Gamme de Cafetières | Nespresso (2024)

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"; $(window).ready(function(){ setTimeout(function(){ var PLPtechnoMessage = $('.ProductListTechnologies'); $(PLPMessage).insertAfter(PLPtechnoMessage); $(PLPtechnoMessage[0]).addClass("BorderPad"); $('#po-title').text('Besoin d\'aide pour choisir votre future machine à café Nespresso ?');$(document).on('click', '.discover', function() {gtmDataObject.push({'event':'promoClick','eventRaisedBy': 'FreeHTML','currencyCode':'EUR', 'ecommerce':{ 'promoClick':{'promotions':[{'name':'BE_2021_MACHINES_SELECTOR_PLP','id':'BE_2021_MACHINES_SELECTOR_PLP','position':'Machines PLP' }]}}});}); }, 4000);});

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SUBSCRIPTION Machine for €29

Subscribe to the €35 monthly plan and get this machine for just €29*.

Learn more about Nespresso Subscription

€29+ €35.00 / month

Nespresso Easy

Subscribe to the €35 monthly plan and get this machine for just €29*.

Gamme de Cafetières | Nespresso (1)

Your €35 monthly payment is converted to Nespresso credit on your Account.

Gamme de Cafetières | Nespresso (2)

Buy coffee and accessories: You can spend your credit anytime on the full range of Nespresso coffee and accessories.

Gamme de Cafetières | Nespresso (3)

Unlimited deliveries: Free delivery as of €40 or 50 capsules. Never run out of your favorite coffee.

*12months subscription


Whether you cancel your subscription before the end of the 12-months period:

If you cancel your subscription on the first 14 days and returning the machine with the original packaging, the cancelation fee is waived. If you choose to cancel after that period, you will be charged a termination fee corresponding to the value of your machine. When you cancel your Nespresso subscription, your credit stays on your account for you to use when you like and will not expire up to 24 months after the credit creation.

More on subscriptions by Nespresso


', 'fr': '


{price}', 'nl': '


{price}', }, 'instead': {'en': '

instead of {price}

', 'fr': '

au lieu de {price}

', 'nl': '

in plaats van {price}

', }, 'instead-simple': {'en': 'instead of {price}', 'fr': 'au lieu de {price}', 'nl': 'in plaats van {price}', }, 'condition':{'en': 'when buying {capsules} {techno} capsules', 'fr': "à l'achat de {capsules} capsules {techno}", 'nl': 'bij aankoop van {capsules} {techno} capsules', }, 'popup-step':{'nl': 'Volgende stappen:', 'fr': 'Les prochaines étapes :', 'en': "Next steps:" }, 'popup-1':{'en': 'Add your machine to your basket', 'fr': 'Ajoutez votre machine à votre panier', 'nl': "Uw machine is toegevoegd aan uw winkelwagen", }, 'popup-2':{'en': 'Add {nb} {technology} capsules', 'fr': 'Ajoutez un minimum de {nb} capsules {technology} à votre panier', 'nl': 'Stop minimaal {nb} {technology}-capsules in uw winkelmandje.' }, 'popup-3':{'en': 'The discount will appear in your basket', 'fr': 'La réduction apparaîtra dans votre panier', 'nl': "Uw korting verschijnt in uw winkelmandje" }, 'popup-cta':{'en': 'Choose my capsules', 'fr': 'Choisir mes capsules', 'nl': 'Kies mijn capsules' }, 'popup-no-choice': {'en': "I don't want the offer", 'fr': "Je ne veux pas profiter de l'offre", 'nl': "Ik heb geen interesse in deze aanbieding" }, 'crossell-title': { 'en': 'Your machine has been added to your basket ', 'fr': 'Votre machine a été ajoutée à votre panier ', 'nl': 'Uw machine zijn toegevoegd aan uw winkelmandje' }, 'crossell-sentence': { 'en': 'Complete your experience with our pack', 'fr': 'Complétez votre expérience avec nos pack', 'nl': 'Maak uw beleving compleet met onze pakket' }, 'original-picto':'/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/14964920221726/OL-Coffee-400x400-min.png', 'vertuo-picto':'/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/14964591132702/VL-Coffee-400x400-min.png', 'see-more':{'fr':'Voir plus', 'en':'See more', 'nl':'Meer bekijken'}, 'title-stage-1':{ 'en': 'You are almost there', 'fr': 'Vous y êtes presque', 'nl': 'U bent er bijna'}, 'title-stage-2':{'fr':'Félicitations vous bénéficiez de notre offre machine !', 'en':'Congratulations! You are now eligible for our offer on machines', 'nl':'Gefeliciteerd! U maakt gebruik van onze aanbieding voor uw machine'}, 'title-stage-3':{'fr':'Félicitations vous bénéficiez de notre offre machine !', 'en':'Congratulations! You are now eligible for our offer on machines', 'nl':'Gefeliciteerd! U maakt gebruik van onze aanbieding voor uw machine'}, 'see-less':{'fr':'Voir moins', 'en':'See less', 'nl':'Minder bekijken'}, 'checkout-cta':{'fr':'Finaliser la commande', 'en':'Complete my order', 'nl':'Bestelling afronden'}, 'basket-cta':{'fr':'Poursuivre vos achats', 'en':'Continue shopping', 'nl':'Verder winkelen'}, 'or':{'fr':'OU', 'nl':'OF', 'en':'OU'}, } }; function updatePromotions(machineType, skus, promotionKey) { if (machineType && skus && promotionKey) { skus.forEach((sku) => { PromoConfig.promotions[sku] = promotionKey; }); } } function testTier(conditions, customer) { if (!conditions || conditions.length === 0) return true; if(!customer.clubStatus || !customer.clubStatus.tier) return false; return conditions.indexOf(customer.clubStatus.tier) > -1; } function testSegment(conditions, customer) { if (!conditions || conditions.length === 0) return true; if(!customer.selectionIDs) return false; return conditions.some(condition => customer.selectionIDs.includes(condition)); } function testYears(condition, customer) { return !condition || (customer.clubStatus && customer.clubStatus.membershipYears >= condition) } function executePromotions() { var type = window.location.href.indexOf('accessories') > -1 ? 'accessories' : window.location.href.indexOf('capsules') > -1 ? 'capsules' : 'machines'; var techno = window.location.href.indexOf('vertuo') > -1 ? 'vertuo' : window.location.href.indexOf('pro') > -1 ? 'pro' : 'original'; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { const sortedOffers = Object.entries(PromoConfig.offers) .filter(([key, offer]) => .map(([key, offer]) => ({ key, offer })) .sort((a, b) => b.offer.priority - a.offer.priority); const url = window.location.href; customerNotLogged = false; window.napi.customer().read().catch(function (e) { if (e == 'customer not logged') { customerNotLogged = true; } }).then(function (customer) { try { for (const { key, offer } of sortedOffers) { if( == false) continue; if(offer.plp.indexOf(type) == -1) continue; if(offer.techno && offer.techno != '' && offer.techno != techno) continue; //IF NO CONDITION OR IF YES, WE TEST IT if ( (!offer.tiers && !offer.selId && !offer.membershipYears) || (!customerNotLogged && testYears(offer.membershipYears, customer) && testTier(offer.tiers, customer) && testSegment(offer.selId, customer) )) { updatePromotions(true, offer.machines, key); } } } catch (error) { console.log('customer not logged in or without orders'); } resolve(); }); }); } ` } else { return `

Gamme de Cafetières | Nespresso (4)

${popupContent['title-stage-'+stage] ? popupContent['title-stage-'+stage][this.lang] : this.promoConfig.copy['title-stage-'+stage][this.lang]}

${popupContent['subtitle-stage-'+stage] ? popupContent['subtitle-stage-'+stage][this.lang] : ''}


  • ${this.promoConfig.copy['popup-1'][this.lang]}

  • ${this.promoConfig.copy['popup-2'][this.lang].replace('{nb}', offerConfig.capsules).replace('{technology}', offerConfig.techno)}

  • ${popupContent['popup-3'] ? popupContent['popup-3'][this.lang] : this.promoConfig.copy['popup-3'][this.lang]}


` } }, generateDefaultPopupHtml: function(popupContent, offerConfig, stage) { const html = `

${stage == 1 ? ` ${this.promoConfig.copy['popup-cta'][this.lang]}

` : `${this.promoConfig.copy['basket-cta'][this.lang]}${this.promoConfig.copy['checkout-cta'][this.lang]}` }

${stage == 1 ? `


` : ''}

`; return [this.generatePopupHtml(popupContent, offerConfig, stage, html), 1]; }, generateCrossSellsHtml: async function(popupContent, offerConfig, stage) { var crossSellsHtml = [] if(stage == 1 || stage == 3) { for (const machine of popupContent.crossells) { const product = await fetchProductDetails(machine.productId); if (product.inStock == false) { break; } const machineCardHtml = this.generateMachineCardHtml(machine, product, offerConfig); crossSellsHtml.push(machineCardHtml); } } if(crossSellsHtml.length == 0) { return this.generateDefaultPopupHtml(popupContent, offerConfig, stage); } const html = `

${crossSellsHtml.join('')} ${stage != 3 ? `


Gamme de Cafetières | Nespresso (5)

${this.promoConfig.copy['other-capsules-top'][this.lang].replace('{technology}', offerConfig.techno)}



`; return [this.generatePopupHtml(popupContent, offerConfig, stage, html), 2]; }, generateMachineCardHtml: function(machine, product, offerConfig, stage) { return `

Gamme de Cafetières | Nespresso (6)

${ ? `

${[this.lang]} ${[this.lang]}

` : ''}

${machine.title ? machine.title[this.lang] : }

${ machine.description ? `


` : ''}

${machine.promoPrice ? `

${this.promoConfig.copy['instead-simple'][this.lang].replace('{price}', this.getFormattedPrice(machine.price ? machine.price : product.price))}

` : `

${this.getFormattedPrice(machine.price ? machine.price : product.price )}




`; }, renderPopup: function(htmlContent, isPopupOpen) { if(!isPopupOpen) $("body").append($("#popin-machineOfferTemplate").html()); $('#popin-machineOffer').html(htmlContent); if(!isPopupOpen) $("#trigger-popin-machineOffer").click(); }, createAddToBagBtn: function (addToBag) { const sku = addToBag.innerHTML; addToBag.innerHTML = ""; const buttonSize = window.innerWidth < 780 ? 'small' : 'large'; const dataSales = addToBag.getAttribute("data-sales") || "0"; const button = document.createElement("div"); const buttonId = `dp_caps_BTN_${sku}`; addToBag.appendChild(document.createElement('div')).id = buttonId; window.napi .getConfig() .then(function () { window.ui = window.ui || []; window.ui.push({ id: buttonId, module: "AddToBagButton", configuration: { props: { productId: sku, buttonSize: buttonSize, dataSales: dataSales }, }, ecommerceData: { activated: true, }, }); }) .catch(function () {}); }, insertPDP: async function (sku) { const that = this; if(that.hasPromotion(sku)) { const offer = this.getOfferData(sku) const price = offer.price && offer.price > 0 ? offer.price : await this.getAPIPrice(sku); if(price <= 0) return; this.applyPromotion(sku, offer, $(this.pageInfo.blockSelector), price, == 'old_pdp' ? 'ProductDetails__price' : ''); } if(that.hasMessage(sku)) this.insertMessage($(this.pageInfo.blockSelector), that.getGiftsData(sku)); }, insertPLP: async function (promotions = this.promoConfig.promotions, gifts = this.promoConfig.giftsOffers) { for (const sku in promotions) { const offer = this.getOfferData(sku) if (!offer) { console.log(`Offer ${offerName} for sku ${sku} not found`); return; } const machine = $(this.getSelector(sku)) if(machine.length == 0) { console.log(sku + promotions[sku] + ' no match'); continue; } if( != 'plp-old') var data = JSON.parse(machine.attr('data')); else var data = {'rawPrice': await this.getAPIPrice(sku)} if(this.type == 'capsules') var price = offer.price && offer.price > 0 ? parseFloat(offer.price) : parseFloat(data['rawPrice'] / data['sales_multiple']); else var price = offer.price && offer.price > 0 ? parseFloat(offer.price) : parseFloat(data['rawPrice']); this.applyPromotion(sku, offer, machine, price); } for (const sku in gifts) { const machine = $(this.getSelector(sku)); if(machine.length == 0) { console.log(sku + ' no match'); continue; } this.insertMessage(machine, this.getGiftsData(sku)); } }, getAPIPrice: async function(sku) { const product = await napi.catalog().getProduct(sku) return product.price }, applyPromotion: function (sku, offerConfig, element, price, classe='') { const newPrice = this.calculatePrice(price, offerConfig); this.insertPrice(element, price, newPrice, offerConfig, classe); if (offerConfig.copy && offerConfig.copy[this.lang]['label']) { this.insertLabel(element, offerConfig); } }, calculatePrice: function (price, promotion) { if (promotion.promoprice) return promotion.promoprice if (promotion.type === 'reduction') { return price - promotion.amount; } else if (promotion.type === 'percentage') { return price * (1 - promotion.amount / 100); } }, insertPrice: function (machine, price, newPrice, offer, classe) { if( != 'plp-old') var priceBlock = $(machine).find(this.pageInfo.priceSelector).parent(); else var priceBlock = $(machine).find(this.pageInfo.priceSelector); priceBlock.addClass('dp-promo') let html = '' if(offer.amount > 0) { if (offer.capsules) { html += `

${this.promoConfig.copy['condition'][this.lang].replace('{techno}', offer.techno.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + offer.techno.slice(1)).replace('{capsules}', offer.capsules)}

`; } html += `


`; } else { html += `


`; } if (offer.copy) { if(offer.amount > 0) { instead = offer.or ? 'or-instead' : 'instead'; html += `${this.promoConfig.copy[instead][this.lang].replace('{price}', this.getFormattedPrice(price))}`; } if (offer.copy[this.lang].giftCopy) html += `


`; } priceBlock.html(html); }, insertLabel: function (machine, offer) { labelInfo = this.labelConfig[] if ($(machine).find('nb-card-labels').length == 0) { $(machine).find(labelInfo.containerSelector)[labelInfo.position]('') } if (!$(machine).find('nb-card-labels').hasClass('label-applied')) $(machine).find('nb-card-labels').append('' + offer.copy[this.lang].label + '' + offer.label + '').addClass('label-applied').addClass('direction-column').removeClass('direction-row') }, insertMessage: function (machine, offer) { giftInfo = this.giftConfig[] gift =[offer] if ($(machine).find('.giftMessage').length == 0) $(machine).find(giftInfo.containerSelector)[giftInfo.position]('

' + gift[this.lang] + '

') }, getFormattedPrice: function (price) { const t = Math.round(100 * price) / 100, n = this.lang; if (t == 0) return; return "en" == n || "nl" == n ? "€" + t.toFixed(2).toString() : t.toFixed(2).toString().replace(".", ",") + " €"; }, retrieveCartItems: function(sku, offerConfig, isPopupOpen) { var that = this; var technology = offerConfig.techno; var nbcapsules = 0; window.napi .cart() .read() .then( function (cartList) { Promise.all( cartList .map(function (item) { return window.napi.catalog() .getProduct(item.productId) .then( function (product) { return that.checkProduct(product, item, technology) } ) }) ) .then(function (results) { (value) { that.capsules += value; }); capsules = results.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, 0); that.displayPopup(sku, offerConfig, capsules, isPopupOpen) }); } ); }, checkProduct: function(product, cartData, technology) { if(product.modelType == "Capsule" && product.rootCategory == "capsules_"+technology && cartData.unitPrice != 0) return cartData.quantity * product.unitQuantity; else return 0; } }; executePromotions().then(function() { PromotionsTrigger.init(, event.detail.sku, event.detail.techno, PromoConfig); }); }); $(document).on('click', '.popin-page .see-more', function() { $('.popin-page .see-more').hide(); $('.popin-page .see-less').show(); $('.popin-page .pack-content').show(); }); $(document).on('click', '.popin-page .see-less', function() { $('.popin-page .see-more').show(); $('.popin-page .see-less').hide(); $('.popin-page .pack-content').hide(); }); $(document).on('click', '#nssubscription-subscription', function() { $('body').addClass('subscriptionSelected') }); $(document).on('click', '#nssubscription-default', function() { $('body').removeClass('subscriptionSelected') });
'; $(".Header__top .Header__customer").append(n); } button__observer.observe(document.body, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 });'); if ($(".newVersion").length == 0) $(".BenefitMessage").addClass("normalVersion").after(''); $(".custom-gift").remove(); if (this.hasMachine && this.hideForMachine == true) { $(".normalVersion").show(); $(".newVersion").hide(); } else { const targetReached = this.capsules >=; gift = this.findGift(); $(".normalVersion").hide(); const updatedContent = this.generateHtml(gift); if (!!updatedContent) { $(".newVersion").html(updatedContent); } $(".newVersion").show(); targetReached && $(".newVersion .promoText").append( '" + this.copy[this.lang]["cta"] + "" ); } }; this.findGift = function () { return sessionStorage.getItem("dp-CYG-promoCode"); }; this.generateHtml = function (gift) { const targetReached = this.capsules >=; const progress = (this.capsules / * 100; const capsLeft = - this.capsules; let progressContent = ""; if (!targetReached) { const copy = this.copy[this.lang]["progress"]; copyGift = copy.replace("{{XX}}", capsLeft); progressContent = `


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Gamme de Cafetières | Nespresso (7)

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Gamme de Cafetières | Nespresso (2024)


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Article information

Author: Tuan Roob DDS

Last Updated:

Views: 5813

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.