mr. and Mrs. F. Leroy 8helley, Mr. and Sr RupP- Dr and Mrs.

D. B. Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Ross rTey, Mrs.

Charles Krout. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nubaker, Miss Bertha Messersmith, Miss Agnes Clove, Mr. and Mrs.

Benjamin Sellers, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Breckenrldge, Frank Stees.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denniny, Mr.

and Mrs. Ira Christman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turaw, Misses Blanche Fanus and Grace Trostel, and John Long and Ralph Carile, sitdayeSg. They have Invested In this utility company because they know It Is safe.

Diversified earning power and capable management assure prompt payment of dividends. The resale department Is always at your service. UnitedTelephoaeCompaoy HANOVER, PA. nyder: vocai 'duet, Dorothy Albright and Earl Grote, topic, I ReUgion of Lincoln, discussion Of i topic-Maurice Shaffer Tnd'T." Misf Em' Snyder; Beautiful Valley of i ma Swartz Monday morning on 1TH an 11 vanitn 11 .1 a fvln 4a Eden; Mrs. Salle Sowers and a motor trip to Florida PENNSYLVANIA HARD COAL LITTLE EFFORT MEANG GO R3UC Pfl COMFORT WHEN BURNING OUR recitation, Dorothy A1 bright; instrumental solo, Vergie Grote; business; scripture verses; song, Blest Be The Tie.

The nexs meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Luckenbaugh, March 6. Hold Birthday Dinner A birthday dinner was served at the home of J. S.

Bair, Sunday, when Mr. Bair celebrated his eighty-fifth birthday anniversary. Those present at the dinner were: J. S. Bair, Mr.

and Mrs. H. L. Bentzel, son Donald, Mr. and Mrs.

Oliver Helt, Manheim, Lancaster Mrs. A. H. Krout, York; J. W.

Bair, Hapover; Misses Henriet- ta Forney and Ruth Miller and Mrs. J. M. Cameron. Surprise Party Held A birthday surprise party was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs.

John Markle, for Mrs. Markle, Saturday. Those present' were: Mr. and Mrs. John Markle, children Myma, Mary, Betty Jane, Burnell and Henry, Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Smith, children Ima, Louise and Ralph and Whesley Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper. Mr.

and Mra. George Bange, children Anna, Frances, Margaret and George, and Floyd Warner. Briefs and Personals Mrs. Chester Wentz is confined to the house with a severe cola. sind Mrs.

Paul Swartz daughter Miriam, and Miss Iza Gardner, Hanover, and Mrs. Emeline Fissel were week-end visitors at the Wentz home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Bortner, Glen Rock, spent Wednesday wltn Mr.

and Mrs. Spencer S. Bortner. Mr. and Mrs.

Malden T. Miller, children Dorothy and Malden. Jr. motored to Long Level, Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. N. J. Doll visited Mr. and Mrs.

E. K. Newcomer, Jefferson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

George Krebs were entertained at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Washington Krebs, Jacobus. Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Melvin Doll and children, called on Mrs. Doll's father. Frank Spangler, Jefferson. Mrs.

Emanuel Fritz, Herbert ana Milton Fritz, Hanover, spent Saturday with the formers son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Shaffer. Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

George Bange were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Krout, 8prlng Grove; Dr, Edward Stick and Levi Warner, Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. John Poole and grandson, Llneboro, and Misses Myrna and Mary Markle and Cora Grote.

Mr. and Mrs. Wllford Barbehenn, sen Jack, spent Srndu In Yo.k. Mr. and Mrs.

Wllliani Rohibaugh, children, Romaine, Mary Jane, PUMPING STATION PUMPING STATION. The pupils of Myers school who had a perfect attendance during the month are: Mary Jane Baumgardner, Geneva Bixler, Gwendolyn Bix-ler, Margaret Buchen, Ruth Dus-man, Orville Bixler and Curvin Riley. On account of sickness during January the percentage dropped from 97 per cent to 91 per cent. Those who visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Martin Snyder, near Marburg, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Renaut, son Myrl, daughter Mary Helen, Brookdale, and Mr. and Mrs. John Reichart, son Sterling, Pleasant Hill.

Elwood Shue, Hanover, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Noel, Monday evening. Howard Fuhrman, Fuhrmans Mill, and John Wentz and son William attended a shooting match at Spring Grove, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley, son Curvin and Richard Martin, this place, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wildasin, son Nevln, near here, visited at the home of Mrs.

Rileys uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Staub, Hanover, Sunday. Rhoda Baumgardner and Richard Sterner, this place, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Strausbaugh, daughters Grace and Merlam, near Marburg, were Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry W. Sterner, Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wildasin, son Nevln, near here, and Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Riley, son Curvin, this place, were guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lory Wildasin, Grand Valley. Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Renaut, Son Myrl, daughter Mary Helen, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allison, new Marburg.

Rhoda Baumgardner and Richard Sterner spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller. near Sinshelm. Mrs.

Charles Hllilard, sons Ralph, READING SCIHIMIUCK CflDMIMNY Telephone 484 HANOVER, PA..

The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)


Where is the Hanover Evening Sun located? ›

The Evening Sun has Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. After several newsroom moves since its inception, the newsroom now calls its home on the first and second floors at 37 Broadway in Hanover. The building is the former Tanger Hardware building. The organization has 5 newsroom employees.

How do I contact Hanover Evening Sun customer service? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-888-256-0125 or chat online here.

Does Hanover, PA have a newspaper? ›

Newspaper The Evening Sun (Hanover, Pa.) 1915-Current.

Where is the path of totality in PA 2024? ›

The path of totality will cross the northwestern portion of the state, touching Erie, Crawford, Warren, and Mercer counties. Four state parks lie within the path of totality: Presque Isle State Park. Erie Bluffs State Park.

Where in PA to see the eclipse? ›

The City of Erie, PA is the only major city in Pennsylvania that is directly in the path of totality for the total solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024.

How do I cancel my evening sun subscription? ›

How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-888-256-0125.

How do you get in touch with the sun newspaper? ›

Advertising in The Sun - online or in the newspaper - is a great way to promote your business. You can also call the advertising department on 020 7782 7000 from the U.K.or on (+) 44 20 7782 7000 if you are calling from outside the U.K.

What is the phone number for the Baltimore Sun? ›

For other customer service issues, including questions about your subscription or delivery or website technical issues, call 443-692-9011. Our journalists live here, too, and welcome inquiries from students, educators, neighborhood groups and others interested in how our journalism comes together.

What is the most widely circulated newspaper in Pennsylvania? ›

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Western Pennsylvania's largest newspaper and the region's most visited website.

What is the main Philadelphia newspaper? ›

Home - About The Philadelphia Inquirer. For those with a stake in Philadelphia — people looking to thrive where they live, and those who want to keep their finger on the pulse of what makes Philly, Philly — The Philadelphia Inquirer is your essential source of information in the city and region.

What is the name of the Pittsburgh newspaper? ›

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Pittsburgh grocery store battles heat up as Wegmans signals arrival in Western Pa.

Where to see solar eclipse 2024? ›

An eclipse path sweeps across central Mexico, parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and southern Canada. During totality, you may view the Sun without proper eye protection, such as solar glasses.

What time is the eclipse in Philly tomorrow? ›

In Philadelphia, the moon will begin its path across the sun on Monday, April 8, 2024 at 2:08 p.m. and will move from south to west for nearly two-and-a-half hours, until 4:35 p.m. The mid-eclipse time — when the highest coverage will occur — will be at 3:23:42 p.m.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.